Adani unveils South Asia's largest ammunition and missiles complex in Kanpur, to add 4,000 jobs

It seems to me all you said is your observation of the situations and not necessarily the truth.
What have you to say that is any different? It is your observations that you oppose to mine.
When you make such assertations as you are making in this post, aka people of certain political affiliations getting all the jobs, you better please provide sources and data (unbiased) to back it up.
That is a ridiculous proposition and you know it. In every single case, commencing with crony capitalism at the job creation stage, and proceeding to situating industries in parts of the country that vote for a faction, every single observer can see the interplay of voting patterns and favours done, and you have the temerity to ask for a personal profile of all job candidates and accepted workers?

Unverified assertations such as these are beneath any mod on any self respecting forum.
How do you verify the amounts extorted by the government that you seem to favour so greatly before independent observers made the connections? How do you expect those connections except by a laborious census operation on the spot?
Will you next ask for proof that major sports bodies are sought to be controlled by the same political faction?

In short, where the evidence is clear and tangible, you turn your gaze away, where it is not established plainly, you stand tall and deny any wrong-doing.

Your opinion is not a valid reason to mock 4000 people who have no affiliation to this project other than seeking a job.
That is your opinion, that there is no affiliation. How is your opinion more valid than anyone else's? Do you have proof that there is no affiliation? Have you personally gone down and checked? Or do you have recorded published proof that it is not so?

How silly can you get?
And your explanation is even more unbecoming. If you can provide sources and back up your observations and assertations i will more than happily retract my statements.
You may find my explanation anything at all. Beauty, after all, lies in the eyes of the beholder, and for people who are called andh bhakts, the description itself gives the observer a clue as to what they perceive, and its close match with what they wish to perceive.

Please provide sources that back up your denial thqt these jobs are to be given to the politically favoured, who have been voting for the political faction in question.

You are, of course, free to retract your statements at any time. The point is, unlike the situation on the ground, you are free, here, to make those statements. Others, in real life, are not.
UP, MP are known for ammo manufacturing and supply depots from OFB itself. Stuff like ammo manufacturing along the expressway/DFC in north/northwest India helps during wars on the land borders in terms of logistics.
The same OFB that supplied the allied war effort is now displaced in favour of those who are tarred with a saffron brush.
The same OFB that supplied the allied war effort is now displaced in favour of those who are tarred with a saffron brush.
These additional capacities matter in times of war especially when OFB, Adani, Solar Industries and Kalyani all 3 hum to keep continuous supplies.
These additional capacities matter in times of war especially when OFB, Adani, Solar Industries and Kalyani all 3 hum to keep continuous supplies.
Do yourself a favour.
Do your homework.
Find out the volumes that were achieved, and check whether any imaginable increase is needed in capacity.
Do yourself a favour.
Do your homework.
Find out the volumes that were achieved, and check whether any imaginable increase is needed in capacity.
When the Kargil war came, GOI asked Baba Kalyani to supply artillery shell casings on emergency basis. Bharat Forge built a artillery shell production line at the peak of Kargil war upon request of Indian govt.
When the Kargil war came, GOI asked Baba Kalyani to supply artillery shell casings on emergency basis. Bharat Forge built a artillery shell production line at the peak of Kargil war upon request of Indian govt.
What is your point?
To take my answer one step further, which government do you mean? It is not a unitary government; there is one government at the centre, and it is in no way responsible for these possible benefits. There are other specific state governments, for instance, the State Government of Gujarat, the UP, MP, Rajasthan, Chhatisgarh, Assam and Goa. There are several others where they are partners; Maharashtra and Bihar, for instance.

So which government are you referring to? The Central Government that bends over backwards to deprive educated and needy Indian citizens of job opportunities, and makes things easy for BJP ruled states and their citizens, specifically, those who have voted for them? Or the state governments that have battened off the earnings of more developed states and still achieved nothing?
Now you are beating around the bush, what does it matter if i am talking central gov or state, you obviously have a problem with the gov in center or any of the states you mentioned. Any development in those states is a problem for you and you spin it as a hindutva agenda (lets accept what is the root of your issue here - BJP led governments), if there is no development project then thats another problem for you.
And you still have not provided any sources to back up your claims.
What have you to say that is any different? It is your observations that you oppose to mine.

That is a ridiculous proposition and you know it. In every single case, commencing with crony capitalism at the job creation stage, and proceeding to situating industries in parts of the country that vote for a faction, every single observer can see the interplay of voting patterns and favours done, and you have the temerity to ask for a personal profile of all job candidates and accepted workers?

How do you verify the amounts extorted by the government that you seem to favour so greatly before independent observers made the connections? How do you expect those connections except by a laborious census operation on the spot?
Will you next ask for proof that major sports bodies are sought to be controlled by the same political faction?

In short, where the evidence is clear and tangible, you turn your gaze away, where it is not established plainly, you stand tall and deny any wrong-doing.

That is your opinion, that there is no affiliation. How is your opinion more valid than anyone else's? Do you have proof that there is no affiliation? Have you personally gone down and checked? Or do you have recorded published proof that it is not so?

How silly can you get?

You may find my explanation anything at all. Beauty, after all, lies in the eyes of the beholder, and for people who are called andh bhakts, the description itself gives the observer a clue as to what they perceive, and its close match with what they wish to perceive.

Please provide sources that back up your denial thqt these jobs are to be given to the politically favoured, who have been voting for the political faction in question.

You are, of course, free to retract your statements at any time. The point is, unlike the situation on the ground, you are free, here, to make those statements. Others, in real life, are not.
The burden of proof is not on me, its on you, you made the assertion and not me. I simply challenged your assertion and observation to back it up with sources and data. Instead you have given me harebrained explanations about how politics works. As if no previous non BJP government hasnt done this, or not doing it even now. Governments within the states you conviniently forgot to mention (because they arent BJP led) do the same thing, at a district level, they reward their winning constituencies first. I dont see you mocking the people employed in those projects. Why the hypocrisy? Have you objected why development is not even in other states? Have you questioned what happened in the past governments? Why single out a philosphy/idealogy/political movement on something that all political parties share equal blame?

I have no objections if you were to mock the BJP gov and its "cronies" based on their religious or social stances because they clash with yours. But when your own idealogy is on shaky grounds vis a vis the on going discussion, what right have you to mock the common man?
With these facilities getting online, we can now prepare ourselves for a protracted conlfict against both of our neighbours.
Agreed and remember India used 5 lacs plus artillery shells in kargil war that too in 1999.... those wrecked havoc on enemy positions on the hight..... now in 2024 our production capacity further increased and more private players are getting involved so during war time we can be assured of constant supplies of ammunition.....
Agreed and remember India used 5 lacs plus artillery shells in kargil war that too in 1999.... those wrecked havoc on enemy positions on the hight..... now in 2024 our production capacity further increased and more private players are getting involved so during war time we can be assured of constant supplies of ammunition.....
Apart from various types of ammunition, rockets and small arms, these facilities would be manufacturing Arty guns, PGMs, AShM and NG-ARMs. If push comes to shove, our forces can now give a punitive response to our adversaries.
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Agreed and remember India used 5 lacs plus artillery shells in kargil war that too in 1999.... those wrecked havoc on enemy positions on the hight..... now in 2024 our production capacity further increased and more private players are getting involved so during war time we can be assured of constant supplies of ammunition.....

Again, you miss the point.
The same OFB that has been hamstrung by the government that owns it had produced an enormous quantity of arms and ammunition during the Second World War. No facilities were different, and it fed a world-wide war, so information about the minor shooting during the Kargil skirmish is laughable.
All very basic equipment and govt of India will be buyer .

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