Adani unveils South Asia's largest ammunition and missiles complex in Kanpur, to add 4,000 jobs

Your indignation is misplaced, although the reasons are clear and reflect some credit on you. The connection seems obvious. If you disagree, that is all right.

These job opportunities are not open to all; as we have seen in every single case it is those who are in explicit and blatant political support of the government of the Sangh Parivar, not just the BJP, but the entire socio-political programme. They have nothing to gain from this project, but those who are sponsoring them do. Let us start from that.

My scepticism is about the attempt to drive a wedge between different Indian citizens, on the basis of their political affiliations. My contempt is specific to the people who actively push away those whose support they have not got.

So your question is - why malign those who are getting jobs out of this project?

Very simple, although clearly that connection is not one that you see. It is the blind faith in divisive politics displayed by those who vote for the Sangh Parivar - it is by their voting that these country-breakers have come to power, and been enabled to hand out special favours to followers of one brand of politics. That is not in any way good for the country. It is good only for a faction.
Source ; trust me !!
Indian Military Industrial Complex in making
Let's wait and see. So far that house has stood for manipulation and misinformation, and for acquisition of properties on coercion of the original promoters. It remains to be seen if this enterprise works.

Quite noticeably, the defence enterprises sought to be set up by the other favoured son, Anil Ambani, is unheard of any more.
All very basic equipment and govt of India will be buyer .
Of course.

This is part of the sell-off of public sector enterprises that this government has been noted for. The building up over 60+ years is now being sold, part by part.
Of course.

This is part of the sell-off of public sector enterprises that this government has been noted for. The building up over 60+ years is now being sold, part by part.
PSUs had done such a stellar job in serving the nation !! Shame on PNR and Manmohan singh who initiated their closure !!
Let's wait and see. So far that house has stood for manipulation and misinformation, and for acquisition of properties on coercion of the original promoters. It remains to be seen if this enterprise works.

Quite noticeably, the defence enterprises sought to be set up by the other favoured son, Anil Ambani, is unheard of any more.
Because Anil Ambani has failed.
Again, you miss the point.
The same OFB that has been hamstrung by the government that owns it had produced an enormous quantity of arms and ammunition during the Second World War. No facilities were different, and it fed a world-wide war, so information about the minor shooting during the Kargil skirmish is laughable.
Kargil war shooting minor??
If it doesn't qualify as a war then it doesn't qualify to be called as a skirmish as well.....

Just don't make a drama about it the way the Pakistanis are in a constant ferment about Swift Retort.

You don't seem to have a clue about the nature and scope of hostilities that have taken place historically. Once you decide to get into a defence forum, you need to know a little more.
By this logic all employees of a company must be the ideological followers of the founder !!
Is that why ex beneficiary of congress doles are getting heart burn !!
Your language gives you away.

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