Adjustments: Post Count, Reactions and Join Date

All profiles are updated above this message.

If anyone wants to match their profile with the old PDF, kindly request here with the link of their profile or the screenshot otherwise it will be almost impossible to match your profile when the old forum is deleted.

Please do not request elsewhere as it is difficult to keep record of everything
All records updated until this post

Anyone else?

From forum about to be closed.

Screenshot 2023-12-12 115722.png
Any way my account on old PDF can be deleted ? Didnt find a delete account option on old PDF.
If the forum is deleted, it will remove everything including your posts

ok - thanks - i hobbled my account by using a new "colourful" email address :) .. even though i use a burner email account anyway !
@Hyde Can you please change my username from Bengal1971 to Bengal71. I incorrectly took this username and can't change it now.

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