Adjustments: Post Count, Reactions and Join Date


I tried to join with my old forum name, but for some reason, was flagged as spam. Here is my old account:

Think Tank, TTA, Professionals anyone else

If your role, post count or title does not match with the PDF. Kindly report here so that we can fix it
Think Tank, TTA, Professionals anyone else

If your role, post count or title does not match with the PDF. Kindly report here so that we can fix it

Looking at rank Air Chief, my Posts/Scores numbers, Can be Think Tank, TTA or a Mod. Pls look into it.
Please adjust as per my profile below, thanks in advance.
Looking at rank Air Chief, my Posts/Scores numbers, Can be Think Tank, TTA or a Mod. Pls look into it.
I am sorry but I am mainly responsible for development part of the website so far. You should contact Waz and Amaa’n for consideration as they have handpicked everybody for Moderation role.

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