Afghanistan announces start of $10b TAPI gas pipeline project

  1. How is this $10 billion project being funded?
    Large-scale projects like this typically rely on a combination of funding sources, including multilateral institutions (such as the World Bank or Asian Development Bank), private sector investments, or financial support from the countries involved. Without clear details, it's difficult to identify the exact funding mechanism, but such projects often require a mix of public and private capital, especially in regions with complex geopolitical dynamics.
  2. Is the project economically viable without India's participation?
    India's participation is critical to the economic viability of such a project, especially in the energy sector. As one of the largest consumers of energy in the region, excluding India would significantly reduce the project's potential profitability and market reach. Without India, the project's costs and risks may outweigh its benefits, making it far less viable from an economic standpoint.
  3. Who in Pakistan or Afghanistan believes that India would be willing to hand over energy security leverage to authorities in Rawalpindi or Kabul?
    It is highly unlikely that Indian policymakers would agree to an arrangement where energy security is controlled by Pakistan or Afghanistan, given the historical tensions and security concerns in the region. Handing over such a crucial leverage point would be seen as a strategic vulnerability for India, especially with Pakistan's military establishment in Rawalpindi and the uncertain political situation in Afghanistan.
  4. Who believes that India would agree to a one-way energy transit deal with Pakistan without a reciprocal opening of other trade barriers?
    India has long been cautious about agreeing to any major transit agreements with Pakistan without broader trade concessions. A one-sided energy transit deal, where Pakistan benefits without reciprocating by opening up other trade channels, is unlikely to be acceptable to Indian negotiators. India's approach to regional cooperation tends to be comprehensive, seeking benefits across multiple sectors, not just energy.

Overall, this project seems more like a fantasy than a practical reality. Given the significant political, economic, and security challenges, the likelihood of it materializing in its current form is slim. It appears to be more of an idealistic vision than a realistic project that can be implemented under current regional circumstances.
If Iran sees any western or western affiliated middle eastern entity stake a claim on its eastern borders, the jahil lower caste talibunny is looking at starvation.

It’s just that simple!

Turkmenistan is dalit, so can’t do anything diddly on their own.

Not so simple the calculus
Mosqeen, Before Turkmenistan came to your lands, you were Dalit for real. Worshipping sculptures??? No? Am I inventing something?
By the way , besides you being Dalits for Turkmenistan, your Iranian owners were Dalits for them also.
You are 1m 59 cm , bare that in mind and, misqeen like you work in a call centre.
Is this clear to you or you need more clarification, misqeen?
Mosqeen, Before Turkmenistan came to your lands, you were Dalit for real. Worshipping sculptures??? No? Am I inventing something?
By the way , besides you being Dalits for Turkmenistan, your Iranian owners were Dalits for them also.
You are 1m 59 cm , bare that in mind and, misqeen like you work in a call centre.
Is this clear to you or you need more clarification, misqeen?
Go back to your cave Bosnian.
Go back to your cave Bosnian.
Can you point out, where exactly I wrote that it us not true???
Or , I will out of your sense of self righteousness, apologies and say what is true is a lie????
By the way , I know that you would play the " racist " card, of course that's all what you are concerned about. But , when this Misqeen is racist towards Turkmen , then it is OK,
What exactly, gives you right for that. Can you explain yourself?
Can you point out, where exactly I wrote that it us not true???
Or , I will out of your sense of self righteousness, apologies and say what is true is a lie????
By the way , I know that you would play the " racist " card, of course that's all what you are concerned about. But , when this Misqeen is racist towards Turkmen , then it is OK,
What exactly, gives you right for that. Can you explain yourself?
Just go and report him Bosnian, no need to go on a racist tirade.
Just go and report him Bosnian, no need to go on a racist tirade.
I am not a snitch, that is your nature, I don't cry. Mr Subject of British Empire.
You didn't tell me or you forgot to answer, what exactly I said that it is not true.
If you can't find it, then don't you think that you owe me an apology?
I am not a snitch, that is your nature, I don't cry. Mr Subject of British Empire.
You didn't tell me or you forgot to answer, what exactly I said that it is not true.
If you can't find it, then don't you think that you owe me an apology?
"Mr Subject of British Empire" lol.
I am a second generation Pakistani of Uzbek Origin. Your retarded racist tirade won't work against me, jog on and don't forget to take your pills.
Guess who is the investor in this project ? of the game.
"Mr Subject of British Empire" lol.
I am a second generation Pakistani of Uzbek Origin. Your retarded racist tirade won't work against me, jog on and don't forget to take your pills.
That is a statement, I don't see anything factual here nor do I see an apology.
Racism, I can see only from you towards other Pakistanis, you rushed to say, that you aren't like them . You are different and special, didn't you do it?
Take my pills? That is your answer?
You see this inconvenient thing happens to you because, you don't have sincerity. It is obvious, especially on Gaza thread, I wrote a few things there today, which explains what I am saying here.
That is a statement, I don't see anything factual here nor do I see an apology.
Racism, I can see only from you towards other Pakistanis, you rushed to say, that you aren't like them . You are different and special, didn't you do it?
Take my pills? That is your answer?
You see this inconvenient thing happens to you because, you don't have sincerity. It is obvious, especially on Gaza thread, I wrote a few things there today, which explains what I am saying here.
You write a lot and say nothing, interesting.
Iranian Gas is always a better option for us than imaginary projects like TAPI
You write a lot and say nothing,
I like this deflection, I want you to live in insecurity. I want you to live and think from cliche to the corny phrase and from that to a lingering doubt.
Because you lie to yourself 24/7 , I see you sometimes on Gaza forum, but it is not about them , it is about you. To me, you can't lie , but evidently you can to yourself.
This state of mind is prelevant among you guys.
Even this Misqeen , for whom you argue here is eclatant example of your absurdity.
He was in Japan or Iraq or he done that and this. When I was banned he talked about me like I am an Indian. He is like surrogate American black culture
Bhai, bro and all his specifically implemented surrogates. Gangsta man he's?
He is a little musqeen and to any normal person it is obvious.
You chose to talk on the behalf of such person???? Is that what really irks you???
Where do you think gas is coming from now?


There is no pipeline that I'm aware of in Pakistan. Pakistan gets LNG from the Gulf States, which is expensive, there is also the issue of scaling LNG facilities. LNG will never be cheaper than piped gas, so if a pipeline does come around, it will become the dominant source purely for economic reasons. But with it, it also brings issues as I mentioned above.
I like this deflection, I want you to live in insecurity. I want you to live and think from cliche to the corny phrase and from that to a lingering doubt.
Because you lie to yourself 24/7 , I see you sometimes on Gaza forum, but it is not about them , it is about you. To me, you can't lie , but evidently you can to yourself.
This state of mind is prelevant among you guys.
Even this Misqeen , for whom you argue here is eclatant example of your absurdity.
He was in Japan or Iraq or he done that and this. When I was banned he talked about me like I am an Indian. He is like surrogate American black culture
Bhai, bro and all his specifically implemented surrogates. Gangsta man he's?
He is a little musqeen and to any normal person it is obvious.
You chose to talk on the behalf of such person???? Is that what really irks you???
I have no idea what you are on about but I hope you get better soon.
"Mr Subject of British Empire" lol.
I am a second generation Pakistani of Uzbek Origin. Your retarded racist tirade won't work against me, jog on and don't forget to take your pills.
You must be very handsome , would you care to post your pic ?

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