Chinese Naval Platform & PLAN discussions

The cost of 055 is still high. 052D is cheaper to make for sure. 16 055 should be good enough for defending China in the next 10 years of so.
055 and Type 054B will eventually replace Type 052D and Type 054A
It is a BEAUTIFUL ship. :love:

Can I have one? :) I will use it to travel around the world and be a "good pirate" for 80 days. :)

These Chinese manufacturing standards have come a long way. It's probably one of the cleanest-cut ships I've seen.
HQ-10 的射程仅为 9 公里或 15 公里,而 H/PJ-11/11/30 毫米火炮的射程则不到 3 公里

射程不够远,无法发射足够的齐射来确保能够击落敌方导弹。HQ-16 不足以应对 15-50 公里范围内的威胁,因为这些导弹虽然可见,但无法有效拦截。
Improving the capabilities of the most numerous principal surface vessel of the PLAN, beyond its original design, will enable it to be able to deal with emerging threats; Faster and more Maneuverable challenges, when they are far enough away, so as to be destroyed in their subsonic phase.
That's a news article published in 2003. You're attacking the Chinese Navy with a news item from over 20 years ago?

Here you are folks the worlds blue water navies

I think there's about eight

And yes India is the ranking as blue water

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China has a navy that is equal of USA but lack the experience of war fighting

After World War II, the U.S. Navy only had real-world experience with Somali pirates.

In contrast, the Chinese Navy continued to engage in fleet-level combat with the Vietnamese Navy's destroyer fleet in the South China Sea until the 1990s.
Gulf war was the most impressive show of power projection by any nation ever.

To bring this sort of fire power by sea and air was impressive.

The demonstration of USA military might was awesome inspiring and shocking

No country has ever show cased this in last seventy years

After the Korean War, the U.S. has not been at war with any country above the top ten in terms of national power.

The U.S. defeated Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Grenada, Panama, Vietnam, and other small countries, and it was not much of a deterrent to powerful nations. Oh yeah, Vietnam was not defeated by the US.

PRC founding in 1949.
1949, China defeats British fleet (Amethyst Incident).
1950/1953, Korean War. China defeats the United Nations forces led by the United States, including the United States, Great Britain, France, South Korea, Canada, Australia, Turkey, and other countries.
1950/1954, Vietnam War of Independence, China assists the Vietnamese army in defeating France.
1962, India.
1967/1969, Sino-Soviet Border War.
1979/1992, China-Vietnam Border War.

China is not a country that bullies kindergarteners. All of China's opponents are military powers.
After the Korean War, the U.S. has not been at war with any country above the top ten in terms of national power.

The U.S. defeated Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Grenada, Panama, Vietnam, and other small countries, and it was not much of a deterrent to powerful nations. Oh yeah, Vietnam was not defeated by the US.

PRC founding in 1949.
1949, China defeats British fleet (Amethyst Incident).
1950/1953, Korean War. China defeats the United Nations forces led by the United States, including the United States, Great Britain, France, South Korea, Canada, Australia, Turkey, and other countries.
1950/1954, Vietnam War of Independence, China assists the Vietnamese army in defeating France.
1962, India.
1967/1969, Sino-Soviet Border War.
1979/1992, China-Vietnam Border War.

China is not a country that bullies kindergarteners. All of China's opponents are military powers.
In Korea war chinese were the cannon fodder of soviets !
In Korea war chinese were the cannon fodder of soviets !
No, not like you Indians in the 1962 war were the canon folders of US and UK. The US army were at the Chinese border in 1950.
In Korea war chinese were the cannon fodder of soviets !
Yes, from the Soviet point of view, we were indeed cannon fodder for the Soviets. But from our point of view, with or without the Soviets, this was a war we had to join.

Anyone who knows anything about the history of East Asia knows that any unified Chinese dynasty since ancient times would never have allowed hostile forces to exist in two locations, one in Vietnam and the other in Korea. For these are the only two avenues of attack on China by land (China is bounded by the ocean in the east, the Siberian ice sheet in the north, the great desert in the northwest, the highest plateau in the world in the southwest, and the virgin forests of Myitkyina in the south.). Since time immemorial, we would rather have wars with our enemies in Vietnam and Korea than on our soil.

Through this war, we have gotten more than enough spoils of war.

First, through the war, a large number of overseas Chinese saw the difference between the People's Republic of China and the previous Chinese government. A large number of top international scientists, including Qian Xuesen, returned to China from the West, and they led the research and development of China's nuclear weapons, intercontinental missiles, satellites, fighter jets, submarines, and other programs.

Second, the war showed the world the strength of China, which gradually became a leader in the Third World. The outcome of the war also gave China the capital to regain its permanent seat in the United Nations in 1971.

Third, the war allowed Stalin to see China's capabilities and value. Stalin began to give aid to China for basic heavy industry. As a result, China gained basic industry and began its evolution into a modern state. Eventually, through its superiority in industry, education, and infrastructure, it won the victory over India in 1979 and won the priority of international capital investment. It became the giant industrial power that it is now.

Now do you understand? Although India did not participate in the Korean War, it was India that was the biggest loser of the war.
The world does not have enough resources to industrialize two countries of one billion people. China's industrialization would inevitably lead to India lacking enough resources and channels to industrialize and would have to enter the service sector.1962 was actually Nehru's last gamble for India's future.
Nehru of course knew that it would be difficult for India to defeat the Chinese veterans who had just returned from the Korean War. But he had no other choice, China had already taken the lead in third world leadership, national industrialization and so on because of the Korean War.
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Yes, from the Soviet point of view, we were indeed cannon fodder for the Soviets. But from our point of view, with or without the Soviets, this was a war we had to join.

Anyone who knows anything about the history of East Asia knows that any unified Chinese dynasty since ancient times would never have allowed hostile forces to exist in two locations, one in Vietnam and the other in Korea. For these are the only two avenues of attack on China by land.

Through this war, we have gotten more than enough spoils of war.

First, through the war, a large number of overseas Chinese saw the difference between the People's Republic of China and the previous Chinese government. A large number of top international scientists, including Qian Xuesen, returned to China from the West, and they led the research and development of China's nuclear weapons, intercontinental missiles, satellites, fighter jets, submarines, and other programs.

Second, the war showed the world the strength of China, which gradually became a leader in the Third World. The outcome of the war also gave China the capital to regain its permanent seat in the United Nations in 1971.

Third, the war allowed Stalin to see China's capabilities and value. Stalin began to give aid to China for basic heavy industry. As a result, China gained basic industry and began its evolution into a modern state. Eventually, through its superiority in industry, education, and infrastructure, it won the victory over India in 1979 and won the priority of international capital investment. It became the giant industrial power that it is now.

Now do you understand? Although India did not participate in the Korean War, it was India that was the biggest loser of the war.
The world does not have enough resources to industrialize two countries of one billion people. China's industrialization would inevitably lead to India lacking enough resources and channels to industrialize and would have to enter the service sector.1962 was actually Nehru's last gamble for India's future.
Nehru of course knew that it would be difficult for India to defeat the Chinese veterans who had just returned from the Korean War. But he had no other choice, China had already taken the lead in third world leadership, national industrialization and so on because of the Korean War.
Now that's a excellent coping mechanism !!
How you guys justify and cope with the millions of death due to famines sponsored by the glorious leader. !

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