All China's fighter jets Will get Stealth coatings, undetectable to enemy radars

Don't know Alaska is in south China Sea

View attachment 60786
View attachment 60785

View attachment 60787
How many times you went to US coast of Alaska?
Don't know, must be a secret, but they do go everywhere, unlike what you claimed.
Lol you're just speculating baseless how your ships sail through undetected around the world of oceans from satellite and other advance systems, did you sailed in Atlantic ocean ? You're only capable in to go as far as Indian ocean And Pacific ocean

All China's fighter jets Will get Stealth coatings, undetectable to enemy radars​

Aug 23, 2024
Stealth coatings have been essential for fighter jets to minimize their detection, even if adversaries use multiple detection methods. However, producing stealth materials has never been cost-effective. Now, scientists in China have developed a method to produce these coatings at a low cost.
Posts like these remind of a past colleague from Anhui China, all these weapons only reminded him of a day, June 4th, that was the last time the PLA used its weapons of war, it probably will be using them again similarly, since PLAs loyalty is only to the CCP.
His words appear more poignant by the day.
Lol you're just speculating baseless how your ships sail through undetected around the world of oceans from satellite and other advance systems, did you sailed in Atlantic ocean ? You're only capable in to go as far as Indian ocean And Pacific ocean
China is the world biggest maritime country and Chinese ships go everywhere in the world , so does the Chinese navy, Chinese navy even has a base in Africa, it's peace time, do you think all ships sail for wars?
Posts like these remind of a past colleague from Anhui China, all these weapons only reminded him of a day, June 4th, that was the last time the PLA used its weapons of war
LOL, You guys use weapons domestically more often than China, you have various insurgency groups, but when it comes to weapon domestic consumption, no one can beat US, they shoot each other on the streets.
LOL, You guys use weapons domestically more often than China, you have various insurgency groups, but when it comes to weapon domestic consumption, no one can beat US, they shoot each other on the streets.
Key difference is, In America we have a right to shoot whoever, in China only CCP has a right to shoot it's citizens using its army😂

Imagine US 1st armored division rolling tanks down Pennsylvania avenue, yeah, never gonna happen.
Key difference is, In America we have a right to shoot whoever,
lol, hope you guys enjoy this "right", you desperate defence is hilarious.
Imagine US 1st armored division rolling tanks down Pennsylvania avenue, yeah, never gonna happen.
But you guys are the forefathers of doing such things

lol, hope you guys enjoy this "right", you desperate defence is hilarious.
Talking about rights, I am curious, can you type that date from your government pc?
Oh we are your forefathers at everything, from making opium slaves to apple slaves 😄
But you accuse China as if you guys had never done the same, that's very hypocritical, right?
Talking about rights, I am curious, can you type that date from your government pc?
Government PC? what do you know, do you mean the PC of yourself?
But you accuse China like you guys had never done the same, that's very hypocritical, right?
Chinaman talking about rights is hypocritical, now can you type the date and incident?
You attempted weasel out is very interesting now.
Chinaman talking about rights is hypocritical, now can you type the date and incident?
You attempted weasel out is very interesting now.
What, you mean June 4 incident in 1989, I can't type the date? what the hell is wrong with your brain?

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