America’s Pakistan war

Now this is next level treason

They also took iPhones as gifts from the Americans and on top of that
they have been buying equipment from Israel.

Can't make this shit up, these guys are open traitors.
When a institution whose sole purpose was to take on the mortal enemy , its cheif wants peace with the enemy at all cost, then the vary purpose and viability of that institution should come into question. Everything is build for a purpose, when its purpose its gone, it lose its right to exist. From Musharraf onwards, Army leadership is trying to redefine and move the goal post from India to western front and "enemies within", the "Islamic terrorism" (we all know whose line they are toeing), and now engulfed into a completely unnecessary feud with the biggest civilian political stakeholder of Pakistan . If there are no significant enemies within, they have to be created. Justification for right to exist has to be found, regardless how crude and pathetic it might be. Why that quid pro quo plus was not maintained with India at sub conventional level of warfare knowing fully well what was going on when India was using afghan territory to cause all the havoc, shouldnt leave anyone in doubt.
Which further enforces the idea that the actual conflict behind the scenes with India which was economic (not to compete but to hold your own) was realized as lost by these people and they saw their collapse as imminent.

Both right now and for the last so many years- the PA is best represented by this.
It is NOT a professional force anymore regardless of the majority of good dutiful people because of a successive cabal of mediocre self serving corporate hedge fund manager mentality leaders who press their own personal agenda and that of those abroad.

Doesn’t mean many politicians don’t fare any better, but that is their own fault for not letting the common masses pick up.

You cannot talk to “grassroots democracy “ and true change when you decide you are not part of it - this is also why IK failed because Hamid Mir’s book regardless of self aggrandizement does paint a picture of IK reinforced by his own former closest aids
You cannot deny the fact when you say it is ChatGP. You cannot deny the fact knowledge in it.
Now come the point Over the last 75 years, we have faced significant setbacks because the majority of our policymakers—perhaps 90%—think in ways that ignore the realities of modern geopolitical strategies. They often reflect the mentality of keeping one's head in the sand, much like a certain class within Pakistan. In today's world, powerful nations no longer need to directly invade or occupy countries to exploit their resources. Instead, they dominate by controlling a nation's economic structures, banking systems, and its leadership. They ensure that truly independent leaders never come to power, allowing modern forms of slavery to persist.

It is particularly difficult to invade a country like ours, with a population of 250 million and nuclear capabilities. Therefore, the more strategic method is to exert influence over a small group of people—perhaps 100 individuals—who hold control over the nation's decisions. This is how external powers manage to control countries indirectly, investing in key influencers rather than using military force.
I can definitely say its a pathetic article which cannot get even the spelling of SEATO right and copied it out of wikipedia.

But since you’re a 3 second tik tok fellow perhaps you did not read that I did not deny anything that you accuse me of denying.

Like a canine you’re just here to bark at every other car and repeat the same surface level PTI-supporter angst instead of actually reading into the crux and where the problem lies.
Which further enforces the idea that the actual conflict behind the scenes with India which was economic (not to compete but to hold your own) was realized as lost by these people and they saw their collapse as imminent.

Both right now and for the last so many years- the PA is best represented by this.
It is NOT a professional force anymore regardless of the majority of good dutiful people because of a successive cabal of mediocre self serving corporate hedge fund manager mentality leaders who press their own personal agenda and that of those abroad.

Doesn’t mean many politicians don’t fare any better, but that is their own fault for not letting the common masses pick up.

You cannot talk to “grassroots democracy “ and true change when you decide you are not part of it - this is also why IK failed because Hamid Mir’s book regardless of self aggrandizement does paint a picture of IK reinforced by his own former closest aids

When the selection of a COAS is done in a private meeting held in sleepy suburbs of Golra shareef over a "baith" between the father in law, and the "samdhi" of a so called politicians, to the incumbent gem produced, this time in hyde park corner, a big jump from desi surroundings (with all due respect to Golra shareef), then it becomes irrelevant as to what these individual or those close to them perceived IK's ability or lack of it to govern Pakistan. Pardon my French, but the expression "who the F are you, what are your credentials" comes to mind.

And no, its nothing to do with economy, its the American wish to toe the agenda and let India be strong enough to challenge China. Only jet black traitors will toe such line and agenda.
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When the selection of a COAS is done in a private meeting held in sleepy suburbs of Golra shareef over a "baith" between the father in law, and the "samdhi" of a so called politicians, to the incumbent gem produced, this time in hyde park corner, a big jump from desi surroundings (with all due respect to Golra shareef), then it becomes irrelevant as to what these individual or those close to them perceived IK's ability or lack of it to govern Pakistan. Pardon my French, but the expression "who the F are you, what are your credentials" comes to mind.

And no, its nothing to do with economy, its the American wish to toe the agenda and let India be strong enough to challenge China. Only jet black traitors will toe such line and agenda.
It has everything to do with the economy - a Pakistan with a strong economy could say no to the US and not beg perpetually.
It has everything to do with the economy - a Pakistan with a strong economy could say no to the US and not beg perpetually.

It's never been about Pakistan economy or lack of it, its all to do with general's and their off spring's retirement packages off shores, and that is tied with their obedience to western establishment agenda to propel India as bulwark against China. Try to play around with India, become a spanner in works for the western grand scheme to curtail China, say goodbye to the personal assets accumulated at their mercy, worse, their offsprings are liabilities without dwelling much into it.

When you are sitting on fire power which can end India many times over, you dont think about economy of enemy , you do what needs to be done, which to play below the conventional warfare and exploit enemy internal fault lines, scuttling its agendas and planning. It was not long ago when Airforce one was landing over burning new Delhi!

These useful idiots have forgotten the main purpose of the uniform they wear,

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