Assassination attempt on Donald Trump News & Discussion

Army Sniper Analyzes the Trump Assassination Attempt​


💥TRUMP Assassination Attempt: CROWD Behavioral Analysis​


How Trump's Assassination Attempt Changed The Boys Season 4 Finale​


Damning new details reveal ‘horrendous series of errors’ following Trump assassination attempt​

This is not good it looks like the "kid" may have had help...

JUST IN: Trump Would-Be Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks Had Two Cell Phones and 3 Encrypted Accounts Overseas​

Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had two cell phones and used three encrypted accounts overseas to communicate.

The FBI found Crooks’ second cell phone at his home with only 27 contacts, The Daily Mail reported.

Congressman Mike Waltz told Fox News host Jesse Watters that according to an FBI briefing, Crooks had multiple encrypted accounts and said more will come out Monday.

Rep. Waltz said the Trump shooter had the overseas accounts at the same time we heard about the Iranian assassination plot against Trump.

Jesse Watters asked if the two are connected (they aren’t).

The Intel agencies leaked an Iranian assassination plot story to CNN to throw chaos in the camp and distract from Saturday’s Secret Service failures.
Crooks did not work alone.

Police found a cell phone and a bomb detonator next to Thomas Matthew Crooks after a Secret Service sniper fatally shot him on a rooftop outside of Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally.

“Channel 11′s Nicole Ford also obtained exclusive photos showing the cell phone and transmitter device found next to Crooks moments after a Secret Service sniper shot and killed him.” WPXI reported.

It was previously reported by The Wall Street Journal and CNN that Crooks had explosives in his Hyundai Sonata which was parked next to the rally.

Details about the explosives are not known.

However, according to CNN, investigators found no online search history of Crooks researching how to assemble homemade explosives.

“It’s unclear how Crooks assembled the explosive devices found in his car. Investigators parsing through his online search history haven’t found any indication of him researching how to make home-made explosives, law enforcement officials said.” – CNN reported.

The so-called ‘security lapses’ and circumstances surrounding the assassination attempt against Trump raise questions about how Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to pull everything off by himself.

Crooks reportedly purchased a 5-foot ladder from Home Depot the morning of the assassination attempt.

How did he know he needed a ladder to access a rooftop with a clear line to President Trump? It is unclear if Crooks used the newly-purchased ladder because the one photographed is larger than the one he bought from Home Depot.
Unbelievable how lucky Donald Trump was. Just a split second different between life and death.

I don’t know whether it’s on purpose but you’re killing the threads by spamming. It’s a forum to discuss and learn off each other - if you are just going to put conspiracy theories and utube stuff - doesn’t leave much choice of discussion
The conspiracy theories are getting out of hand thanks to the SS being really quiet and lying about slope roofs for reason no SS were on that roof. One of a few conspiracy theories is a shooter on water tower there are several witnesses claiming a shooter on water tower and some grainy a$$ video that supposedly shows a shadow on top of water tower ducking behind when shots go off. Another conspiracy theory was the lady behind Trump supposedly acting weird before shots like she was anticipating something and now some have put a name to that lady...

I don't think it is her or it would be known by now you can't have someone that high ranking being a witness and keep it quiet. The cell phones and encrypted overseas accounts could be nothing but FBI and SS are allowing it to ferment while at the same time putting it out there that Iran was plotting to kill Trump.

If somehow Trump manages to win the election I just don't think he will have the power to purge these alphabet institutions without an internal war breaking out.
The conspiracy theories are getting out of hand thanks to the SS being really quiet and lying about slope roofs for reason no SS were on that roof. One of a few conspiracy theories is a shooter on water tower there are several witnesses claiming a shooter on water tower and some grainy a$$ video that supposedly shows a shadow on top of water tower ducking behind when shots go off. Another conspiracy theory was the lady behind Trump supposedly acting weird before shots like she was anticipating something and now some have put a name to that lady...

I don't think it is her or it would be known by now you can't have someone that high ranking being a witness and keep it quiet. The cell phones and encrypted overseas accounts could be nothing but FBI and SS are allowing it to ferment while at the same time putting it out there that Iran was plotting to kill Trump.

If somehow Trump manages to win the election I just don't think he will have the power to purge these alphabet institutions without an internal war breaking out.

The media is just confusing and distracting everyone, before we know it everyone will be too tired to bother about what actually happened. Alot of anti Trump supporters are saying it was staged, the body guards cut his ear, how can the shooter miss, it was for publicity and Trump supporters are talking about the 2nd and 3rd shooter, the deep state involvement, another person pointing a gun at trump when he was getting in the car, the shadow on the water tower, someone in the trees, why the windows were opened on the building where the shooter was. I listened to this audio on the bullets fired and it seemed the first 3 shots were different and the ones after were from a different gun, the theory is the first shooter is supposed to kill trump but trump got lucky and the 2nd shooter then fired at Trump.

So far I think it was a lone shooter, who did what he wanted to do but Trump got lucky, he fired right at trumps head but in split second trump moved his head. The SS are incompetent, we can clearly see in the videos how they were reacting, I am guessing they didn't even secure the area properly, they spotted the shooter but didn't shoot him, something unexplained.

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