Azerbaijan Air Force Becomes Fourth Operator of JF-17 Fighter Aircraft, President Aliyev Confirms

I am going to assume that Azerbaijan would get these with PL-12s but what about the PAF? We've seen the PL-10 on an active duty jet but not the PL-15 yet. Has China refused to integrate it on the JF or it's just not possible?
Oddly enough, Nigerian pilots and techs were roaming around the halls of PAC well before any inkling of a deal was in the air - so the “evaluation” was underway which then slowly started leaking out. However, the Nigerian deal was announced after their first JF-17 was already on the line and that is fine if the buyer requests it that way.

You can actually have training and progress without the announcement. I attended a strategy event for a client with whom I’m closing a fairly large deal - and even though it’s still sitting with procurement and legal they consider it done.

Now, can someone throw a wrench in there?
Very likely, this is what happened to a deal with HCL I nearly closed until some wanker said they could do it in house (and they couldn’t) but that is normal.

The same goes for done deals too - Take the Pakistani AH-1Zs - 12 ready for delivery and less than a month left to ferry them all falls apart because of Trump. Now they’re being pushed to Slovakia and even Ukraine wants them.
For me After the press release of Azerbaijan president there is no doubt regarding the deal.
The issue is whether the jet pics in circulation are part of the deal or not.
For me After the press release of Azerbaijan president there is no doubt regarding the deal.
The issue is whether the jet pics in circulation are part of the deal or not.
I don’t believe those are Azeri jets - it would have sent a strong message if those were but just my hunch is that there may be Azeri jets on the production line but these are not it.
Well, if a PAF roundel and PAF markings on an allegedly Azeri aircraft DO NOT at least raise some eyebrows, then ...

Again, it is not that anyone questions this deal, this purchase, but only THIS particular aircraft is (IMO) unlikely already an Azeri AF aircraft. I still think it more a PR stunt and the true Azeri "Thunders" will be delivered later.
You are most probably right, my post was for those who are still skeptical about the deal. If the President of Azerbaijan is saying Jeffs are being integrated, then they are. Something is cooking, we just aren't sure, how.
Sharp Very Sharp

Hopefully we will see Nigeria also stepping up to increase their order
Really had to imagine a oil producing nation like Nigera has very small Airforce
I am going to assume that Azerbaijan would get these with PL-12s but what about the PAF? We've seen the PL-10 on an active duty jet but not the PL-15 yet. Has China refused to integrate it on the JF or it's just not possible?
The PL-15 was tested years ago with the JF-17 but its not the beat platform combination because while the AESA on the JF-17C can go beyond PL-15 max range - it’s a very expensive missile and better suited for the J-10C.

If required it can be equipped but not the best utilization especially when there is a mid tier local project coming up and the current SD-10 still out ranges whatever the majority of the IAF fleet has
Those who are sceptical, citing no deal in public, when did you lot saw Pakistan and China signing J10 deal before those birds were flying in Pakistani airspace? The footage of "handshakes" was released when birds were already flying in PAF colours. This is just how Pakistan and China works. Get used to it.
The stories of Azerbaijan interest in Pakistani-China JF17 was floating for while. It was no big secret

Just the financial aspect and handoff perhaps some folks were shocked but it is natural , we have heard about this deal for last 4-5 years
Not his office but Azeri President himself. Azerbaijan is having its own ideas which started yesterday. Azeri President visited and there he announced it himself.
This President Aliyev is no dick and harry! His family has been at the forefront of the Azeri politics for more more than a century. And, they're dead active and important for the regional geo-politics too! His father, Merhum President Haider Aliyev, was the 4th ranking person in the USSR.....
The stories of Azerbaijan interest in Pakistani-China JF17 was floating for while. It was no big secret

Just the financial aspect and handoff perhaps some folks were shocked but it is natural , we have heard about this deal for last 4-5 years
And, take a note that China and Azerbaijan are getting damn close, especially in the trade, investment, finance etc. sectors. I think China is now AZ's top trading partner. Needless to say it'll spill into the strategic arena now that the West is trying to make another "Ukraine" out of Armenia to put more tribulations and trails on Russia. In this context, JF-17s are the first moves in this Caucasus chess game from China...
The PL-15 was tested years ago with the JF-17 but its not the beat platform combination because while the AESA on the JF-17C can go beyond PL-15 max range - it’s a very expensive missile and better suited for the J-10C.

If required it can be equipped but not the best utilization especially when there is a mid tier local project coming up and the current SD-10 still out ranges whatever the majority of the IAF fleet has
Yes I understand that it is expensive, but considering what the JF-17 has to face (Rafale and upgraded Su-30MKI), it needs something longer than PL-12s, hopefully within this decade.
When was the last Block 3 delivered ? What is the qty of Follow up orders.
We don't declare these things. BLOCK III will come in really large numbers. Way above 50. When we plan to announce it we may show the latest one with number during parade or an Air Show or during some other countries President visit by giving them Air Squad.
We don't declare these things. BLOCK III will come in really large numbers. Way above 50. When we plan to announce it we may show the latest one with number during parade or an Air Show or during some other countries President visit by giving them Air Squad.
Good ! I hope that we all will we here to welcome that day.

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