Azerbaijan Air Force Becomes Fourth Operator of JF-17 Fighter Aircraft, President Aliyev Confirms

Neither the Merlin nor the Peregrine AAMs are ready or integrated, not even in Turkish F-16s and even more so Bulgarian-BS-site is the MOST unreliable "source" to read!

BOZDOGAN and GOKDOGAN air to air Missiles were integrated into the Turkish F-16s PO-I configuration

and entered the inventory


So Turkish Air to Air Missiles are ready
Also Azerbaijan buys 400 SOM Cruise Missiles from Turkiye

These missiles can be integrated into the JF-17 if desired by Azerbaijan-Pakistan

Also JF-17s using Turkish ASELPOD Targeting Pod too
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It has been rumored that Iraqi AF and Azerbaijani AF showed some interest. A $1.6b contract was reportedly signed between PAC and Azerbaijani AF in February 2024 including 8 JF-17Cs and 4 JF-17Bs.
- Last Updated 9/25/24
It has been rumored that Iraqi AF and Azerbaijani AF showed some interest. A $1.6b contract was reportedly signed between PAC and Azerbaijani AF in February 2024 including 8 JF-17Cs and 4 JF-17Bs.
- Last Updated 9/25/24
Well in my opinion this is quite good as it would dent the perception that the JF17 would have been squeezed due to the exports of the J10C and newer LIFT aircraft like JL9, JL10
Whats the chances pakistan and china can collaborate to make and sell J-10 eventually from Pakistan to the muslim and central asian market. Chinese if anything are business people. Who knows 😉

China share more "friendly and equal" relation with Muslim countries than Pakistan. It do not need Pakistan to seel J-10 to any Muslim country.

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