Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Correct and that is India's entry point.

India will just match the price to make an entry. Sure there are many nationalist patriots within BNP when compared to BAL, but it only takes a few corrupt ones to bring down the system. By the time BNPs reign comes to end, their corruption will force them to make deals to cling onto power.

The other problem with BNP is the reliance on Zia family and the same dynasty based politics. Even though Tarek Zia has a bad reputation as a corrupt individual and lack any charisma as a leader, they stuck with him as the party leader just for the sake of bloodline.

Compare that to Jamaat, who holds proper internal votes to elect party officials within. They are the only proper democratic party in Bangladesh at this time.

The entry point is Tareq himself. I have more confidence on Begum Zia but it's Tareq who will call the shots. I hope he and Begum Zia are banned from participating in the elections.
Honestly dada, I am just keeping an open mind. I doubt she herself went and slaughtered the guy herself, as many in social media has been posting. But it is clearly evident that he was slaughtered and then his neck was stitched back post-mortem. So clearly the execution was not done following due process.

Besides, someone who can order to kill her own citizens to stay in power, is capable of great evil. Especially towards a person who was alleged to have fired the lethal shot against her father.
I take the point readily, about autocratic and illegal behaviour, and harsh steps against enemies of the regime*. It is just the wilder stories that I would like to ignore.

* In India, we have been spared the targetted killings of opponents of the regime, but in a general way, Muslims die every month at the hands of mobs. It is not difficult to believe the shocking stories coming out of Bangladesh.
The entry point is Tareq himself. I have more confidence on Begum Zia but it's Tareq who will call the shots. I hope he and Begum Zia are banned from participating in the elections.
For those who are at the moment most enthusiastic about the influence of new blood on contemporary events in Bangladesh, there is the dreadful narrative of a similar movement in India. It might bring in perspective and caution to their thinking.

Before this, there was no BJP. Afterwards, that party emerged from the ashes of the coalition of political parties that had been formed, under the benign leadership of a world-renowned figure, Jayaprakash Narayan, and the rest is history. Verb. sap.
Awami dalals must be uprooted. We cannot make the same mistake that Zia made after the revolution of 75. If Zia had uprooted the Awami dalals, Bangladesh would have been a much better place. It would have been a dalal free nation.
Agree but Awami dalals are everywhere. They can still undermine the government. Need to watch out for pitfalls.
For those who are at the moment most enthusiastic about the influence of new blood on contemporary events in Bangladesh, there is the dreadful narrative of a similar movement in India. It might bring in perspective and caution to their thinking.

Before this, there was no BJP. Afterwards, that party emerged from the ashes of the coalition of political parties that had been formed, under the benign leadership of a world-renowned figure, Jayaprakash Narayan, and the rest is history. Verb. sap.

I am not super enthusiastic about new blood, I am just enthusiastic about dumping the two old hags and their family.

I don't particularly have much confidence the new blood will be any better. People are the product of their respective societies, the new blood is also product of our society.
BNP has every incentive to stay in power just like Hasina. BNP is also a corrupt to core party, they are hardly democratic.

They tried to compromise the caretaker government system last time they were in power(2002-2006) but failed.

AL was just more successful than the BNP had been.

I really would like both parties banned and then new organic parties formed that excludes the worst of the corrupts and incompetents from both parties. If that cannot be done just make sure the worse from both parties can never stand for election ever again.
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This is opportunity for Nur to finally get promoted from 'VP'.
I don't trust that guy though. You heard about his meet with Mossad agent right? And he did bend his back to Hasina eventually. Compared to him these new kids have cleaner image. Although it doesn't seem like they want to come to politics just yet.
Update: 55 Infantry Division Jessore GOC Maj Gen Mahbub has been relieved from his position.

This individual's brother is a BAL leader and he himself was a BAL appointee, even though he most certainly did not deserve his promotion. In a video footage for a ceremony, he was seen touching the feet of Hasina as a sign of respect while wearing military uniform and on duty. This inappropriate act was completely against army protocol. Many, including journalist Zulkarnain Saer had raised concerns about him still being in charge of 55 infantry division after the fall of Hasina.

That guys is a drifter.
Another HM Ershad...
Update: 55 Infantry Division Jessore GOC Maj Gen Mahbub has been relieved from his position.

This individual's brother is a BAL leader and he himself was a BAL appointee, even though he most certainly did not deserve his promotion. In a video footage for a ceremony, he was seen touching the feet of Hasina as a sign of respect while wearing military uniform and on duty. This inappropriate act was completely against army protocol. Many, including journalist Zulkarnain Saer had raised concerns about him still being in charge of 55 infantry division after the fall of Hasina.

View attachment 60171
This interim administration is slow to remove anti state elements but steady. They aren't rushing to avoid panic among civil and military officers. Mr Yunus is a seasoned manager...
This government is here to stay for a long time most probably a full term. And I guess you all know the funny thing, no political party in BD has guts to force them for election. Mr Yunus can control the streets without gun powder...

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