Breaking: Ex-ISI chief Faiz Hamid taken into custody by military: ISPR

I’ll say something a former chief said when suggested he write a book since he was during a crucial time.

“They will kill me” was his answer

By the time you make chief - you’re less about your knowledge on the “how” and more about the “who” and your “moats” is what you can expose on everyone.

Gen Faiz’s mistake was overextending the value of his moats. Gen B has a lot more and he has secured his family a lot more as well. I’m sure he doesn’t want humiliation but he also has a lot more “moats” built around him to stay alive.

I have said this many times and will repeat again.

Rome was the biggest empire in human history, they knew back then the power hierarchy, which sustain their empire for as long as it did. They used to disarm and made their generals wear civilian cloths before letting them in their capital. Khalid bin waleed was removed from his command right bang in the middle of a war for reasons still debatable to this day, and he is in his own league when it comes to generals produced throughout Muslim history.

And we have made them demi gods!
Don't stress your brain too much. He had to leave so he could work and repatriate remittance so you can import items to feed your family. Don't be a namak harami.
There are countless patriot overseas Pakistanis who routinely send remittances to their dear and near ones in Pakistan regardless of who is in power back in the home country.

A yo*thia can keep his money in there where the sun doesn’t shine. Pakistan doesn’t need any money from a brainless beghairat who wishes his previous home country get dismembered for whatever reason.
You know, I've been thinking about this civilian control scenario. After seeing Punjab police with unchecked power to murder the average individual, and all of them being recruited poda's of the Sharif family, I think it's best the military, for the time being, stays out of civilian control.

I think we need a force, highly trained and armed to teeth under the direct control of the PM , which will guard the civilian power centers, not too big but enough strength as a deterrence. So no one will dare taking a heli ride, land in PM house and tell the PM to F off.

Someone said "power tu power hote hai". You need power to deal with power. The rot is too deep. More you look into the history all way to the creation of Pakistan, its almost certain the the high ups within Army acted as if they are the touts of international establishments and they always steer Pak Army towards achieving goals and interests of their foreign masters.

I do not know the exact reasons for the creation of IRGC in Iran, will be more then happy to be corrected, I suppose their regular armed forces were too rotten to be relied on to carry on their revolution agenda so new force was created!?
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There are countless patriot overseas Pakistanis who routinely send remittances to their dear and near ones in Pakistan regardless of who is in power back in the home country.

A yo*thia can keep his money in there where the sun doesn’t shine. Pakistan doesn’t need any money from a brainless beghairat who wishes his previous home country get dismembered for whatever reason.
Surprised to hear that Patwaris also made it out of Pakistan
Khalid bin waleed was removed from his command right bang in the middle of a war for reasons still debatable to this day, and he is in his own league when it comes to generals produced throughout Muslim history.

Not just Muslim history bro, world history full stop. He is always in the top 5/3 in any list by historians.
And why would someone supposedly so opposed to corruption deliberately install the country’s most corrupt politicians as president and prime minister, defying the will of the overwhelming majority of the nation?

The key takeaway from this arrest is that, unless it’s part of an orchestrated “friendly match,” meant for pressurizing/fixing PTI and IK, the current Army leadership has no intention of retiring. They are fully aware that their violations of rules, law, and the constitution have been far more severe than those of their predecessors, whom they are now arresting on similar charges. Retiring and handing over power could expose them to the same fate, i.e. risk of being arrested by their successors as they themselves have set this dangerous precedent..
You certainly have a point.

Part of me, was hoping against hope.

The current Chief was part of a London Plan, crossed all limits to make sure PMLN wins, despite PTI clearly winning a majority, if not absolute majority.

Your theory of a friendly match to pressure PTI/IK certainly seems plausible.

We can only pray that the wrongdoers meet their fate and something good happens to Pakistan.
Not just Muslim history bro, world history full stop. He is always in the top 5/3 in any list by historians.
Very true.
From another perspective: He was given the name 'Saifullah' by the Prophet (PBUH) himself. No human being was supposed to be able to break/defeat the sword (even the symbolic one) of Allah.
Very true.
From another perspective: He was given the name 'Saifullah' by the Prophet (PBUH) himself. No human being was supposed to be able to break/defeat the sword (even the symbolic one) of Allah.

Slightly off-topic but he was never defeated in battle, that's insane. Only a stalemate in one.
Only Genghis Khan has such a win tally. Not even Tamerlane has that, he was beaten a few times.
If we are not careful, what’s happened in Bangladesh is about to happen in our country. Diff being over there the not so Haseena got booted, here it will be our army and jharrnails.

Total regime change!
No, bro. I don't see any resemblance of situations that will force Pakistan to follow the suit. Sheikh Hasina was more fascist than a dictator. The people of Bangladesh were subject to extreme fascism even though they were much better off economically.

In Pakistan, it’s just opposite. People are facing harsh economic realities while they can vent their desperation if they want to do that. I am not talking about a handful of paid yo*thias. Rather I am talking about general public.
No, bro. I don't see any resemblance of situations that will force Pakistan to follow the suit. Sheikh Hasina was more fascist than a dictator. The people of Bangladesh were subject to extreme fascism even though they were much better off economically.

In Pakistan, it’s just opposite. People are facing harsh economic realities while they can vent their desperation if they want to do that. I am not talking about a handful of paid yo*thias. Rather I am talking about general public.

You of course are entitled to support Nawaz Sharif or any other person of your choosing, but you certainly do not speak for the majority. The reality is that those you dismiss as a handful of "paid youth" are, in fact, the overwhelming majority of this nation, as the world witnessed on February 8. No amount of whining or denial will change that fact. Just because you or your preferred political party—already a small minority—aren’t bearing the brunt doesn’t mean fascism isn’t at play. The current level of lawlessness and state brutality against its own citizens is unprecedented in the country’s history (bar East Pakistan), and that will undoubtedly have consequences.

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