China froze all export of antimony. That America must have to make military stuff like that plane

This is good in a way. Teaches importance of self-sufficiency in strategic materials. In fact, China should go ahead and stop all exports to U.S. so that U.S. goes back to manufacturing instead of just importing stuff.
US goes back to manufacturing? I doubt it. Look at what your longshoremen demand lately. They might as well prefer to load/unload cargoes with their own bare hands.
I don't think anyone said China is collapsing. I said you lost that market and their money.......

Because, well, you lost those market by not exporting........

Even if you can compensate with local market (again 70%) that still mean you lost all those market.......

Nobody is saying anyone is upset but you.........
Then why you don't have to patience to wait and have to make a definite conclusion now?
Then why you don't have to patience to wait and have to make a definite conclusion now?
What conclusion? Wasn't the ban of export is definite? Or do I have to wait and see whether or not the restriction is a restriction?

Or do you think only China produce Antimony on Earth?
What conclusion? Wasn't the ban of export is definite?
Yes, and the ramification is ye to be seen, when US waged trade war on China 4 years ago, both side believed they could win, but so far the result is very complicated, you should have some patience, lol
US goes back to manufacturing? I doubt it. Look at what your longshoremen demand lately. They might as well prefer to load/unload cargoes with their own bare hands.
huh? You do know Manufacture sector in the US employ about 18 million people, right? and still worth 16% of US GDP. For those who don't know, that's 3.1 Trillion dollars.....

Yes, and the ramification is ye to be seen, when US waged trade war on China 4 years ago, both side believed they could win, but so far the result is very complicated, you should have some patience, lol
What win??

How can China "win" by limiting export? You lost those market when you stop exporting to those market, I thought that was pretty clear concept. Or do you think there is a way China can still control those market while not exporting them??

We aren't talking about Tariff or Trade war...... we are talking about you stop doing's like saying Google "win" in China when they are not doing business with
What win??

How can China "win" by limiting export? You lost those market when you stop exporting to those market, I thought that was pretty clear concept. Or do you think there is a way China can still control those market while not exporting them??

We aren't talking about Tariff or Trade war...... we are talking about you stop doing's like saying Google "win" in China when they are not doing business with
What wins US can have against China, US started this shit, didnt it? What China did is just reciprocate, as for what result these exchange of blows will be, have some patinece, wait and see.
What wins US can have against China, US started this shit, didnt it? What China did is just reciprocate, as for what result these exchange of blows will be, have some patinece, wait and see.
Why everything has to be win or loss. The term is free trade. You don't want to sell, we buy from somewhere else. Again, it's not like ONLY China produce Antimony. Nobody win or lose anything over this. Or do you really think US will have to stop producing Military Equipment now China won't sell their Antimony? Or suddenly those price will be unattainable now China stop selling?

I have news for you, China already stopped selling gradually since 2013.

You have a weird way to think about economy.
Why everything has to be win or loss. The term is free trade.
lol, free trade? talk this to Americans, China just reciprocates and US did it China from day one, you can scrap that "free trade" crap, don't be such a hyporite.
lol, free trade? talk this to Americans, China just reciprocates and US did it China from day one, you can scrap that "free trade" crap, don't be such a hyporite.
So are you saying you don't have a choice but to sell to the American??

Dude, again, we aren't talking about trade war, you have to be a willing participant to be a part of a trade war, you can stop selling to America if you want to avoid tariff, and thus beating the so called "trade war"

But this is not the same, you willingly shut down your own export, I don't believe Trump or anyone do this on day 1.
So are you saying you don't have a choice but to sell to the American??

Dude, again, we aren't talking about trade war, you have to be a willing participant to be a part of a trade war, you can stop selling to America if you want to avoid tariff, and thus beating the so called "trade war"

But this is not the same, you willingly shut down your own export, I don't believe Trump or anyone do this on day 1.
Why you turn a blind eye to what started this trade war and restriction and keep blaming China? you act really hystercially, US was the initiator from day one, you don't see it? China was just reciprocating, you mean China has no right to take counter measures when being attacked?
Total amount of antimony imported by US was worth ... drum roll..... 150 million dollars or so. (

Besides China herself imports antimony ore from Australia and processes and exports it.

After rare earth faisco of 2010s, sure as hell US has a decent stock of antimony for strategic purpose.

The ore for antimony can be found in Canada, Australia and especially Bolovia. US will need to near shore its processing and extracting plants. Possibly in Mexico or in US itself.

Amount of antimony needed is not massive. It is critical but not needed in huge amount.

I think it is mostly used as a fire-retardent.

yay yet another chemical we are exposed to.
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Why you turn a blind eye to what started this trade war and restriction and keep blaming China? you act really hystercially, US was the initiator from day one, you don't see it? China was just reciprocating, you mean China has no right to take counter measures when being attacked?
I didn't turn a blind eye to who start the trade war back then, because this is NOT a trade war.

If you hike your tax on Antimony export, and the American have to pay higher tariff in order to export and thus jacking up the price, that's trade war. You still getting American money but with a coercion tactics, you get more.

You STOPPED selling to the American, even if you can jack up the price because supply dropped, you are not reaping any benefit from the American or anyone. Because you stop selling to them, they won't give you money if you stop selling to them. You can jack up the price on your own industry, because that would be your now targeted market now that you stopped trading outside.

How is it a "TRADE" war when there is no "TRADE" or am I getting it different from China saying they don't export anymore?? Like stop don't mean stop?
I didn't turn a blind eye to who start the trade war back then, because this is NOT a trade war.

If you hike your tax on Antimony export, and the American have to pay higher tariff in order to export and thus jacking up the price, that's trade war. You still getting American money but with a coercion tactics, you get more.

You STOPPED selling to the American, even if you can jack up the price because supply dropped, you are not reaping any benefit from the American or anyone. Because you stop selling to them, they won't give you money if you stop selling to them. You can jack up the price on your own industry, because that would be your now targeted market now that you stopped trading outside.
China and US is having a trade war and this is just a small episode of this general background, can't believe you can see it, ask around here to find it out. China is just reciprocating, US always uses bans, restrictions, embargos, sanctions against other nations, but you blame whoever dares to fight back, lol, so pathetic.
China and US is having a trade war and this is just a small episode of this general background, can't believe you can see it, ask around here to find it out. China is just reciprocating, US always uses bans, restrictions, embargos, sanctions against other nations, but you blame whoever dares to fight back, lol, so pathetic.
Again, answer me this

How is it a "TRADE" war when there is no "Trade" between US and China??

You need something to trade to start a trade war, when you stop exporting that something, you stop the trade. Then do tell me war on what?

As I said, you don't sell, we go somewhere else, it's not like you are the only supplier in town. Or do American HAVE to do business with you??

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