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China Wants a Big Fleet of 5 Aircraft Carriers by 2030


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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No one is scared
Lament? Go and find enough shipyard workers to give your ships a decent paint job first.




Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Not surprised at all.

I think China will build another Type-003 and the newer nuclear powered Type-004 and put both into service with J-35 fighters by 2030.

After that we are likely to see the Chinese build probably another 2 Type-004 simultaneously to put into service in the mid-2030s.


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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But USA, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan will be difficult to hit Chinese Aircraft Carriers in west pacific.

I do not know what West Pacific is. Any ship in the vicinity of coastal China is an easy target


Jan 17, 2010
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I do not know what West Pacific is. Any ship in the vicinity of coastal China is an easy target

Again I ask you: with what?

How do you want to target and hit a chinese carrier in west pacific?

Because to hit it you will need to get approach it and near enough with China coast which will make you an easy target coz within 4000km of DF26 range.

And all military base in Okinawa, Korea even in Guam will be easy targets as well.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2023
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3 or 10 aircraft carriers makes little difference. With the current strike capabilities the US military should wipe them out fast in all out war. China has zero to little ability to protect their fleet.
Fun fact, PLAN have the largest AESA equipped surface combatant fleet in the world, since vast majority of USN combatants, including Tico and most Burkes workes with legacy PESA, while most destroyers built by PLAN post 2002, including Luyang II, III, Renhai, and Jiangkai III, all comes with their version of AEGIS/MF-STAR system with AESA antennas...

If you consider the USN capable in defending their carriers, then PLAN is at least comparable, if not more capable, when we factor in the difference in performance of AShMs and other present support air assets in the west Pacific.

But hey, believe whatever lets you sleep at night.


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Again I ask you: with what?

How do you want to target and hit a chinese carrier in west pacific?

Because to hit it you will need to get approach it and near enough with China coast which will make you an easy target coz within 4000km of DF26 range.

And all military base in Okinawa, Korea even in Guam will be easy targets as well.

Chinese carriers have to leave the Chinese ports to get into the Pacific Ocean

China cannot hit every square inch of Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea or Japan. You cannot even hit a fraction.

Even if the carrier is in high seas it needs to be resupplied. China has little in the way of naval bases


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Chinese carriers have to leave the Chinese ports to get into the Pacific Ocean

China cannot hit every square inch of Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea or Japan. You cannot even hit a fraction.

Even if the carrier is in high seas it needs to be resupplied. China has little in the way of naval bases
China's interest is about Taiwan and the south China sea, don't see any reason for China to go further so far.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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USA can easily locate Chinese aircraft carriers. there is no place to hide

China is 4,000 years old. America is 200 years old. Chinese don't even respect America. Chinese refer to Americans as barbarians. Hell, Chinese don't even consider Romans civilized considering Romans never produced a single well known scientist and was involved in war pretty much throughout its existence.


Dec 26, 2023
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5 USN, 2 JMSDF, 1 RAN carriers in Pacific alongside new USAF, USMC deployment in Philippines and Australia will pretty much stop PLAN foray beyond Taiwan and put reverse pressure on 9 dash line.

We can field 2 carriers and ASBM, brahmos batteries to choke lines from A&N, minicoy and agatti island.

Our strength area will be ship to ship attacks at extended range(800 km to 2000 km), something which others lack...so provide air cover to our flotilla and let us release the ER javelines...

Japan's strong area is air cover from ships and their excellent fleet of SSKs, more suited to SCS depths than big SSNs.

A quad alliance seems be becoming a necessity.

Such a tying down of China means they can just spare a few cruisers, destroyers for Indian ocean.

We can match them 1 for 1 away from us like Gulf of Aden etc and have local superiority near coast if they try.

While PLAN will hold local dominance near coast, taiwan and harass small neighbors, they will not be able to counter 8 carriers facing them.

Pretty much stops them from being a globally deployed force and reduce ships they can throw at us in Indian ocean.

Secures our supply lines.
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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2018
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Not surprised at all.

I think China will build another Type-003 and the newer nuclear powered Type-004 and put both into service with J-35 fighters by 2030.

After that we are likely to see the Chinese build probably another 2 Type-004 simultaneously to put into service in the mid-2030s.

The normal pace should be like this.


Full Member
Feb 26, 2024
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5 USN, 2 JMSDF, 1 RAN carriers in Pacific alongside new USAF, USMC deployment in Philippines and Australia will pretty much stop PLAN foray beyond Taiwan and put reverse pressure on 9 dash line.

We can field 2 carriers and ASBM, brahmos batteries to choke lines from A&N, minicoy and agatti island.

Our strength area will be ship to ship attacks at extended range(800 km to 2000 km), something which others lack...so provide air cover to our flotilla and let us release the ER javelines...

Japan's strong area is air cover from ships and their excellent fleet of SSKs, more suited to SCS depths than big SSNs.

A quad alliance seems be becoming a necessity.

Such a tying down of China means they can just spare a few cruisers, destroyers for Indian ocean.

We can match them 1 for 1 away from us like Gulf of Aden etc and have local superiority near coast if they try.

While PLAN will hold local dominance near coast, taiwan and harass small neighbors, they will not be able to counter 8 carriers facing them.

Pretty much stops them from being a globally deployed force and reduce ships they can throw at us in Indian ocean.

Secures our supply lines.
I don't think China can do much in the Indian ocean, they'll be stopped before transitting Singapore en route to melacca strait. What they can do is maul the Indian army in the Himalayas.


Jan 17, 2010
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Chinese carriers have to leave the Chinese ports to get into the Pacific Ocean

China cannot hit every square inch of Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea or Japan. You cannot even hit a fraction.

Even if the carrier is in high seas it needs to be resupplied. China has little in the way of naval bases

China has hundred of DF-21, DF-26, YF-17, etc.

DF-26 is called Guam Killer, it can reach Guam, leave alone Phillipines, Taiwan, SK or Japan.

US' Navy will think twice to enter west Pacific arena when war happen considering China's AShBM.


Full Member
Feb 26, 2024
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China really needs to occupy Taiwan physically, other than that their power projection capability outside the 1st and 2nd island chain will be a pipe dream.

This is how it looks like for normies


This is what it looks like if you sit in Beijing. Your room to manuever is pretty much limited, even though you have the world's largest navy by hull count.


Even if you have 10 fleet carriers, your ability to deploy them in wartime is under the mercy of the Japanese and Americans guarding those X X X line.

Take Taiwan, and you just have yourself more breathing room to maneuver. So China would want the air and naval power stationed in Japan and Taiwan to be decimated and the Americans in turn would want those jets from Japan and Taiwan intact, while their carriers would do all they could to convince Chinese admirals to anchor their ships inside those confines.

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