China's strategy for taking Taiwan without a shot - MSN news

The Han Chinese are a people who are extremely strict about historical records, and China is not one of those countries that can falsify history at will. There are 181,755 history books, 2,367,046 volumes, and more than 40 billion characters that have been handed down to the present day. Chinese history books can be verified against each other by the existence of multiple calendars of the same period, unlike some peoples who use myths as historical records.

For example, according to the "Three Kingdoms Chronicle-Wu Shu-Sun Quan Biography", Emperor Sun Quan of the Three Kingdoms period of Eastern Wu, in the second year of the Huanglong reign (230 A.D.), dispatched generals Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi to arrive in Taiwan with a fleet of 14,000 men. At that time, General Wei Wen did not find any aborigines present, so he farmed and built cities in the area.

If you want to refute these historical accounts, okya, show your evidence of historical accounts.

There's Museums in Taiwan with artifacts dating far older than the "Han" migration of ~2000 years ago.

The Stories of People Living in Taiwan From 30,000 Years Ago​

n 1972, fragmentary fossils of anatomically modern humans were found at Chouqu and Gangzilin, in Zuojhen District, Tainan, in fossil beds exposed by erosion of the Cailiao River. Though some of the fragments are believed to be more recent, three cranial fragments and a molar tooth have been dated as between 20,000 and 30,000 years old. The find has been dubbed "Zuozhen Man". No associated artifacts have been found at the site
The oldest known artifacts are chipped-pebble tools of the Changbin culture (長濱文化), found at cave sites on the southeast coast of the island. The sites are dated 15,000 to 5,000 years ago, and similar to contemporary sites in Fujian. The primary site of Baxiandong (八仙洞), in Changbin, Taitung was first excavated in 1968. The same culture has been found at sites at Eluanbi on the southern tip of Taiwan, persisting until 5,000 years ago. The earliest layers feature large stone tools, and suggest a hunting and gathering lifestyle. Later layers have small stone tools of quartz, as well as tools made from bone, horn and shell, and suggest a shift to intensive fishing and shellfish collection
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There's Museums in Taiwan with artifacts dating far older than the "Han" migration of ~2000 years ago.

The Stories of People Living in Taiwan From 30,000 Years Ago​

First of all, the article you posted also recognizes that the earliest immigrants to Taiwan came from mainland China. Of course, it was still Neolithic Chinese.


Secondly, the existence of erect apes in Taiwan from prehistoric times does not mean that it is connected to the current Taiwanese.

Third, there are clear historical records that when Wei Wen's fleet landed on Taiwan, he did not find anyone living there.

Fourth, Han Chinese make up 98% of Taiwan's population. The Han Chinese have been developing Taiwan for thousands of years and have been establishing governmental institutions on Taiwan for 2,000 years. Taiwan is the traditional territory of the Han Chinese. This is an indisputable fact.

Fifthly, the only documented massacre of Taiwan's aborigines was done by the Japanese colonial Government.
First of all, the article you posted also recognizes that the earliest immigrants to Taiwan came from mainland China. Of course, it was still Neolithic Chinese.

I never said they were from someplace else (like Africa). I just said you saying nobody was on the Island before some Han general arrived at around 230AD is ridiculous.

Fourth, Han Chinese make up 98% of Taiwan's population.

Yeah well I suppose you think all the Japanese/white people currently on Hawaii should influence historical precedent.
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I never said they were from someplace else (like Africa). I just said you saying nobody was on the Island before some Han general arrived at around 230AD is ridiculous.

Yeah well I suppose you think all the Japanese/white people currently on Hawaii should influence historical precedent.
Tens of thousands of years ago, there were erect apes from China that arrived in Taiwan via the mainland bridge. This does not mean that there were human beings in Taiwan when Wei Wen's fleet arrived in 230 AD.

In 230 AD, there were also only 7.67 million people in the whole of China. What do you think the condition of Taiwan would have been on an island isolated by the sea? Those ancient upright apes would hardly have lived to 230 AD. Even if they did, their numbers would have been too small to be found by a fleet of 14,000 people all the time.

So it was an uninhabited island then.

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