Commiebot Chatterbox

He had a bug up his arse about my Zoroastrian heritage. Like you.
Please show me one single post where I wrote anything against Zoroastrianism.

My reaction was merely unbridled amusement at seeing a Parsi like you constantly defend the Hindutva talking points. Ironic, since they will never accept you as a 'real' Indian until you convert to Hinduism. The same way they see Indian Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, etc.

But this gets away from the topic of this thread...
Please show me one single post where I wrote anything against Zoroastrianism.

My reaction was merely unbridled amusement at seeing a Parsi like you constantly defend the Hindutva talking points. Ironic, since they will never accept you as a 'real' Indian until you convert to Hinduism. The same way they see Indian Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, etc.

But this gets away from the topic of this thread...

He disappeared before 2014, so I do not know his views and triggers on Hindutva.

Zoroastrians cannot and will not convert.

We are Parsis because we refused to.

We will lift our fires from India before and if that comes to pass.

More than half our world population now, especially the younger half, is anyways in the West.

It is a matter of time anyways now before Atash Behrams get moved there. And new fires are consecrated.

Cheers, Doc
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Give me a break.

They literally owned the old forum.

The untouchables.

Cheers, Doc
So long as they don't engage in open and obvious disinformation and propaganda (like they did with vaccines), they should be welcomed here. If they behave in such a manner, they should be banned.

You're right, they turned the old forum into, especially beijingwalker.
I stand firmly behind my assessment that there was equal trolling on all sides: if anything the Chinese were up against the combined trolling of Americans and Indians.

Already in this thread, they are referred to as 'bots' paid for by the CCP. The views of individuals are callously dismissed as if Chinese people cannot have patriotic views and present their nation in the same favorable light others do. They are reduced from humans to controlled bots.

This may suit the brainwashed stereotyping of some Sinophobes, but neutral people might call that provocation.

For the record, I have absolutely no problem with the Chinese promoting their glorious country and its marvelous progress. They can promote and present their patriotic views in their own forum, over which I have no control, as they wish. However, the kind of endless agenda-driven barrage against USA in the USA forum that was unleashed previously will no longer be permitted, at least for as long as I am responsible for that section. Senior management can remove me from that role any time they wish, and I will be only too happy to continue as a member only.
For the record, I have absolutely no problem with the Chinese promoting their glorious country and its marvelous progress. They can promote and present their patriotic views in their own forum, over which I have no control, as they wish. However, the kind of endless agenda-driven barrage against USA in the USA forum that was unleashed previously will no longer be permitted, at least for as long as I am responsible for that section. Senior management can remove me from that role any time they wish, and I will be only too happy to continue as a member only.

Pretty much read my mind. As I am also responsible for that section, it shall remain a drama free zone
Pretty much read my mind. As I am also responsible for that section, it shall remain a drama free zone
Here's hoping they don't needlessly start dramas like they did last time with their less than subtle racism and Islamophobia.
For the record, I have absolutely no problem with the Chinese promoting their glorious country and its marvelous progress. They can promote and present their patriotic views in their own forum, over which I have no control, as they wish. However, the kind of endless agenda-driven barrage against USA in the USA forum that was unleashed previously will no longer be permitted, at least for as long as I am responsible for that section. Senior management can remove me from that role any time they wish, and I will be only too happy to continue as a member only.

Beijingwalker had almost 200 threads open in the World Affairs subsection a couple weeks ago. And that was only in the first couple pages of each section. I’m all for free speech, but he was intentionally trying to bury any thread negative towards China or positive towards America.

If he joins here, get him under control.
So the China section will be moderated by two Americans who are openly hostile to Chinese? Interesting...

I followed the old forum for a while, took a hiatus for a few years, and then came back to read it once in a while.

I did not see any Islamophobic posts from the Chinese, ZERO, but there were plenty from the usual Indians and some Americans. Maybe some Chinese made Islamophobic posts but I did not see any.

I would urge any neutral observers to take a look at jhungary's farewell thread on the old forum. One member, a Somalian, made an innocuous comment, something many people including myself had wondered about his name at first, and jhungary went off the rails. This is very symptomatic of the interchange between Chinese and American members.

I repeat my observation as a neutral party that the trolling and racial abuse was equally bad on both sides. For every anti-US comment by the Chinese, there were dismissive and derogatory comments by Americans about China. For every Chinese troll, they had their American counterpart. The only difference was that the Americans enjoyed mod and titular status while the Chinese didn't.
And I repeat that after Chinese Dragon, there was not one human intellect non bot Chinese member on LOF, worth interacting with. If Pakistani members are openly fedup, you can imagine the plight of members from nations China is openly hostile to.

Till CPEC and Gwadar did not blow up, they were virtually untouchable. And forget individual mod, they enjoyed forum admin level institutional protection.

Once things started going sour, and fat Chinese men started jumping on bonnets of Pakistani police jeeps and dancing the tandav, things changed subtly, though with Indians watching, there wasn't a peep out of a single Pakistani, out of sheer sheepish embarrassment.

Ditto Chinese reeducation camps (translation: gulags) for their Muslim citizenry.

Ditto Pakistani girls being openly shipped to China as bride trade.

Not one peep.

Cheers, Doc
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Pakistani police [...]

Ditto Chinese reeducation camps (translation: gulags) for their Muslim citizenry.

Ditto Pakistani girls being openly shipped to China as bride trade.

Your concern for Pakistani police, Muslims, and Pakistani girls is noted and dismissed.
Unwittingly as always you demonstrate how some Indians fan the flames of conflict on the forum.
Whether it was Turks v/s Iranians, Arabs v/s Israelis, Chinese v/s Americans, Indian trolls were never far from the action, stirring things up.
Your concern for Pakistani police, Muslims, and Pakistani girls is noted and dismissed.
Unwittingly as always you demonstrate how some Indians fan the flames of conflict on the forum.
Whether it was Turks v/s Iranians, Arabs v/s Israelis, Chinese v/s Americans, Indian trolls were never far from the action, stirring things up.

Wasn't asking you to note anything.

Making my observations heard, as you were.

You seem to be straining under the self assumed burden of importance that others are hankering for your notings.

This post may be duly taken as the first instalment of shuddh Indian disabusement.

Cheers, Doc
Beijingwalker had almost 200 threads open in the World Affairs subsection a couple weeks ago. And that was only in the first couple pages of each section. I’m all for free speech, but he was intentionally trying to bury any thread negative towards China or positive towards America.

If he joins here, get him under control.

Let us leave the past behind and make a fresh start. My responsibility is only this subforum, and if I cannot keep it fair for everyone equally, I will simply resign.

So the China section will be moderated by two Americans who are openly hostile to Chinese? Interesting...

Interesting to you maybe, but FALSE. Please see the above.

And please read this again:

For the record, I have absolutely no problem with the Chinese promoting their glorious country and its marvelous progress. They can promote and present their patriotic views in their own forum, over which I have no control, as they wish. However, the kind of endless agenda-driven barrage against USA in the USA forum that was unleashed previously will no longer be permitted, at least for as long as I am responsible for that section. Senior management can remove me from that role any time they wish, and I will be only too happy to continue as a member only.

If you still have any concerns even before any moderation has occurred, please take them to the management directly, preferably @Waz @Hyde or @Amaa’n . They asked me to take on this responsibility, and they can ask me to step down, if they so wish.

I will not respond to such off-topic posts again, and indeed keep the thread on topic.

I trust that I make myself crystal clear to everyone.

Wasn't asking you to note anything.

Making my observations heard, as you were.

You seem to be straining under the self assumed burden of importance that others are hankering for your notings.

This post may be duly taken as the first instalment of shuddh Indian disabusement.

Cheers, Doc

@vsdoc and others: Please do not engage further on similar posts. I will take care of them henceforth.
Beijingwalker had almost 200 threads open in the World Affairs subsection a couple weeks ago. And that was only in the first couple pages of each section. I’m all for free speech, but he was intentionally trying to bury any thread negative towards China or positive towards America.

If he joins here, get him under control.
That's exactly what happened. Remember when the news about the Uyghur persecution came up, he buried the thread by opening 30 new threads.
Let us see what happens in terms of the participation after the old PDF closes. I bet that it will take some time for the new PDF to grow to a size where the not-to-be-named-army of internet warriors is redeployed to try and do the same things again:


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