"Controversy Erupts Pakistani Prime Minister Tweets Despite Nationwide Ban on X"

It has back up of 250 million population plus connectivity with a Chinese mainland via road than access to central Asia

You can keep repeating. the 250 million will keep increasing. your leaders can keep going on their begging bowl trips. Nothing will change.
China must help Pakistan on emergency basis to built skilled manpower. If they want to see this very port successful.

The only thing that has not been asked of China is wipe your collective asses. No wonder they are fed up with Pakistan.
No public office holder and govt official should be allowed to use X as it is banned. Anyone who uses should be prosecuted.
The only thing that has not been asked of China is wipe your collective asses. No wonder they are fed up with Pakistan.
**What is "Qaht al-Rijaal"?**

*Qaht al-Rijaal* refers to a situation in a nation or country where there is a shortage of sincere, capable, and talented individuals, and no suitable leader or expert is available to manage public affairs.

Among the recipients of presidential medals and awards, is there even a single scientist who has discovered a method to increase the per-acre yield of crops or vegetables?

Is there even a single water expert who has suggested a new way to utilize rainwater or floodwaters?

Is there even a single doctor who has invented a medicine for the treatment of any agricultural, human, or animal disease?

Is there even a single engineer who has invented something new in the field of construction, medicine, or chemistry?

Is there even a single economist who has suggested a way to escape the quagmire of a debt-driven economy?

When only singers, thieves, fraudsters, jesters, and performers are considered national heroes and a source of pride,

*That is precisely*

*Qaht al-Rijaal.*
I agree The relationship between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Pakistan is complicated, i saw some reports suggesting that the UAE India and USA might be funding groups within Pakistan to disrupt the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This is a serious concern for China, as CPEC is crucial for connecting its less-developed western provinces to global markets.

India, on the other hand, benefits from shorter trade routes via the Indian Ocean and enjoys strong support from global powers like the USA and Europe. This support could give India a competitive advantage in international markets, particularly since China faces longer and potentially more vulnerable trade routes. China’s less developed western provinces rely heavily on CPEC to access global markets, making this corridor more critical for China than for Pakistan.

CPEC is vital for China as it provides an alternative route to the South China Sea, where Chinese goods face competition from Indian products due to India’s geographic advantage. Pakistan’s policymakers, however, seem to be influenced by American, Western, and Indian interests, which might undermine CPEC’s success. The removal of Imran Khan, who was perceived as a pro-China leader understands the west equally , may have weakened China’s position in Pakistan. By not recognizing the importance of Khan’s leadership in safeguarding its interests, China may have endangered its investments in CPEC.

CPEC is part of China’s broader Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and is intended to provide China with direct access to the Arabian Sea, bypassing the volatile South China Sea and the Malacca Strait, key chokepoints controlled by powers like the USA. Meanwhile, India’s strategic alliances with the USA, Japan, and Australia through the Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) showcase a united front against China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific, strengthening India’s position with technological and military support that could counterbalance China’s economic power.

The US and European countries increasingly view India as a counterbalance to China in Asia. Recent partnerships in technology, defence, and trade between India and these Western powers illustrate how India is becoming a pivotal player in the region. In contrast, political instability in Pakistan, including the ouster of pro-China leaders like Imran Khan, might lead to policies less favourable to China, creating vulnerabilities for CPEC, especially if the current leadership is more aligned with the West or hostile to China’s influence.

By not intervening or supporting a pro-China leadership in Pakistan, China may have inadvertently weakened its strategic position, potentially jeopardizing CPEC, a project crucial to China’s global trade ambitions. Disruption of CPEC could have significant consequences for China’s economic and strategic goals.

In this context, India, with the backing of the USA and Europe, appears to be in a stronger position geopolitically, with shorter trade routes and significant global support. China, meanwhile, faces challenges from longer, more complex trade routes and geopolitical tensions in Pakistan. To secure its position in the region, China needs to reassess its approach in Pakistan, ensuring stable, pro-China leadership to protect its investments and strategic interests. Without such reassessment, India and its allies could outmanoeuvre China in the global economic and geopolitical arena.
As we all know, there are some elite groups in Pakistan that have been educated in Western ideology for a long time, so they are relatively close to the West. Even some relatively pro-China politicians are still closer to the West in their hearts, and pro-China is nothing more than an act of immediate interests. It doesn't matter.

Non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries! This is the basic idea of China's current diplomacy, and it will not change because of any country. Pakistan's internal political problems can only be resolved by the Pakistani people themselves. If the CPEC completely fails because of Pakistan's internal political problems, China will solve the problem of China's trade routes in its own way and will not interfere in Pakistan's internal affairs.

The U.A.E. will have its own judgment and know how to handle relations with China, India and United States. If these countries fund groups to undermine the CPEC, they know what they will face.

As for India, China has its own analysis and judgment. We know very well what India wants to do and what it can do, and we know how to deal with India. Do not worry!

In recent years, the Chinese government's attitude towards Pakistan has slowly changed, and if the Pakistani government continues to ignore the CPEC in the future, the Chinese government may completely change its strategy towards Pakistan.

To put it simply: if the CPEC fails, China can afford it. But there will be no second CPEC program in Pakistan.
**What is "Qaht al-Rijaal"?**

*Qaht al-Rijaal* refers to a situation in a nation or country where there is a shortage of sincere, capable, and talented individuals, and no suitable leader or expert is available to manage public affairs.

Among the recipients of presidential medals and awards, is there even a single scientist who has discovered a method to increase the per-acre yield of crops or vegetables?

Is there even a single water expert who has suggested a new way to utilize rainwater or floodwaters?

Is there even a single doctor who has invented a medicine for the treatment of any agricultural, human, or animal disease?

Is there even a single engineer who has invented something new in the field of construction, medicine, or chemistry?

Is there even a single economist who has suggested a way to escape the quagmire of a debt-driven economy?

When only singers, thieves, fraudsters, jesters, and performers are considered national heroes and a source of pride,

*That is precisely*

*Qaht al-Rijaal.*

it is all fine - others can train you only to an extent. at some point you need an inner drive for intellectual curiosity.

you can study to make a living. I can see Pakistanis doing that.

you can study to gain knowledge. you won't see Pakistanis collectively doing that
As we all know, there are some elite groups in Pakistan that have been educated in Western ideology for a long time, so they are relatively close to the West. Even some relatively pro-China politicians are still closer to the West in their hearts, and pro-China is nothing more than an act of immediate interests. It doesn't matter.

Non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries! This is the basic idea of China's current diplomacy, and it will not change because of any country. Pakistan's internal political problems can only be resolved by the Pakistani people themselves. If the CPEC completely fails because of Pakistan's internal political problems, China will solve the problem of China's trade routes in its own way and will not interfere in Pakistan's internal affairs.

The U.A.E. will have its own judgment and know how to handle relations with China, India and United States. If these countries fund groups to undermine the CPEC, they know what they will face.

As for India, China has its own analysis and judgment. We know very well what India wants to do and what it can do, and we know how to deal with India. Do not worry!

In recent years, the Chinese government's attitude towards Pakistan has slowly changed, and if the Pakistani government continues to ignore the CPEC in the future, the Chinese government may completely change its strategy towards Pakistan.

To put it simply: if the CPEC fails, China can afford it. But there will be no second CPEC program in Pakistan.

China took Pakistan for a ride in the name of CPEC peddling expensive infrastructure that could not be paid back. There is no surprise about the outcome.

What you see now is Pakistan pushing back because they are broke. China is pretending to be surprised.
Pakistan has one of the most fertile land in the world and one of the youngest large workforce. But not educated and very low literacy rates?

Sits on the junction of Middle East, India and China.

Had it not embraced Afghan liberation in 1970s, we could have been a prosperous country.

these are few reasons I have listed above of Pakistan’s mess. And if I wanted too I could fill another 20 pages or more.
As we all know, there are some elite groups in Pakistan that have been educated in Western ideology for a long time, so they are relatively close to the West. Even some relatively pro-China politicians are still closer to the West in their hearts, and pro-China is nothing more than an act of immediate interests. It doesn't matter.

Non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries! This is the basic idea of China's current diplomacy, and it will not change because of any country. Pakistan's internal political problems can only be resolved by the Pakistani people themselves. If the CPEC completely fails because of Pakistan's internal political problems, China will solve the problem of China's trade routes in its own way and will not interfere in Pakistan's internal affairs.

The U.A.E. will have its own judgment and know how to handle relations with China, India and United States. If these countries fund groups to undermine the CPEC, they know what they will face.

As for India, China has its own analysis and judgment. We know very well what India wants to do and what it can do, and we know how to deal with India. Do not worry!

In recent years, the Chinese government's attitude towards Pakistan has slowly changed, and if the Pakistani government continues to ignore the CPEC in the future, the Chinese government may completely change its strategy towards Pakistan.

To put it simply: if the CPEC fails, China can afford it. But there will be no second CPEC program in Pakistan.
Pakistan has access to deep water. Pakistan has access to central Asia. Pakistan has access to Europe. America is ready to provide if Pakistan dispose China.. if China has expert like you then good luck let them finish job with Russia they will come after you..
China took Pakistan for a ride in the name of CPEC peddling expensive infrastructure that could not be paid back. There is no surprise about the outcome.

What you see now is Pakistan pushing back because they are broke. China is pretending to be surprised.
What's the point of what you say?

The people of Pakistan will tell you the truth!

Jake · Sullivan, the president's national security adviser to the United States, is in Beijing at the moment pleading with the Chinese government.He was greeted by no red carpet, only red lines!
China took Pakistan for a ride in the name of CPEC peddling expensive infrastructure that could not be paid back. There is no surprise about the outcome.

What you see now is Pakistan pushing back because they are broke. China is pretending to be surprised.

Simply starting your comment with " China and Pakistani" does nothing to add to your credibility. Economics is a complicated field, and oversimplification will never get you a good understanding of any economy. Just pointing out 5-10 points to describe an economy like Pakistan is like pointing out vitals to describe the cause of fourth stage cancer in a patient.
What's the point of what you say?

The people of Pakistan will tell you the truth!

Jake · Sullivan, the president's national security adviser to the United States, is in Beijing at the moment pleading with the Chinese government.He was greeted by no red carpet, only red lines!
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Point is America is gathering all his friends againt China., Pakistani nation always love China organically. If you go in Pakistan and ask a question who do you trust the most between China and USA . 99 percent will say China this is what China going to lose in Pakistan..
Simply starting your comment with " China and Pakistani" does nothing to add to your credibility. Economics is a complicated field, and oversimplification will never get you a good understanding of any economy. Just pointing out 5-10 points to describe an economy like Pakistan is like pointing out vitals to describe the cause of fourth stage cancer in a patient.

I have traveled to around 28 countries and have never seen people buy things with cash. Ninety-nine percent of Pakistanis buy land, houses, and cars with cash. Pakistanis have money, but they don't trust the government. In rich countries, 99% of people are under some kind of debt. Pakistan has 95 percent unregistered economy. In Pakistan around 60 percent woman some king gold in their homes.
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Point is America is gathering all his friends againt China., Pakistani nation always love China organically. If you go in Pakistan and ask a question who do you trust the most between China and USA . 99 percent will say China this is what China going to lose in Pakistan..
The people of Pakistan are very friendly to the Chinese! No Chinese would doubt it! China-Pakistan friendship is a common understanding between the two countries.

What we are questioning is the competence of the Government of Pakistan. Any cooperation project requires the joint efforts of both parties to succeed.

China can provide capital, technology, and talent to build capacity. The Pakistani government needs to do what was agreed in the agreement and what the Pakistani government needs to deal with. These are Pakistan's internal affairs, and China cannot interfere.

As for what you say United States gather all your friends to oppose China................... You can read about the history of China, which has dealt with this kind of problem. What do you think China's national strategy of "internal circulation" has been doing in recent years?

China will help Pakistan, but you can't morally kidnap!

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