Covid-19 News and Discussions

Stanford Medicine study flags unexpected cells in lung as suspected source of severe COVID​

A previously overlooked type of immune cell allows SARS-CoV-2 to proliferate, Stanford Medicine scientists have found. The discovery has important implications for preventing severe COVID-19.
April 10, 2024 - By Bruce Goldman


In an uninfected interstitial macrophage, the nucleus (purple) and outer cell membrane (blue) are intact. In an infected interstitial macrophage, the nucleus is shattered, copious newly made viral components (red) clump together, and the cell broadcasts inflammatory and scar-tissue-inducing chemical signals (yellow).
Emily Moskal

The lung-cell type that’s most susceptible to infection by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is not the one previously assumed to be most vulnerable. What’s more, the virus enters this susceptible cell via an unexpected route. The medical consequences may be significant.
Stanford Medicine investigators have implicated a type of immune cell known as an interstitial macrophage in the critical transition from a merely bothersome COVID-19 case to a potentially deadly one. Interstitial macrophages are situated deep in the lungs, ordinarily protecting that precious organby, among other things, engorging viruses, bacteria, fungi and dust particles that make their way down our airways. But it’s these very cells, the researchers have shown in a study published online April 10 in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, that of all known types of cells composing lung tissue are most susceptible to infection by SARS-CoV-2.
SARS-CoV-2-infected interstitial macrophages, the scientists have learned, morph into virus producersand squirt out inflammatory and scar-tissue-inducing chemical signals, potentially paving the road to pneumonia and damaging the lungs to the point where the virus, along with those potent secreted substances, can break out of the lungs and wreak havoc throughout the body.
The surprising findings point to new approaches in preventing a SARS-CoV-2 infection from becoming a life-threatening disease. Indeed, they may explain why monoclonal antibodies meant to combat severe COVID didn’t work well, if at all — and when they did work, it was only when they were administered early in the course of infection, when the virus was infecting cells in the upper airways leading to the lungs but hadn’t yet ensconced itself in lung tissue.

The virus surprises​

“We’ve overturned a number of false assumptions about how the virus actually replicates in the human lung,” said Catherine Blish, MD, PhD, a professor of infectious diseases and of microbiology and immunology and the George E. and Lucy Becker Professor in Medicine and associate dean for basic and translational research.
Blish is the co-senior author of the study, along with Mark Krasnow, MD, PhD, the Paul and Mildred Berg Professor of biochemistry and the Executive Director of the Vera Moulton Wall Center for pulmonary vascular disease.
“The critical step, we think, is when the virus infects interstitial macrophages, triggering a massive inflammatory reaction that can flood the lungs and spread infection and inflammation to other organs,” Krasnow said. Blocking that step, he said, could prove to be a major therapeutic advance. But there’s a plot twist: The virus has an unusual way of getting inside these cells — a route drug developers have not yet learned how to block effectively — necessitating a new focus on that alternative mechanism, he added.


Catherine Blish

In a paper published in Nature in early 2020, Krasnow and his colleagues including then-graduate student Kyle Travaglini, PhD — who is also one of the new study’s co-lead authors along with MD-PhD student Timothy Wu — described a technique they’d worked out for isolating fresh human lungs; dissociating the cells from one another; and characterizing them, one by one, on the basis of which genes within each cell were active and how much so. Using that technique, the Krasnow lab and collaborators were able to discern more than 50 distinct cell types, assembling an atlas of healthy lung cells.
“We’d just compiled this atlas when the COVID-19 pandemic hit,” Krasnow said. Soon afterward, he learned that Blish and Arjun Rustagi, MD, PhD, instructor of infectious diseases and another lead co-author of the study, were building an ultra-safe facility where they could safely grow SARS-CoV-2 and infect cells with it.
A collaboration ensued. Krasnow and Blish and their associates obtained fresh healthy lung tissue excised from seven surgical patients and five deceased lung donors whose lungs were virus-free but for one reason or another not used in transplants. After infecting the lung tissue with SARS-CoV-2 and waiting one to three days for the infection to spread, they separated and typed the cells to generate an infected-lung-cell atlas, analogous to the one Krasnow’s team had created with healthy lung cells. They saw most of the cell types that Krasnow’s team had identified in healthy lung tissue.
Now the scientists could compare pristine versus SARS-CoV-2-infected lungs cells of the same cell type and see how they differed: They wanted to know which cells the virus infected, how easily SARS-CoV-2 replicated in infected cells, and which genes the infected cells cranked up or dialed down compared with their healthy counterparts’ activity levels. They were able to do this for each of the dozens of different cell types they’d identified in both healthy and infected lungs.
“It was a straightforward experiment, and the questions we were asking were obvious,” Krasnow said. “It was the answers we weren’t prepared for.”
It’s been assumed that the cells in the lungs that are most vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection are those known as alveolar type 2 cells. That’s because the surfaces of these cells, along with those of numerous other cell types in the heart, gut and other organs, sport many copies of a molecule known as ACE2. SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to be able to grab onto ACE2 and manipulate it in a way that allows the virus to maneuver its way into cells.
Alveolar type 2 cells are somewhat vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2, the scientists found. But the cell types that were by far the most frequently infected turned out to be two varieties of a cell type called a macrophage.

Virus factories​

The word “macrophage” comes from two Greek terms meaning, roughly, “big eater.” This name is not unearned. The air we inhale carries not only oxygen but, unfortunately, tiny airborne dirt particles, fungal spores, bacteria and viruses. A macrophage earns its keep by, among other things, gobbling up these foreign bodies.

Mark Krasnow

Mark Krasnow

The airways leading to our lungs culminate in myriad alveoli, minuscule one-cell-thick air sacs, whichare abutted by abundant capillaries. This interface, called the interstitium, is where oxygen in the air we breathe enters the bloodstream and is then distributed to the rest of the body by the circulatory system.
The two kinds of SARS-CoV-2-susceptible lung-associated macrophages are positioned in two different places. So-called alveolar macrophages hang out in the air spaces within the alveoli. Once infected, these cells smolder, producing and dribbling out some viral progeny at a casual pace but more or less keeping a stiff upper lip and maintaining their normal function. This behavior may allow them to feed SARS-CoV-2’s progression by incubating and generating a steady supply of new viral particles that escape by stealth and penetrate the layer of cells enclosing the alveoli.
Interstitial macrophages, the other cell type revealed to be easily and profoundly infected by SARS-CoV-2, patrol the far side of the alveoli, where the rubber of oxygen meets the road of red blood cells. If an invading viral particle or other microbe manages to evade alveolar macrophages’ vigilance, infect and punch through the layer of cells enclosing the alveoli, jeopardizing not only the lungs but the rest of the body, interstitial macrophages are ready to jump in and protect the neighborhood.
At least, usually. But when an interstitial macrophage meets SARS-CoV-2, it’s a different story. Rather than get eaten by the omnivorous immune cell, the virus infects it.
And an infected interstitial macrophage doesn’t just smolder; it catches on fire. All hell breaks loose as the virus literally seizes the controls and takes over, hijacking a cell’s protein- and nucleic-acid-making machinery. In the course of producing massive numbers of copies of itself, SARS-CoV-2 destroys the boundaries separating the cell nucleus from the rest of the cell like a spatula shattering and scattering the yolk of a raw egg. The viral progeny exit the spent macrophage and move on to infect other cells.
But that’s not all. In contrast to alveolar macrophages, infected interstitial macrophages pump out substances that signal other immune cells elsewhere in the body to head for the lungs. In a patient, Krasnow suggested, this would trigger an inflammatory influx of such cells. As the lungs fill with cells and fluid that comes with them, oxygen exchange becomes impossible. The barrier maintaining alveolar integrity grows progressively damaged. Leakage of infected fluids from damaged alveoli propels viral progeny into the bloodstream, blasting the infection and inflammation to distant organs.
Yet other substances released by SARS-CoV-2-infected interstitial macrophages stimulate the production of fibrous material in connective tissue, resulting in scarring of the lungs. In a living patient, the replacement of oxygen-permeable cells with scar tissue would further render the lungs incapable of executing oxygen exchange.
“We can’t say that a lung cell sitting in a dish is going to get COVID,” Blish said. “But we suspect this may be the point where, in an actual patient, the infection transitions from manageable to severe.”

Another point of entry​

Compounding this unexpected finding is the discovery that SARS-CoV-2 uses a different route to infect interstitial macrophages than the one it uses to infect the other types.
Unlike alveolar type 2 cells and alveolar macrophages, to which the virus gains access by clinging to ACE2 on their surfaces, SARS-CoV-2 breaks into interstitial macrophages using a different receptor these cells display. In the study, blocking SARS-CoV-2’s binding to ACE2 protected the former cells but failed to dent the latter cells’ susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection.
“SARS-CoV-2 was not using ACE2 to get into interstitial macrophages,” Krasnow said. “It enters via another receptor called CD209.”
That would seem to explain why monoclonal antibodies developed specifically to block SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 interaction failed to mitigate or prevent severe COVID-19 cases.
It’s time to find a whole new set of drugs that can impede SARS-CoV-2/CD209 binding. Now, Krasnow said.
The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grants K08AI163369, T32AI007502 and T32DK007217), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Stanford Chem-H, the Stanford Innovative Medicine Accelerator, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Long Covid: Study using computer games to help memory​

15 hours ago
By Jen Smith & Andrew Segal,BBC News
BBC Brain training game
Brain training games are being used to help memory and cognition in long Covid patients
Scientists in Devon hope to reduce the impact of brain fog in people with long Covid using computer games.

The University of Exeter's Beacon Project used the brain's problem-solving abilities to help memory and cognition, staff said.

They added such games had been used in studies into the mental decline of older people and it was hoped similar work could help post-viral conditions.

The first findings could be available by the end of 2024, they said.

Tamsin Perrett

Tamsin Perrett said long Covid affected her memory, balance and her vision

Long Covid - continuing symptoms lasting at least 12 weeks after a Covid-19 infection - is thought to have affected about two million people around the world, with 80% of those suffering memory problems, scientists said.

The study involved participants using brain-training games on an app or website for six months to get measures of accuracy and reaction time to help improve memory.

Participant Tamsin Perrett first contracted Covid just before the first lockdown in 2020 and has had it five times. But her first infection developed into long Covid.

She said she felt seriously ill, enduring rashes, chest pain, shortness of breath and brain fog, and was worried "that was gonna be my new normal, which was particularly scary with a young child".

presentational grey line

Long Covid​

Some common symptoms include:

  • Extreme tiredness
  • Feeling short of breath
  • Problems with memory and concentration - or brain fog
Also include:

  • Sleeping problems
  • Loss of smell
  • Anxiety
Source: NHS

presentational grey line

She added brain fog "was at one point really scary and [I had] vertigo".

She recalled an incident, saying: "I remember thinking I was much better, then being in the car with my son in the back and suddenly realising... it was like the world had gone flat.

"I couldn't tell where the horizon line was and, obviously, just had to pull over and stop. But it was really disorientating."

Prof Anne Corbett specialises in dementia research but is now leading the study, which is looking for more volunteers with a history of long Covid and an internet connection.

She said: "Beacon [Project] is about whether we can use an accessible computer programme to help improve their brain, health and get them back to where they want to be.

"But we know this isn't going to be the silver bullet...

"This is a complicated problem that's going to need more than one solution in combination to make an effect."

Cape Cod Hospital has first day with zero positive COVID-19 tests since start of pandemic​

Zane Razzaq
Cape Cod Times


Earlier this month, on April 3, Cape Cod Hospital marked the first time since 2020 that it did not detect a positive COVID-19 test.
"More than four and a half years and we finally had a COVID-free day," said Cape Cod Healthcare President and CEO Michael Lauf. "It does not mean people weren't positive in our community, but for the very first time in over four years every test we ran was negative."
During a wide-ranging interview with the Times, Lauf reflected on the pandemic and its impact on the health care system. He said there are about 280 staff members across the hospital system who travel to work, which amounts to about 5% of the workforce.
Cape Cod Healthcare CEO Mike Lauf photographed on the sixth floor of Cape Cod Hospital where the new Barbey Patient Care Tower rises up behind him in Hyannis.

Travelers in a hospital are not employed by a particular facility but take temporary jobs in high-needs areas.
"The pandemic really hurt us," said Lauf. "Every other spot in the country has seen a huge decrease in travelers, not the Northeast and certainly not the Cape. We were hoping that a lot of our per-diems would come back, a lot of employees, but there's many challenges."

He named those difficulties as a lack of affordable and available housing in the area, more people moving off-Cape in recent years, and pandemic-triggered burnout among medical staff.
Hospital officials are looking for opportunities to improve and strengthen the regular workforce, he said.
"We have partnerships with 12 colleges, community colleges, universities. We have partnerships with all the local tech schools. We are trying everywhere to produce our own," said Lauf. ".... Our turnover rate sits at 8%, the statewide average is 20%. So, we're keeping the people we have, it's just hard to bring on the new people that you need."

Lauf said he feels the system is ready if another pandemic struck because of how quickly health care professionals learned and pivoted, but he said that innovation needs to continue. He pointed to Cape Cod Hospital's new four-story tower under construction on the Hyannis campus as an example.
When it is completed in 2025, every room in the new building will be able to be converted into ICU capability and negative air capability.
"We would have never thought like that five years ago," said Lauf. "We had eight in the whole place. Tomorrow we could have 300 with the flip of a switch and that's empowering."

Toward A Universal Covid Vaccine​

William A. Haseltine

Apr 10, 2024,12:54pm EDT
vaccine and injection, 3d rendering

virus vaccine and injection, 3d rendering
The continued evolution of SARS-CoV-2 into new variants, each as or more infectious than the last, underscores the ongoing need to update our vaccine defenses against the virus. While updated vaccines work against the variant for which they are designed, the virus quickly evolves to become more infectious and evade our latest immune defenses. This dynamic underscores the need for a universal vaccine, a potential game-changer that could neutralize all forms of SARS-CoV-2 and even other related coronaviruses. A recent study by Peter Halfmann and colleagues from the University of Wisconsin offers promising indications that this universal vaccine is on the horizon.

Over the four years and many millions of deaths, since the virus emerged in early 2020, we have seen several iterations of the COVID-19 shot. Many companies using several methods, including mRNA, killed virus, and purified subunits, worked with their federal governments to develop vaccines with various efficacies. The most effective of these were the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines.

The initial Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were released in 2021 as a two-dose regimen, followed by a booster six months later. In late 2022, they released updated bivalent vaccines to target Omicron BA.4 and BA.5. Finally, in late 2023, they released another updated booster for Omicron XBB.1.5. The similarities between this strategy and what we see with the annual flu shots are evident: an updated booster released every year to target the currently circulating strain of the virus.


Over time, the virus develops a series of mutations in the Spike protein and other genes that aid in immune evasion, resulting in a new variant and reduced efficacy for the latest vaccine. The need for a universal vaccine is clear as day but has yet to be attained.

Halfmann and colleagues attempt to fill this void in their study in Nature, creating a vaccine that neutralizes not only the many forms of SARS-CoV-2 but also similar SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-like bat coronaviruses in a forward-thinking strategy to prevent future epidemics.

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Halfmann and colleagues expanded their vaccine to include elements of eight Spike proteins, namely the 614D, BA.1, BA.5, BA.2.75.2, and XBB SARS-CoV-2 variants, SARS-CoV, and bat coronaviruses SHC014 and WIV1.

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To maximize the universality of their vaccine, they used a Spike protein nanoparticle platform instead. Imagine wanting to make a salad using only ingredients from a garden. The Spike proteins of a SARS-CoV-2 particle are identical, like a garden with only lettuce. The nanoparticle platform, known as MS2-SA, allows many Spike proteins to be attached to the same base, like a garden with lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, and cucumbers, allowing for a much more robust salad.

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FIGURE 1: Schematic of the attachment of various biotinylated S proteins to MS2-SA.
The nanoparticle platform can incorporate multiple spike protein antigens, allowing for the development of many differing multivalent or "cocktail" vaccines that provide broad protection.
Testing various combinations, they discovered a trivalent candidate with promising efficacy data.
A combination of nanoparticles, including 614D, SHC014, and Omicron XBB (pictured in the figure above in blue), created a robust level of protection not only various dominant forms of Omicron but also bat coronaviruses SHC014 and WIV1, indicating an extensive range of neutralization potential across this branch of coronavirus lineage, namely sarbecoviruses SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, and some cold causing coronaviruses. This combination in particular may not neutralize some coronaviruses.
Furthermore, the vaccines were more than functionally efficacious in vitro; they protected live hamsters from various viruses. The trivalent combination of 614D, SHC014, and Omicron XBB drastically reduced lung virus titers of BA.5 and XBB.1-infected hamsters. Similar results are seen when the hamsters are infected with bat coronaviruses WIV1 or SHC014 and vaccinated with the trivalent vaccine.
There are three major takeaways from this research. First, developing a broadly protective vaccine is crucial to end the evolutionary game of cat and mouse with SARS-CoV-2. Halfmann and colleagues' trivalent vaccine could be the solution.
Second, this trivalent vaccine's ability to elicit cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies and provide complete protection against diverse coronaviruses in animal models suggests it could be an effective strategy for future potential coronavirus outbreaks.
Third, if this vaccine proves successful in clinical trials, similar vaccine strategies could be adapted to target other emerging viral threats beyond SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. This means we could adjust the viruses being used in the formula to find something that works if wildly different viruses threaten an epidemic in the near future.
I eagerly anticipate the further testing and development of this vaccine and urge haste to bring forward its consumer availability to create another strong defense in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Covid vaccines not linked to fatal heart problems in young people, CDC finds​

The new report debunks widespread misinformation that the mRNA shots were connected to sudden cardiac death in young athletes.
A nurse prepares doses of the Pfizer vaccine

A Roseland Community Hospital nurse prepares doses of the Pfizer vaccine in Chatham, Ill., on Dec. 30, 2021.Brian Cassella / Chicago Tribune / TNS via Getty Images file

April 11, 2024, 1:45 PM EDT
By Berkeley Lovelace Jr.
There is no evidence that mRNA Covid vaccines cause fatal cardiac arrest or other deadly heart problems in teens and young adults, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report published Thursday shows.
Ever since the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna were authorized in late 2020, anti-vaccination groups in the U.S. have blamed the shots for fatal heart problems in young athletes.

One of the most notorious examples of vaccine misinformation involves Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin, 26, who in 2023 collapsed on “Monday Night Football” as a result of cardiac arrest. Hamlin was resuscitated on the field and eventually recovered. He returned to play for the Bills last season.
“When Damar Hamlin went down, immediately comments were getting made that it was possibly vaccine-related,” said study co-author Dr. Paul Cieslak, the medical director of communicable diseases and immunizations at Oregon Health Authority’s public health division. “This is kind of what we were trying to address with this analysis.”
Damar Hamlin #3 of the Buffalo Bills
Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills at Highmark Stadium in Orchard Park, N.Y., on Oct. 26, 2023.Timothy T. Ludwig / Getty Images file
The findings in the new report come from the analysis of nearly 1,300 death certificates of Oregon residents ages 16 to 30 who died from any heart condition or unknown reasons between June 1, 2021 and Dec. 31, 2022.During this time period, nearly 1 million teens and young adults in the state had gotten a Covid vaccine, the authors wrote.
The authors refined their focus to people who got an mRNA Covid vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna and died within 100 days of being vaccinated.


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Out of 40 deaths that occurred among people who got an mRNA Covid vaccine, three occurred within that time frame.
Two of the deaths were attributed to chronic underlying health conditions.
The third death was recorded as an “undetermined natural cause,” with toxicology tests returning negative for alcohol, cannabis, methamphetamine or other illicit substances.
The medical examiner could neither confirm nor exclude Covid vaccination as the cause of death; however, none of the death certificates attributed the fatalities to the vaccines.
While it remains unclear whether the vaccine caused the third death, Cieslak noted that the analysis showed that 30 people died from Covid during the time frame, the majority of whom were not vaccinated.
“When you’re balancing risks and benefits, you have to look at that and go, ‘You got to bet on the vaccine,’” he said.
Dr. Leslie Cooper, the chair of the cardiology department at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who was not involved in the study, said the researchers were actually “quite generous” in their analysis, adding that the 100-day time frame following vaccination was a large one.
“They went above and beyond to try and capture any possible cardiac death from vaccinations,” he said.
Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating and pumping blood to the rest of the body. It’s not the same as a heart attack, which happens when blood flow to the heart’s muscle becomes limited or blocked, or myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle.
For people under 35, the causes of cardiac arrest are often unclear. It could be the result of genetic defects or heart malfunctions, such as problems with the valves of the heart.
Even with the lengthy time frame, Cooper added, the analysis shows that the risk of sudden death in young adults after being vaccinated is significantly lower than the risk of sudden cardiac death from all causes — about 1 in 500,000 per year, compared to 1 in 100,000 per year, according to his estimates.
The data shows “no signal for any elevation in cardiac deaths associated with the Covid mRNA vaccines,” he said. “Their conclusions are quite reasonable.”
No vaccine has ever been conclusively linked to sudden cardiac death, said Dr. Ofer Levy, the director of the Precision Vaccines Program at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Although the mRNA vaccines have been linked to a small risk of myocarditis, the heart condition tends to be much milder than what is typically seen with traditional myocarditis from Covid infection, he added, and most people fully recover within a few days.
“This adds to evidence that people don’t drop dead from getting their mRNA Covid vaccines,” Levy said of the study.

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