Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

this might be an opportunity for Iran to hit israeli airforce, to cripple and destroy its assets that are used against Palestinians and Lebanon ..
It is. That said I don't know what will happen. But I would have Iran and Yemen launch a simultaneous attack and put Hezbollah on standby.

UK/US cannot override the will of the people in the region. They cannot go to war with the whole middle East/North Africa, unless they're trying to commit mass suicide. They will get messed up badly. People are on their nerves ready to destroy Israel, anything and everything Israeli, and anyone who even thinks to try to protect them or fight on their behalf. UK/US will knowingly be committing suicide and sacrificing their whole well being and peoples well being for the sake of 9 million Jewish supremacists.
There has to be much more to this as how could Isreal fly a jet, drone all way to Iran n pass thru Irans air space undetected..ponder if there was help in the capital itself.
US is bluffing. Americans won't support a war on behalf of Israel. If US government authorizes it, it will have to reverse course of action, quickly. Arabs will not allow US to their territories as launch pads. Might happen against their will, but I highly doubt they will allow it.

Most importantly, Arabs cannot sell to the general public, the idea of helping Israel retaliate, after it gets a blow it deserves, that entire Arab public wishes for. On top of that, to suggest Arab states act as a shield for Israel's supremacy and stubbornness in its genocide. It would be so extremely unpopular and lead to violent revolts and military action by Arab states such as Algeria and others. It would be seen as borderline blasphemy, to face war on their lands for sake of protecting Israel, an Israel that flamed fans of war on purpose and committed a genocide on purpose.
Are you for real !! You are replacing reality with your wishes !
this might be an opportunity for Iran to hit israeli airforce, to cripple and destroy its assets that are used against Palestinians and Lebanon ..
While planning attack do keep some free space for a possibility of retaliation !!
Average Iranian wants peace, development, liberalisation and end to these senseless wars.

For Iranian people of today, the real hero is Mahsa Amini not these ruling clerics. These Ayatollahs are no different from Taliban.
Iran will not have either way.

Shah rule, send in Mullah;
Mullah rule, send in Shia and liberals.

Iran needs to be weakened, permanently unstable, and fragmented.

Like China, Iran wants priority in development. It will only come at a favorable geostrategic environment.

left alone, Iran is a potential regional hegemony, not India.
Be fair, Iran has powerful and technological superior enemies such as Usa Israel EU GCC, Iran on the other hand is severely sanctions nation. A war with Israel and West will destroy Iran so it's the last resort. Iran should instead fight against corruption, make major reforms in to their security and intelligent forces, buy latest tech from China and Russia.
Iran has good enough technology to counter Israel and with Yemen,Syria,Iraq as Allies Iran can attack from all directions with their drones and missiles the only thing Iran lack are good fighter jets.but can Iran defeat Israel and her allies with missiles and drones? imo Iran shows restrain because they dont have nukes yet and they understand their convential capabilities are good enough to pierce Israel but not defeat israel!
Sorry to burst your bubble. I don't delve into religious topics too much. Allah is on no one's side. You see, to get a favor from your lord, there are certain conditions of purity to be met, and the Muslims in this world are far down the gutter for God to even give two shits about. One of the proscribed conditions is to establish justice and fulfill the rights of others. The foundation of any society's progress is the rule of law and its proper implementation. So let's not bring God into everything because if the Jews use this logic, we can see who's doing the most body count.
You are right about purity conditions. At this time Muslims are purer than the Jews who are on the verge of civil war for the release of army men responsible for the rape of Palestinian prisoners. Iranians have established justice in their country. Lacs of Afghanis died and I think only 6000 American soldiers died but still the Taliban won the war. This is not a normal war with two armies fighting each other. This is a guerrilla war in which the civilians have to pay a huge price. In Sha Allah! the Muslims will persevere over the Zionists.
Iran has good enough technology to counter Israel and with Yemen,Syria,Iraq as Allies Iran can attack from all directions with their drones and missiles the only thing Iran lack are good fighter jets.but can Iran defeat Israel and her allies with missiles and drones? imo Iran shows restrain because they dont have nukes yet and they understand their convential capabilities are good enough to pierce Israel but not defeat israel!
Bhai, Irani can pierce small time puppu Israel easily and they have millions of local pitthu. We can’t even manage that. Our capability is far less than Irans……our Eff-sola is junk!
Bhai, Irani can pierce small time puppu Israel easily and they have millions of local pitthu. We can’t even manage that. Our capability is far less than Irans……our Eff-sola is junk!
Maybe, but will they be able to manage the fallout ?
It's an inside job.
If that whole apartment block is intact then no way isreal utilised it's airforce or some missile for this purpose.
You think an Israeli F-35 could fly to Tehran and bomb that building and make it back?
if iran fires 100 missiles, maybe 10% will get through (10)

if iran fires 200 missiles, maybe 20% will get through (40)

iran fires 500 missiles, maybe 40% will get through (200)

but then every additional missile will likely have a 60-70% chance of getting through

this is the problem iran faces in designing a calculated but sufficiently strong strike
The Last time around much of the 300+ projectiles Iran fired at Israel were Drones and subsonic cruise Missiles. The few Balistic missiles that Iran fired had a much more Air Defense penetration success rate than your "10%" calculation!
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The people who are running around hear "shocked" that Israel was able to take out a high Value target in Tehran either have no clue about modern warfare or are straight up Propagandists trying to portray Iran as already defeated. Lets not forget that last weak, Ansar Allah was able to Strike Tel Aviv with a simple drone undetected by the most sophisticated air defense system deployed anywhere in the world. The very fact that Israel had to resort to using clandestine forces( most probably MKO elements) instead of IAF Fixed wing aircraft to carry out this strike shows what the Israelis think of Iranian Air Defense capabilities!
Iranian leader led funeral prayer or نماز میت or صلاه الجنازه of the late Shahid Haniyeh in Tehran, with presence of family of the martyred soul and Iranian governors


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