Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

if iran fires 100 missiles, maybe 10% will get through (10)

if iran fires 200 missiles, maybe 20% will get through (40)

iran fires 500 missiles, maybe 40% will get through (200)

but then every additional missile will likely have a 60-70% chance of getting through

this is the problem iran faces in designing a calculated but sufficiently strong strike
That is the problem Iran has - the last attack is viewed as being successful defended against. It cannot afford to have the same image of its capabilities. It has to both succeed and hurt Israel but also been seen to be successful otherwise their deterrence
Will be permanently degraded and their allies will have doubts about Iran’s capabilities to have their “back”.
You think an Israeli F-35 could fly to Tehran and bomb that building and make it back?
Absolutely. Now that interview with female F-35 pilot where she says it has a 900nm combat radius there's no doubt it can fly that far especially if it topped off (ariel refueled) over Israel. They also have been testing LO drop tanks which could add significant range.

However he wasn't killed by aircraft he was killed by folks near the area. Very clean kill almost too clean.
A good reason given to israel to hit Natanz with a small nuke.....
Hezbollah in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon are not defensive armed forces anymore. They can go into Israel and occupied lands.

Many factors are needed to justify an operation like that. Political, military etc. After all, there are a few considerations that are already fading away.

The unholy bastard of western culture, the dirty culture that a Frenchy such as yourself live with its standards, is showing it's true nature. All that bravado about human rights bullshit that west boasts about are all the proven lies. However you as a Frenchy is less of a westerner in American and Anglo dictionary. They consider you Frenchy as a dog of western civilization. And we have seen this logic among Americans time and time again.
Maybe, but will they be able to manage the fallout ?
Whole power of US and EU helping out the Zionists. Tu apnay India di gal kar……you don’t got the oomph of what the irani’s are doing. Your whole economy is tied in with the west no? We are small potatoes……forget us, but the west can shut yous down quick if you get uppitty. Embargo luggana hae on yous on da trade and your tuttian goin immediately stop!✋
if iran fires 100 missiles, maybe 10% will get through (10)

if iran fires 200 missiles, maybe 20% will get through (40)

iran fires 500 missiles, maybe 40% will get through (200)

but then every additional missile will likely have a 60-70% chance of getting through

this is the problem iran faces in designing a calculated but sufficiently strong strike
Depends on how many missiles Israeli AD can simultaneously track, not just the quantity of interceptors.
sounds like the game is on...
2km radius around Tehran is not for offensive action against Israel. It is to stop Israel from air striking more foreign dignitaries on Iranian soil. Or to stop Iranians from shooting down civilian aircraft again.
The people who are running around hear "shocked" that Israel was able to take out a high Value target in Tehran either have no clue about modern warfare or are straight up Propagandists trying to portray Iran as already defeated. Lets not forget that last weak, Ansar Allah was able to Strike Tel Aviv with a simple drone undetected by the most sophisticated air defense system deployed anywhere in the world. The very fact that Israel had to resort to using clandestine forces( most probably MKO elements) instead of IAF Fixed wing aircraft to carry out this strike shows what the Israelis think of Iranian Air Defense capabilities!

No, this is even more embarassing for Iran. You are supposed to thoroughly sanitise an area before VVIPs arrive. And if you are hosting Hamas's chief of all people, he should not be staying in a stupid location like a high floor apartment.

The fact that Israel was able to infiltrate an entire ATGM into
Tehran and fire it at Hamas's chief is shameful.
The Last time around much of the 300+ projectiles Iran fired at Israel were Drones and subsonic cruise Missiles. The few Balistic missiles that Iran fired had a much more Air Defense penetration success rate than your "10%" calculation!
that's why I said 100 missiles and 10%

we know 100 ballistic missiles were fired and c. 9 impacted = 9%
that's why I said 100 missiles and 10%

we know 100 ballistic missiles were fired and c. 9 impacted = 9%

But how many of them were the more advanced ballistic types?

It seems that the latest Iranian ballistic missiles mainly got through and it was the older ones and cruise missiles that were intercepted. In the case of the cruise missiles they were mainly intercepted before they even entered Palestine by Jordan, USA, UK and France.
Israel operates in Iran with free hand you may ask yourself why and how is it possible (for those non-Iranians who may wonder).
1- An overwhelming majority of Iranian population (80-90%) although they are sympathetic to Palestine issue do not want Iran to be involved in Arab-Israel issue ..they want Iranian funds, weapons and Iranian attention to be focused on Iranian issues ..they want Iran to be a "Normal" country and not a protector of Arab lands. A minority who is in power in Iran today have a different agenda and do not give a damn about what majority Iranians think of this issue. Israel uses this rift to the full extent and operate in Iran freely.

2- incompetent top command in all sectors of IR military apparatus (they could not find the ex president crashed helicopter for 24 hours..they had to ask Turks to do it..they sink their own ships in their own ports, they can not protect their most valued AD asset while in full alert..They fire 300 missiles and hit no one and no assets..etc the list is long and embarrassing!). Iranian soldiers still use WWII equipment and die in the hands of terrorist while their top equipement is sent to Lebanon and Yemen..


PS: you can attack me for saying all this but the truth does not change..We are where we are!!..
You are also the part of these 80-90% MAJORITY? can Israel use you too?
Israeli reporter in a Hebrew posts asks herself wondering

How is that even possible that the most prominent Shia leader led funeral prayers of an other prominent Sunni leader?

These Zionist swines have no idea about how Islam works.
Even when Iran's embassy was bombed and its top military brass were killed in one fell swoop, they still notified the US beforehand, targeting only vacant lots and runways of air bases, causing not a single casualty. I don't think they have the courage to shoot back properly this time either. If Israel were serious, Khamenei would have been killed a hundred times over, and he understands that well.
Even when Iran's embassy was bombed and its top military brass were killed in one fell swoop, they still notified the US beforehand, targeting only vacant lots and runways of air bases, causing not a single casualty. I don't think they have the courage to shoot back properly this time either. If Israel were serious, Khamenei would have been killed a hundred times over, and he understands that well.
That's your brain ph@rting not the ground reality.

Trump said concussion and you believed. That's the level of your IQ

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