Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

We are getting close to the zero hour

My own prediction is a chain of retaliation.

Am asking myself, are we moving towards that 6 months promised by Ahadith? It is something that we cannot avoid forever. Jews are gathered in one 0lace again, Technologically, the Islamic axis in the region is almost prepared.

It's almost half a decade that Iran is arming itself and allies with lights off and behind the scene. No serious official unveiling while we had sharp increase in oil income and steel output. All these without major economic changes indicates that we have been preparing for something.

Am I right or wrong?, will be answered in the coming days.
We are getting close to the zero hour

My own prediction is a chain of retaliation.

Yes I predict back and forth strikes with America assisting from defensive standpoint similar to Ukraine v Russia proxy model.

It's almost half a decade that Iran is arming itself and allies with lights off and behind the scene.

It’s now or never for the Axis. Iran and the Axis spent 30 years to have this opportunity. Yes more time to get stronger would be welcome, but if you wait for tomorrow then tomorrow may never come.

It’s time for Iran and Israel to settle scores and either reach an agreement or it turns into all out war.

Either way the only way to settle this is in the arena and the fighters must fight.

Iran must fight for a ceasefire and a credible path for Palestinian statehood and even Golan Heights/Sheba farms returned back to Syria and Lebanon respectively.

Only then can Iran lay down it’s hostilities.

Maybe this is too optimistic but this shadow war cannot go on forever. The Middle East and the world are getting tired of it. It’s been going on for over 10 years at this point.
Seems more viable than a super precise attack on a very specific time deep in iran.
Is it more viable for a bomb to be placed 2 months in advance without it being discovered than to have a team launch a drone or ATGM from several kms away from that building?
We are getting close to the zero hour

My own prediction is a chain of retaliation.

Am asking myself, are we moving towards that 6 months promised by Ahadith? It is something that we cannot avoid forever. Jews are gathered in one 0lace again, Technologically, the Islamic axis in the region is almost prepared.

It's almost half a decade that Iran is arming itself and allies with lights off and behind the scene. No serious official unveiling while we had sharp increase in oil income and steel output. All these without major economic changes indicates that we have been preparing for something.

Am I right or wrong?, will be answered in the coming days.

The fact that you already edited your post shows just how wrong you were, and still are. :D

Before @Musings says this for me, I will say it again: Let's w a i t a n d s e e. :D
Hanbalis are followers of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and strongly believe in appearance of Ahadith.

Yes, our Kurds are also Shafi'i Sunnis.

I have spent at least 4 years with them in the university, peaceful people they are. Always happy, you wouldn't understand this happy part till you stay and live with them. Don't know about Arab Shafi'i but Kurds were great people, must be similar.

lol 😂…. u should all be followers of Muhammad PBUH and Allah… why dont u just say that
Wrath is a bad advisor!
You have to strike when the opponent doesn't expect it!
Yes I predict back and forth strikes with America assisting from defensive standpoint similar to Ukraine v Russia proxy model.

It’s now or never for the Axis. Iran and the Axis spent 30 years to have this opportunity. Yes more time to get stronger would be welcome, but if you wait for tomorrow then tomorrow may never come.

It’s time for Iran and Israel to settle scores and either reach an agreement or it turns into all out war.

Either way the only way to settle this is in the arena and the fighters must fight.

Iran must fight for a ceasefire and a credible path for Palestinian statehood and even Golan Heights/Sheba farms returned back to Syria and Lebanon respectively.

Only then can Iran lay down it’s hostilities.

Maybe this is too optimistic but this shadow war cannot go on forever. The Middle East and the world are getting tired of it. It’s been going on for over 10 years at this point.
Agreed on most parts, except, I had religious glasses. You tried to reason it in a logical manner.

This is not Iran's shadow war with USA, it actually is Islam VS western hegemony.

Western hegemony digested almost all the civilizations with its unprecedented savagery e.g. killing 60-100 million Indians of north America, destroying christianity in a satanic manner etc, except for Islam which is still alive and breathing.

Iran is just a small part of this concept called Islam @maverick

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