Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

Anger is a bad counselor !
You have to strike when the opponent doesn't expect it!
What is the point of retaliation now? US,Israel got all the time to move their assets in place.
The basic understanding of time escapes you.

It works for and against everyone.
Anger is a bad counselor !
You have to strike when the opponent doesn't expect it!

This isn’t true at all.

Hitler surprise invaded Poland - lost the war
Then Hitler surprise invaded Russia - still lost the war
Imperial Japan surprise attacked USA (Pearl Harbor) - lost the war
Arabs Suprised attack Israel 1973 - lost the war
US surprise invaded Vietnam - lost the war
Saddam suprise invaded Iran - lost the war
Saddam surprise invaded Kuwait - lost the war

Element of surprise might help you win a battle, but you can easily lose the war (which is a series of battles).
Element of surprise might help you win a battle, but you can easily lose the war (which is a series of battles).

When anyone pokes a sleeping bear in its bunghole with a stick, they should better have more than the stick to protect themselves when the bear comes after them. Just look at the present conflict as an example.
That's not what Army Priority Jet is for......

If they were to evac embassy, they either use Marine MEU transport (for hot extraction) or state department Gulfstream.

Army Priority Jet is basically Army Top Brass private jet.

On the other hand, it's funny to say under Trump this will not happen when it was Trump who directly assassinated the top Iranian general himself.........The humor really did not lose on those Newsmax idiots......
This isn’t true at all.

Hitler surprise invaded Poland - lost the war
Then Hitler surprise invaded Russia - still lost the war
Imperial Japan surprise attacked USA (Pearl Harbor) - lost the war
Arabs Suprised attack Israel 1973 - lost the war
US surprise invaded Vietnam - lost the war
Saddam suprise invaded Iran - lost the war
Saddam surprise invaded Kuwait - lost the war

Element of surprise might help you win a battle, but you can easily lose the war (which is a series of battles).

I don't think Hitler "surprised" Soviet Union. The Soviet knows how Hitler hated communist and Bolsheviks, I mean after supporting Franco against the Spain Communist and supporting Finland on Soviet themselves in the 1940, either Stalin is that stupid or that blind to think Hitler did not eye on Soviet Union....

On the other hand, US didn't surprise invade Vietnam, US involvement was gradually increase between just a few advisors attached to the French from 1950 to SF Deployment between 1955-1962 to basically a full on conventional war from 1965 onward........That's a long time coming, I mean, it's not like they are Day 1 D-Day landing in Vietnam
Anger is a bad counselor !
You have to strike when the opponent doesn't expect it!
They expect because missile journey from Iran to Israel is long enough.

keep waiting the enemy damage them, e.g: in travel industry, they are losing money in summer season with flight companies cancelling flights.
It is now 1:15 AM in Tehran. If an attack is going to happen tonight we would expect it to start by 3 AM at the latest.

If not then the attack goes for tomorrow night/early Sunday morning.

Looking more likely it will be tomm, but there is still time.
They expect because missile journey from Iran to Israel is long enough.

keep waiting the enemy damage them, e.g: in travel industry, they are losing money in summer season with flight companies cancelling flights.
The people that made the decision to respond are not looking for a symbolic victory. US Navy is on the way to intercept missiles as soon as they leave Iran. Tonight is likely going to be the night to achieve a effective response. A little hit on tourism is not the goal.
The people that made the decision to respond are not looking for a symbolic victory. US Navy is on the way to intercept missiles as soon as they leave Iran. Tonight is likely going to be the night to achieve a effective response. A little hit on tourism is not the goal.
Iran kept Israel waiting more time in the previous response.

12 days.

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