Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

Considering the Israelis can run remote cars with machine guns in Iran at will - it seems either Iranian counter intelligence is completely useless or compromised ,


There are backdoor deals
Considering the Israelis can run remote cars with machine guns in Iran at will - it seems either Iranian counter intelligence is completely useless or compromised ,


There are backdoor deals

Possibly Iran positioning itself better for the upcoming change in US Presidency?
Possibly Iran positioning itself better for the upcoming change in US Presidency?
The fact that it happened right after he met with the Iranian president elect is rather odd.
I don’t know if it’s true, but current rumours are that he was tracked using his cellphone (why he used western cellphone with western installed app is beyond me) and he was assassinated using some kind of spike like missile launched from another building.

None of this is confirmed
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Well it is starting to look like there was no airstrike (Iran media claimed)or pics would be posted by now by citizens it looks like ambush or anti-tank missiles were used to take him out which causes very little damage. This puts Iran in a weird situation if the assassination was due to aircraft, drone or air to ground missiles coming from outside Iran's border Iran would have the right for a military retaliation but if it was done by agents already inside Iran, Iran retaliating militarily would be an escalation and Israel could respond heavily. Israel knew what it did by killing IRGC Generals in their consulate could be considered an act of war which is why they didn't do much when Iran launched missiles at Israel. Bibi may be hoping Iran does retaliate militarily to finally settle this once an for all.
I don’t know if it’s true, but current rumours are that he was tracked using his cellphone (why he used western cellphone with western installed app is beyond me) and he was assassinated using smoke kind of spike like missile launched from another building.

None of this is confirmed
Clearly US is also involved. There is a ayat in the Koran never to take certain christians and Jews (Zionists) as one’s auliyah as they only help each other. The US must have given the info of him going to Tehran. Also Muslim countries such as Iraq, Turkey, Iran Pakistan etc need to crush jointly pkk, pjak, bla, ttp, etm, jundullah, Jais ul adl, daesh etc. these are the tools used by external forces to destabilize our countries
Israel operates in Iran with free hand you may ask yourself why and how is it possible (for those non-Iranians who may wonder).
1- An overwhelming majority of Iranian population (80-90%) although they are sympathetic to Palestine issue do not want Iran to be involved in Arab-Israel issue ..they want Iranian funds, weapons and Iranian attention to be focused on Iranian issues ..they want Iran to be a "Normal" country and not a protector of Arab lands. A minority who is in power in Iran today have a different agenda and do not give a damn about what majority Iranians think of this issue. Israel uses this rift to the full extent and operate in Iran freely.

2- incompetent top command in all sectors of IR military apparatus (they could not find the ex president crashed helicopter for 24 hours..they had to ask Turks to do it..they sink their own ships in their own ports, they can not protect their most valued AD asset while in full alert..They fire 300 missiles and hit no one and no assets..etc the list is long and embarrassing!). Iranian soldiers still use WWII equipment and die in the hands of terrorist while their top equipement is sent to Lebanon and Yemen..


PS: you can attack me for saying all this but the truth does not change..We are where we are!!..

Israel uses this rift to the full extent and operate in Iran freely.

Are you suggesting that Iranians are assisting Israel in carrying out such assassinations?

I agree that this is mainly an Arab problem. The problem with Arab leadership is that they don't care about Palestinians. The GCC Arabs are partners of Israel.
Bibi may be hoping Iran does retaliate militarily to finally settle this once an for all.

Explain this in more detail. What do you exactly mean by settling this once and for all? You do understand that this can go nuclear. That is actually what settling this conflict means.
Launching inside of the country or a neighbouring country like northern Iraq.
Israel more than likely does have ground assets in Iran as well. ☹️☹️☹️
Clearly US is also involved. There is a ayat in the Koran never to take certain christians and Jews (Zionists) as one’s auliyah as they only help each other. The US must have given the info of him going to Tehran. Also Muslim countries such as Iraq, Turkey, Iran Pakistan etc need to crush jointly pkk, pjak, bla, ttp, etm, jundullah, Jais ul adl, daesh etc. these are the tools used by external forces to destabilize our countries

It is not only the US that is involved. Israel is getting full assistance from Britain, France and many other Western nations. Of course the US provides all assistance to Israel.
Israel has the full capability to conduct assassinations inside Iran and other Muslim states, they even did it in Dubai and in Pakistan killings are easily done by terrorists. Iran is just incompetent, the sanctions are hurting their security forces, they must upgrade their secret services with latest tech and training. Also people are talking about inside help, well money buys everything, intelligent agencies pay millions for info and people are on sale everywhere.

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