Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

If the Iranian attack was not good enough for Israel, then why did Israel threaten AND pathetically attempt retaliation against Iran after it?

Dear that's is actually the reason, Israel knows Iran can't go for full scale war right now neither Hezbollah or proxies of Iran and Iran last reply was only symbolic with assurance of no significant destruction. so they got bold and do this. If still Iran didn't respond properly then Next Israel is probably going after Nuclear or some important installation. Israel wants to move to neutralise Lebanon Front after Gaza and Just need a reason which it going to create if not provided by Iran or Hezbollah. Israel wont' prefer to go for war with Iran without neutralising Iran Proxy near it's border so Israel next target should be Israel bordering entity. It would be foolish for Iran to provide such opportunity to Israel. Instead the response should be directly from Iran as incident happened in Iran and Iran is far from Israel direct reach but Iran can go for it If Hezbollah remain intact till that time.
There maybe some truth to this claim and I say this because Iran is clearly taking on the baby killers directly - now they're not fools, they'd only do this if they had some sort of credible deterrence. Israel is basically USA - and we know what capabilities they possess and Iran knows this too. Iran must have a nuke or two to be able to control these rabid dogs in ME.

And if Iran has one, then it can most definitely penetrate Israel's air defences as it was demonstrated a while back with atleast 5 confirmed hits.
Ever hear of strategic targets? No? Well I'm not surprise coming from you. You're the same guy that says the F-35 isn't a 5th gen fighter so when you post I'm not taking you serious.

Btw ever since Israel bomb the hell out of houthi oil ports they have been really quiet. Looks like they got the message... for now. Israel taking out Iranian strategic sites is more than doable... it is likely.

Errr, Iran can also bomb strategic targets in the entity as well.

I have already talked about this as Iran is like 10 times as larger, and so in a war will come out on top as the entity will need to hit 10 times as many Iranian targets as vice-versa to cause the same impact.

Unless daddy USA needs to "help out" the spoilt brat.

PS - Don't worry about the Houthis as they are likely to hit back soon, maybe in combination with Iran and Hezbollah to make the usurper pay and cry.
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Ever hear of strategic targets? No? Well I'm not surprise coming from you. You're the same guy that says the F-35 isn't a 5th gen fighter so when you post I'm not taking you serious.

Btw ever since Israel bomb the hell out of houthi oil ports they have been really quiet. Looks like they got the message... for now. Israel taking out Iranian strategic sites is more than doable... it is likely.

We will see how many millions of you will get humiliated and run away through sea 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It is a little past 8:30 PM in Tehran.

Tonite has a high likelihood of being the night the attack happens or starts. However, again just like last night, if we do not see any indications by 2 AM it is likely then the attack is delayed till next weekend.
Are some kids running Iranian regime ?
Why weekend ? On monday Israelis would arrive their offices like nothing happened. If you actually want to disrupt their life why not hit on weekdays.
Are some kids running Iranian regime ?
Why weekend ? On monday Israelis would arrive their offices like nothing happened. If you actually want to disrupt their life why not hit on weekdays.
And I'd say daytime attack too! I'm sure they're expecting one overnight...daytime, during peak times, when the settlers are out and about.
The most painful punishment for Zions and the west is unveiling nuclear and ICBM by Iran ...

After Iran, Turkey , Egypt , SA will try their best to arm themselves with nuke, then European should live in fear of nuclear armed Islamic countries !!!

Lets open Pandora box
The most painful punishment for Zions and the west is unveiling nuclear and ICBM by Iran ...

After Iran, Turkey , Egypt , SA will try their best to arm themselves with nuke, then European should live in fear of nuclear armed Islamic countries !!!

Lets open Pandora box
I think this is the way. We just need Iran to create the chain reaction then Turkey, SA, and Egypt would want it too.

Clearly, Europeans have not quit their colonial ambitions. Europe wants to colonize the entire west Asia through Israel. If you think Israel will stop expanding after Palestinian genocide then I have a bridge to sell you.
US is currently attacking Yemen and has already destroyed several launchers.

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