Egypt International Airshow 2024

My reply is to Our dear Turkish friends , Realistically, the Hurajet seems like an armed trainer,. similar to the KAI T-50/KF-21. If Turkey ends up the only country flying this it sounds like a bit of a vanity project - sometimes it just makes sense to buy someone else's design, which they perhaps could build under license. There is a need and a market for light fighters and there are countries that don't want to be closely tied to western defense companies but don't want to be dependent upon China or Russia; but, there are already similar jets in service. Then there is the looming possibility of a future armed version T-7, with the promise of industry support and upgrades for basically as long as the US flies the T-7 that could still be very tempting.

Regardless of my love for the Turks or not or even accepting cooperation with them as a regional competitor and historical enemy

The Turkish Hurjet project is very difficult for Egypt to accept because it is not subject to the Egyptian purchasing standards for an aircraft that serves 3 years at the original factory. There is no light fighter version and it has not yet entered service

The Korean side has more than 200 aircraft in service. The aircraft has succeeded globally and therefore Malaysia has headed for the same reason

The matter is different from the Europeans. They always consider the risk an advantage for them if the project succeeds, such as the Spanish request in exchange for purchasing an Airbus A400 transport aircraft

The Korean side, Egypt's long negotiations with them were related to many things, the engine and they announced that they are developing their own engine with a capacity of 25,000 pounds and redesigning the internal design of the fighter by increasing the fuel volume and improving the performance of the aircraft as a fighter and arming it with missiles such as METEOR. Therefore, the fighter version will have sufficient propulsion capacity and the same thing with the radar that the Koreans pledged to use with an AESA radar with a distinctive performance, i.e. simply capabilities that will not The Turks can achieve it. Their project is planned for many years, and even a future training version for sixth-generation fighters and a UCAV derivative of the FA-50 with a payload of 4+ tons of ammunition and electronic warfare versions. Egypt's real requests for the T-50/FA-50 are more than 160 aircraft in stages. Therefore, the Koreans will continue to implement it.

As we see, the ball project is maturing and the long negotiations for the details of each part of the project will not disappear just because of the return or improvement of relations between Egypt and Turkey.
Egypt may be interested in the Kızılelma c aircraft, which is equipped with two engines with a capacity of 21,600 pounds as a total thrust, simply because countries are now looking for UCAV aircraft with higher capabilities such as a payload of 3+ tons and a longer range and an aircraft with a lower cost. The Russians Egypt redesigned the GROM aircraft by equipping it with an RD-33/93 engine with a payload of only 2 tons of weapons to provide a UCAV LOYAL WINGMAN aircraft. SU-35/57 aircraft at a low cost and at the same time The timing of the S-70 aircraft is being redeveloped to further improve its performance. This does not mean that there is no cooperation. On the contrary, I believe that there is cooperation in the maritime sector between Egypt and Turkey, whether in the ranks of landing small tanks or even missile launches and OPV ships. The Turks are aware of cooperation in armored vehicles with Egypt, and the Serbs are competing with them in 8*8 vehicles and the South Koreans in 6*6 vehicles. There is also extensive cooperation in subsystems, whether missile engines, air defense, China in MLRS missiles. It has already contracted with Egypt for all the needs for local manufacturing of 300/400 calibers and a new family derived from the M20/DF-12 missile with a wide variety of destructive warheads and range after the Egyptians' experience, which sees that the size of the traditional Russian destructive warheads for such missiles is not effective, so the focus is on versions with higher destructive capabilities at the expense of range. The Turks are also competing in a light attack helicopter such as the T-129, which competes with the Chinese Z-10ME and perhaps even another helicopter. Light medium as an alternative and competitor to the AW-149/189 aircraft. The H145 aircraft, its high price, took it out of the competition as part of replacing the SA-342 aircraft. In addition, Egypt is distancing itself from the European and American sides because of their absolute support for Israel and their desire to restrict the size of Egyptian armament and not meet Egyptian demands for armament. Therefore, Egypt is heading to the entire East. The Russians will also attend the exhibition and have a policy that Egypt denied with them, which is to manufacture Russian equipment locally instead of importing, which has restrictions and sanctions. This clarifies an important matter that military ties between countries need years to mature. For example, the Turks are restoring their relationship with Egypt after their decline in order to achieve cooperation programs. This needs years. There is still ice in relations between the two sides, even if each of them tries to show otherwise. For example, the Egyptian reception of the Chinese destroyer TYPE-52D with great celebration and warmth between the two sides. The Turkish corvette MILGEM was visiting Egypt and the training showed that there was a forced friendship between the two parties and that there was skepticism between them about any real cooperation.
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Regardless of my love for the Turks or not or even accepting cooperation with them as a regional competitor and historical enemy

The Turkish Hurjet project is very difficult for Egypt to accept because it is not subject to the Egyptian purchasing standards for an aircraft that serves 3 years at the original factory. There is no light fighter version and it has not yet entered service

The Korean side has more than 200 aircraft in service. The aircraft has succeeded globally and therefore Malaysia has headed for the same reason

The matter is different from the Europeans. They always consider the risk an advantage for them if the project succeeds, such as the Spanish request in exchange for purchasing an Airbus A400 transport aircraft

The Korean side, Egypt's long negotiations with them were related to many things, the engine and they announced that they are developing their own engine with a capacity of 25,000 pounds and redesigning the internal design of the fighter by increasing the fuel volume and improving the performance of the aircraft as a fighter and arming it with missiles such as METEOR. Therefore, the fighter version will have sufficient propulsion capacity and the same thing with the radar that the Koreans pledged to use with an AESA radar with a distinctive performance, i.e. simply capabilities that will not The Turks can achieve it. Their project is planned for many years, and even a future training version for sixth-generation fighters and a UCAV derivative of the FA-50 with a payload of 4+ tons of ammunition and electronic warfare versions. Egypt's real requests for the T-50/FA-50 are more than 160 aircraft in stages. Therefore, the Koreans will continue to implement it.

As we see, the ball project is maturing and the long negotiations for the details of each part of the project will not disappear just because of the return or improvement of relations between Egypt and Turkey.
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Egypt may be interested in the Kızılelma c aircraft, which is equipped with two engines with a capacity of 21,600 pounds as a total thrust, simply because countries are now looking for UCAV aircraft with higher capabilities such as a payload of 3+ tons and a longer range and an aircraft with a lower cost. The Russians Egypt redesigned the GROM aircraft by equipping it with an RD-33/93 engine with a payload of only 2 tons of weapons to provide a UCAV LOYAL WINGMAN aircraft. SU-35/57 aircraft at a low cost and at the same time The timing of the S-70 aircraft is being redeveloped to further improve its performance. This does not mean that there is no cooperation. On the contrary, I believe that there is cooperation in the maritime sector between Egypt and Turkey, whether in the ranks of landing small tanks or even missile launches and OPV ships. The Turks are aware of cooperation in armored vehicles with Egypt, and the Serbs are competing with them in 8*8 vehicles and the South Koreans in 6*6 vehicles. There is also extensive cooperation in subsystems, whether missile engines, air defense, China in MLRS missiles. It has already contracted with Egypt for all the needs for local manufacturing of 300/400 calibers and a new family derived from the M20/DF-12 missile with a wide variety of destructive warheads and range after the Egyptians' experience, which sees that the size of the traditional Russian destructive warheads for such missiles is not effective, so the focus is on versions with higher destructive capabilities at the expense of range. The Turks are also competing in a light attack helicopter such as the T-129, which competes with the Chinese Z-10ME and perhaps even another helicopter. Light medium as an alternative and competitor to the AW-149/189 aircraft. The H145 aircraft, its high price, took it out of the competition as part of replacing the SA-342 aircraft. In addition, Egypt is distancing itself from the European and American sides because of their absolute support for Israel and their desire to restrict the size of Egyptian armament and not meet Egyptian demands for armament. Therefore, Egypt is heading to the entire East. The Russians will also attend the exhibition and have a policy that Egypt denied with them, which is to manufacture Russian equipment locally instead of importing, which has restrictions and sanctions. This clarifies an important matter that military ties between countries need years to mature. For example, the Turks are restoring their relationship with Egypt after their decline in order to achieve cooperation programs. This needs years. There is still ice in relations between the two sides, even if each of them tries to show otherwise. For example, the Egyptian reception of the Chinese destroyer TYPE-52D with great celebration and warmth between the two sides. The Turkish corvette MILGEM was visiting Egypt and the training showed that there was a forced friendship between the two parties and that there was skepticism between them about any real cooperation.
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IMO, TAI Hurjet is now late in the game after USAF also joined the game with their T-7A Redhawk.

Once the Hurjet enters service, it will be competing against more established LIFTs like the Italian M-346 Master, Korean FA-50, Russian Yak-130, and even the Chinese L-15. Although the Boeing T-7A is also late in the game, it has a guaranteed export customer with the Swedish Air Force thanks to being also developed by SAAB and US' mighty political strength to urge its allies to buy its product.

Exporting the aircraft might not be a priority, but it can drive the cost down so that the Turkish Air Force can buy more.
IMO, TAI Hurjet is now late in the game after USAF also joined the game with their T-7A Redhawk.

Once the Hurjet enters service, it will be competing against more established LIFTs like the Italian M-346 Master, Korean FA-50, Russian Yak-130, and even the Chinese L-15. Although the Boeing T-7A is also late in the game, it has a guaranteed export customer with the Swedish Air Force thanks to being also developed by SAAB and US' mighty political strength to urge its allies to buy its product.

Exporting the aircraft might not be a priority, but it can drive the cost down so that the Turkish Air Force can buy more.

It is actually entering a competitive field that represents price pressure on the Korean side in any case. The price offered to Malaysia was high and Peru requested a lower price and Egypt will get a big discount indeed because there are alternatives proposed by several countries including China, India, Russia, Italy and Turkey. The Korean side recovered a billion dollars in research and development expenses for many years on the production of 200 aircraft, so they can lower the price, especially in large-scale orders. For example, a deal for 18 aircraft decreases by 20% in the event that the required numbers exceed 50 aircraft. This is followed in the field of selling warplanes in general. The large-scale production of aircraft reduces the price, even Poland, which requested 60 aircraft. The Egyptian order is larger. There is a request for 70 training aircraft and 36-60 light fighters, and it may rise to 100 aircraft if the aircraft has high performance. There is also a need to replace 10 aircraft in the Silver Stars team of the K-8E model. Also, in the presence of aircraft in a long-life production line, an aircraft will be requested to serve in the field of training sixth-generation fighters in addition to the UCAV I version. All this is a major pressure factor on the Korean side, as the aircraft's capabilities have been expanded and its development plans have been put in place, making it competitive in international markets. There is Saudi interest in the aircraft, and the same is true for Kuwait, with Egyptian production, if the project is completed. The Koreans have signed contracts for Egypt to be the producer of Korean equipment for the benefit of the African and Middle Eastern markets. Therefore, expanding the scope of cooperation with Egypt is important for all parties.
for me only problem for Hurjet is its engine, when you have good design you would have costumer for it . for example TAI had produced 15 Hurkus trainer but TuAf didnt accept them because of some reasons. TAI sold all of them quickly. Koreans sell their FA-50 like hot cakes becuse there is demand from everyhere.

Hurjet can accomodate F16 size radar which is uniqe in their class(larger than rafale radar, which has 1152 GAN modules) . TAI will equip it with Murad AESA and 200+km ramjet Gokhan AA too. It would be Turkish baklava that no costumer can resist.
It is well known but would be even hotter then kunafe if it is offered in mix with TFX, one squadron of TFX and couple of squadrons of Hurjets would be formidable formation for various tasks especially if Hurjets are packed and filled with most modern electronics as you said and complementary weapons.
I only ask a question or better to say an explanation since you mentioned the initial claim, that was only brought up by you, some local Egypt media and so far not a single Chinese one … in fact I would be more than hoppy if Egypt would get rid of its almost IAF-like mix fighters and replace them with J-31, I only do not believe this claim since we hard similar rumours about Egypt getting J-10 years ago, then later the same fir JF-17 again and now fir the J-31 which is not ready yet nor dies this would fit to the way China makes foreign military deliveries. To think Egypt would get a license for a Chinese stealth fighter is per my understanding just nonsense.
Agreed, no way on Gods earth will the US allow Chinese stealth fighters next door to Israel. Sisi doesn’t take a wiz without US nod first. That after all is why he was put in power.
Agreed, no way on Gods earth will the US allow Chinese stealth fighters next door to Israel. Sisi doesn’t take a wiz without US nod first. That after all is why he was put in power.

It is clear that some do not understand anything at all.

First, Sisi has refused since November 2013 to abandon the purchase of Russian weapons, even if it was in exchange for Egypt obtaining American weapons.

Did Egypt ask America for permission to enter the BRICS?
The American economic war and the movement of its Saudi arms to prevent investment in Egypt because Egypt is under American obedience.

Some do not have any credibility in their argument, only for the sake of their country's interests, marginalizing others.

It would have been easier for Egypt to buy a plane like the JF-17, but it did not meet the Egyptian demands.

I want some to clarify with their usual intelligence.

America allowed Egypt to buy an entire Russian air defense network.

And allowed Egypt to buy and manufacture a complete package of ballistic missiles.

And allowed Egypt to enter the BRICS and implement a currency exchange with China, India and the Emirates. Was all this with America's approval?

Was the series of weapons that Egypt bought from Arbo with American approval? America objected to the Rafale and ammunition deals.

A secret for those who claim stupidity, will America accept the Russians to establish 4 nuclear reactors in Egypt, and even Egypt begin negotiations for the second batch of 4 other reactors? It is normal for the countries affiliated with America to buy nuclear reactors from South Korea or the Emirates.

Egypt is a large country and has its own policy.

It had TU-16 bombers, 32 fighters, HQ-6 aircraft, and more than 80 IL-28 light bombers. Some of them had a very modest air force at the time.

Egypt created a policy of diversifying weapons sources.

Egypt's failure to purchase Chinese fighters since the nineties was for very simple reasons. Egypt was not convinced by the Chinese J-8 aircraft, and China did not develop fighters suitable for export until recently, and it competes with Western weapons.

There is Europe and America, and it is said that Egypt's armament has become, if its demands are met, beyond what they consider red lines.

The Russians themselves have promises to double the production of the SU-57 to meet export requests after its arrival To the acceptable level of importing countries
We come to an important point
Egypt is outside American sales
It bought French fighters for $8.5 billion without America's desire for its imports
Egypt bought Russian fighters for $2.2 billion, a deal for 52 MIG-29M/M2 aircraft and the same for 32 SU-35 fighters at a total cost of $3.45 billion, regardless of some considering Egypt abandoned the deal for the Egyptian military, a policy that has no name for a failed fighter or weapons acquisition project, it may be postponed a little
Negotiations on the J-10 aircraft actually began in 2022, and a visit by a delegation from the Chinese aviation industries in the summer of last year was linked to the deal for these aircraft, which enjoys through the exchange of currencies between Egypt and China worth $2.5 billion, from which the army seized an arms deal worth $1 billion

Some naive people talk about Egypt being controlled by America, Egypt is being postponed, America, Israel wants to ignite a war with Egypt to expel the Palestinians, and Egypt always makes Hostility begins with military conflict

The Egyptian-Chinese negotiations on weapons have simply been ongoing for some time and the emergence of information that began with Israel and was linked to the Americans. There is no smoke without fire. If America controlled Egypt, Egypt would not have ignored America in its economic and military files.

Some consider the Egyptian regime an agent of Europe and not an agent of America because Europe is the beneficiary of military and economic cooperation with Egypt during the past ten years.

The funny thing is that those who accuse Egypt of being a state subordinate to America. Their state is subordinate to America and America humiliated them and prevented them from receiving weapons. Do you attribute the qualities you have to us? I do not comment much on the objections of a few to Egypt's negotiations for J-20 & FC-31 fighters because they simply stem from grudges and failure on their part or an inability to refute such deals and steps. So a naive person comes and says that America controls Egypt's armament and Egypt is the one ignoring the American slaughter. The Americans delude the world with propaganda They control it, not the facts. The Americans in the past admitted that Egypt deceived them, and the projects to produce ballistic missiles did not stop, but rather developed greatly, despite their publication that they banned these programs in Egypt. Is it stupid that he comes only to attack Egypt and detract from it because we are not a freaking country like his country?

What the media will publish will be the best response to the naive opinions of some people.

Naive people who do not understand anything, all things are interconnected.

Egypt had requested the production of 1,000 Chinese PL-15 missiles in Egypt as an initial deal to meet Egypt's needs to replace 1,300 AIM-7 missiles in the Egyptian Air Force. Now it appears that Algeria is also part of the Egyptian program. Algeria is also interested in the J-10 aircraft. There is an unannounced Egyptian-Algerian arms deal exceeding $2 billion, including joint manufacturing programs for drones and Egypt's production of weapons for Algeria.

The Russians themselves are expanding their cooperation program with Egypt, such as Egypt manufacturing spare parts for Russian helicopters for Egypt and Africa, as an expansion of the largest helicopter maintenance complex outside Russia.

Egypt will not only buy Chinese ammunition such as the CM-400AKG and PL-15 missiles, but things are linked to fighter deals.
Agreed, no way on Gods earth will the US allow Chinese stealth fighters next door to Israel. Sisi doesn’t take a wiz without US nod first. That after all is why he was put in power.
Stop stating fallacies here..

Do you have facts and proof about what you are stating?
Eagles of Egyptian and Saudi forces... soon... in the sky of El Alamein, Egypt

- The Eagles of the Egyptian Air Force, in cooperation with the Eagles of the Saudi Air Force, will present wonderful air shows in the skies of the city of El Alamein on August 28 and 29.
- Air shows start from five o'clock until seven o'clock

China sends an air force to Egypt... strategic messages and an unprecedented offer


Eight warplanes belonging to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force set off on a long flight towards Egypt to participate in the Egypt International Air Show.

The aircraft group consists of a large Chinese-made Y-20 military transport aircraft and 7 J-10 fighter aircraft from the Chinese Air Force's Bayi Demonstration Team.

This is the first time the Bayi team has performed air shows in an African country, and it is the team's longest overseas trip so far, said Xi Ping, spokesman for the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force.

Xi added that the lineup will fly over the pyramids while in Egypt, and the Y-20 will make its first appearance at an air show outside China.

According to military experts, the flight will cover a distance of approximately 10,000 km, with stops to change pilots, and will cross several time zones amid rapid changes in temperature, which poses “extremely difficult” challenges for the pilots.
China sends advanced J-10 fighter jets and the giant Y-20 transport aircraft to Egypt

At the invitation of the Egyptian Air Force, China's Bayi Aerobatic Team will participate in the Egypt Air Show from late August to early September, with seven J-10 fighter jets and one Y-20, China's Ministry of National Defense reported.

Egypt and China share a strong defense relationship, underscored by significant arms deals and cooperative production efforts over several decades. This strategic partnership emerged after the October War, with the decline of the Egyptian partnership with the Soviet Union.

In 1975, China and Egypt signed their first arms agreement, marking China's debut in arms sales in the Middle East. This groundbreaking deal focused primarily on the acquisition of Xi'an H-6 bombers, paving the way for many subsequent arms deals.

During the 1980s, Egypt diversified its military arsenal with a wide range of Chinese equipment, including submarines, destroyers, missile boats, and aircraft such as the F-7B and J-6 jet fighters. It is worth noting that some of these jet fighters were assembled locally in Egypt.

As the 2000s progressed, Egypt was increasingly looking to China for advanced aircraft, especially to combat threats such as ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula.

During this time, Egypt purchased several advanced unmanned aerial vehicles, including the CH-4B and Wing Loong I. It also began local production of the ASN-209 reconnaissance drone and began locally assembling large numbers of K-8 Karakorum training aircraft.

Today, amid global geopolitical shifts and evolving arms trade dynamics, Egypt views China as a key supplier, especially in light of the restrictions imposed on traditional sources such as Russia due to ongoing conflicts.


In 2023, news emerged that Egypt was discussing a potential deal with China to purchase the Chengdu J-10C multi-role fighter. Representatives of Chinese aircraft maker Chengdu reportedly met with Egyptian officials to highlight the latest developments of the J-10C, which features advanced electronic warfare capabilities and an active electronically scanned radar (AESA) system.

Back in 2021, Beijing had already displayed its JF-17 series fighter jets and the L-15 advanced trainer at the largest international defense exhibition in Egypt. In addition, China is striving to promote its latest fifth-generation fighter aircraft, the FC-31, which has attracted significant interest in the Middle East.

The FC-31, developed by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China and the China National Aviation Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC), provides Egypt with a promising opportunity to enhance its air combat capabilities.


One of Egypt's main considerations in partnering with China in defense deals is Beijing's policy of non-interference and its cautious approach to the strategic impact of its exports. Unlike some Western suppliers, China does not impose political conditions on arms deals, and works to ensure that such agreements do not upset the regional military balance.

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