Egypt is considering the establishment of a factory for the production and assembly F-31/35

EAf and PAF going in for the J31/35 makes logical and economic sense. I cant see China selling the J20 to anyone right now. Its Chinas most advance fighter and they will want to guard its secrets.

Also why would Egypt need the J20, its longer legs suit countries that have very large area to defend, Egypt main threat is Israel.
What "war" is a western jet proven in?

"Fighting" 3rd world countries does not count.
F16, F15, M2000, Tornado, Jaguar.
At least.

What about J-10, J-20 ? not a single real action.
There are many ways to test weapons. We cannot doubt the capability of a weapon just because it hasn't been tested in combat. The Russian Tsar Bomba also hasn’t been tested in combat; does that mean we should doubt its power?

As for China’s military aircraft, the U.S. military has the most say. PLA’s various military aircraft and the U.S. military’s various aircraft frequently engage in different kinds of contests over the East China Sea and the South China Sea. All combat skills of military aircraft, except for firing, have been tested (chasing, dogfighting, stealth and counter-stealth, electronic jamming, heat flares, laser targeting, etc.). You can look up interviews with frontline U.S. military officers about these situations (ignore those office-bound fat cats; they are only serving political purposes and defense budgets).

The most important point is the people using these weapons. The same weapon can have completely different effects in different countries’ armed forces (many countries around the world are equipped with the same Rafale fighter jets; can you say they have the same combat power?).

A country in the Middle East, equipped with many very advanced weapons, however, they were defeated by the low-level weapons of the guerrillas. Can you say no to the weapons he purchased?

We cannot deny the weapon itself because of this.
Tsar Bomba explode ! That means it is potent.
Why do you think USA made a first try in Alamogordo before bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki ? To be sure it works...

About the PLA birds and weapons : during these contests against USA no one use the war modes of radar, electronic counter measures, flares.
Even during the NATO exercise, the real performances of the radars, weapons enveloppe, real RCS etc are not released (but in the very used one it is now known, such as AMRAAM).
So these "contests" are only usefull to know some dynamics performances, but nearly nothing about electronic counter measures, war time tactics, etc....
Egypt main threat is Israel.
NO. They are in peace for years.
Even the Gaza war don't change the Egyptian point of view.

Egypt main threat is Turkey.
Tsar Bomba explode ! That means it is potent.
Why do you think USA made a first try in Alamogordo before bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki ? To be sure it works...

About the PLA birds and weapons : during these contests against USA no one use the war modes of radar, electronic counter measures, flares.
Even during the NATO exercise, the real performances of the radars, weapons enveloppe, real RCS etc are not released (but in the very used one it is now known, such as AMRAAM).
So these "contests" are only usefull to know some dynamics performances, but nearly nothing about electronic counter measures, war time tactics, etc....
Is it your news that is out of touch? Or is it your inner self unwilling to admit?

The PLA’s confrontations with the U.S. military and its allies in the East China Sea and South China Sea have been ongoing for many years. Whether it's naval ships or military aircraft, all non-lethal tactics have been employed in the confrontations, except for direct firing. This includes data that you might consider crucial.

Such confrontations are never disclosed by the military. Even if there are occasional damages to personnel or equipment, the public is given vague explanations like accidents, and no one admits that it is a result of military confrontation.

The PLA believes these confrontations are beneficial. They have proposed the guideline of "training in real combat," which has further increased the frequency and intensity of these confrontations. Now, more than a hundred confrontations of various degrees and types occur each year.

I do not know if the U.S. military and its allies publish these news. The PLA occasionally releases relevant information and sometimes posts first-person perspective videos. Chinese fishermen in the East China Sea and South China Sea also frequently share on-site videos.

So, what you consider non-existent confrontations are actually happening all the time.
PAF knows the performance of J10c and exported western Jet (to Arabs) quite well.
There are former PAF officers who fly both.
I bet info. leaks to both sides.
F35 is another story, no "unsecured" countries will have access.
I don't think Turkey ever had a chance unless the coup was super satisfied.
Is it your news that is out of touch? Or is it your inner self unwilling to admit?

The PLA’s confrontations with the U.S. military and its allies in the East China Sea and South China Sea have been ongoing for many years. Whether it's naval ships or military aircraft, all non-lethal tactics have been employed in the confrontations, except for direct firing. This includes data that you might consider crucial.

Such confrontations are never disclosed by the military. Even if there are occasional damages to personnel or equipment, the public is given vague explanations like accidents, and no one admits that it is a result of military confrontation.

The PLA believes these confrontations are beneficial. They have proposed the guideline of "training in real combat," which has further increased the frequency and intensity of these confrontations. Now, more than a hundred confrontations of various degrees and types occur each year.

I do not know if the U.S. military and its allies publish these news. The PLA occasionally releases relevant information and sometimes posts first-person perspective videos. Chinese fishermen in the East China Sea and South China Sea also frequently share on-site videos.

So, what you consider non-existent confrontations are actually happening all the time.
No, No and No.

During peace time, even during crisis, the war modes are NEVER used to prevent the ennemy to find a counter measure.

It is why the US are greedy for russian wrecks all around the world, and why the F117 shooted was sent to china and/or russia : to find the real war modes and the full capacity of the systems tou counter it.

Don't imagine the Qatar Rafale sent in Turkey for exercice used their war modes. Even with an ally (who can become a foe tomorrow) it is not made. Except maybe for the fives Eyes alliance.
No, No and No.

During peace time, even during crisis, the war modes are NEVER used to prevent the ennemy to find a counter measure.

It is why the US are greedy for russian wrecks all around the world, and why the F117 shooted was sent to china and/or russia : to find the real war modes and the full capacity of the systems tou counter it.

Don't imagine the Qatar Rafale sent in Turkey for exercice used their war modes. Even with an ally (who can become a foe tomorrow) it is not made. Except maybe for the fives Eyes alliance.
Whether you believe it or not, it is indeed a fact.

The covert war between China and the United States is not a recent occurrence, it has been going on for decades, but the frequency of occurrence varies at different times. The frequency of occurrence has been very high in recent years. However, neither China nor the United States will publicly announce the details and results of the confrontation.

Nowadays, with the advancement of information technology, we can know the existence of these actions through various scattered, official, and unofficial sources. But I don't know the complete details of the action. Perhaps it will be many years before we know the details of these confrontational actions.

If you want to confirm the authenticity of this message, you can install Tiktok (not the international version, but the Chinese version) on your mobile phone. Then follow many official PLA institutional accounts, where they often post messages.
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NO. They are in peace for years.
Even the Gaza war don't change the Egyptian point of view.

Egypt main threat is Turkey.
Ofcourse its Israel, they are being paid by the americans to keep the peace literally. Israeli leaders have eyes on a greater Israel covering large parts of the sinai, Turkey has no ambitions against Egypt apart from some martimine boundaries for exploring hydrocarbons.
Ofcourse its Israel, they are being paid by the americans to keep the peace literally. Israeli leaders have eyes on a greater Israel covering large parts of the sinai, Turkey has no ambitions against Egypt apart from some martimine boundaries for exploring hydrocarbons.
Of course not.
Egyptian, as Jordanian, are tired to have their a** kicked by israel. Now that they are in peace they just want to stay like that.

Greater israel.... an islamist point of view.
Of course not.
Egyptian, as Jordanian, are tired to have their a** kicked by israel. Now that they are in peace they just want to stay like that.

Greater israel.... an islamist point of view.
Greater israel is proper plan on which they work hard and you as good goy assist it.
And stop using that term islamist coined by jewish terrorist.
Of course not.
Egyptian, as Jordanian, are tired to have their a** kicked by israel. Now that they are in peace they just want to stay like that.

Greater israel.... an islamist point of view.
Egypt could kick that aparthied states ass, they are held back by US money and a corrupt weak leadership.
Of course not.
Egyptian, as Jordanian, are tired to have their a** kicked by israel. Now that they are in peace they just want to stay like that.

Greater israel.... an islamist point of view.

Then why does Egypt need to be bribed to stay in peace with the Zionist entity?

Logic does not compute there.
Greater israel is proper plan on which they work hard and you as good goy assist it.
And stop using that term islamist coined by jewish terrorist.
Jewish terrorist is a term coined by islamists.
Egypt could kick that aparthied states ass, they are held back by US money and a corrupt weak leadership.
during the 6 days war or Kippour war Egypt was fitted with russian weapons and technicians, and no US money for hold them back.... so it's not the right answer.

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