Egypt is considering the establishment of a factory for the production and assembly F-31/35

Sorry, Turkish friend. I don't understand why the Turks are so confused about Egypt buying the J-31? When Turkey was in despair. Turkey also wants to buy the Chinese JF-17, Isn't it?

Turkey wants the J-10C, too.

If Turkish friends like it, I can find the link that Turkey wants to buy WS-10 engine.

Before Turkey copy F-22, don't forget that Turkey is trying to get Chinese technology through Pakistan.

And according to Taiwan News. F-16V engine life just 200 hours. When it faces an opponent of the level of the PLAAF (24/7, high-intensity, high-tech, fully mounted adversarial). This is the true life of a Western engine.

Tip: Taiwan has 260 F-16v, Taiwan Air Force > Turkish Air Force

what the hell are you talking about go read over and over againg.
Since last many decades, Egypt is trying to build a parallel sanction proof defense system. But.............
Their next ennemy is not Israel. They don't have to fear it.
More probably Turkey, about oil fields and or Lybia.
So they need a more ranged bird than F35.
Agree 💯

What is the value of @Deino Yes, he is old in forums, whether Chinese or Western. I know seriously that since he used to enter forums to ask about Western engines and engines, they respect him in the Chinese forum because he is old, but in the end he is an amateur who does not make decisions and does not have anything in his hand and cannot add or prevent anything. He is the one who determines who buys, who makes, and who collects. He does not have the power to give a country anything or prevent anything. Even his flag is not worth a single dollar in the world of money. Therefore, he presents an opinion and my opinion is not taken into consideration or given importance. Some people ignore him because responding to him gives him value, price, or influence, and this does not exist. Our nerves are at ease by ignoring those who do not deserve it. We leave those who howl and we leave those who speak. They will not affect us, nor will they add anything of value or benefit, nor will he benefit Egypt from the opinion of the union or its manufacture if it wants. So not responding and ignoring is much better.

View attachment 57773
The aircraft is believed to have been frozen in design, and therefore is considered the closest to the production version. If Egypt meets the Egyptian demands, it will contract for it, and perhaps Egypt will actually use it as a pressure tool to obtain a better aircraft at a lower price. We always consider the Chinese product to be equivalent to the cheap product, and unfortunately many consider any Chinese product to be poor due to an unsound culture. In the end, China produces a product according to the customer's needs, whether the Air Force. Some countries' complaints about Chinese equipment, such as the JF-17 aircraft, or the poor quality of Chinese vehicles and armored vehicles are due to those who selected the equipment and did not care about the required quality levels. We explained in the past the extent of Egypt's suffering from the K-8E aircraft, and how Egypt tried to improve its quality and performance with more reliable components, but in the end it still serves after being repaired. This is perhaps the reason for Egypt's distancing from the L-15 aircraft for fear of reputation. The poor quality of Chinese aircraft, and some Chinese now say we give and withhold as if it is a special product, so we clarify that simply if the aircraft’s final specifications meet Egyptian demands, Egypt will contract for it, and China needs a large Egyptian contract to open international markets for the aircraft, as there are no reliable Chinese aircraft customers or evidence of the quality of the Chinese equipment produced, and in order for China to obtain a quality certificate for its aircraft, there must be an air customer that countries respect and trust in its choices.
You've decoded that guy's personality very well. He is nothing more than defence-Exfart Larper who gathers info from Wikipedia /Google search/telagram. He has zero geopolitical or technical knowlege.
He is just a defence enthuse larper, dont expect much from him.
As I said months back.
You've decoded that guy's personality very well. He is nothing more than defence-Exfart Larper who gathers info from Wikipedia /Google search/telagram. He has zero geopolitical or technical knowlege.

As I said months back.

Yes for sure since you are quoted too in several military analysis, published several books and are quoted by think tanks analysts and academies too?

Sounds as if you are just an illiterate fan-boy with too much testosterone and an unwilling to accept critical thinking or even a reality check! 🤡 :ROFLMAO:
Lol, when is the last time Egypt bought any significant weapons from China so it's valid for you to have such bad impressions of Chinese arms in general, including such fighters as JF-17 that is basically reported bad by Indian media ? Aside, Egypt is giving contracts to Chinese companies to build infra in its new capital. IF China is so evil and Chinese products are so poor to your country, then don't deal with China, go buy and do business with EU and America.

"the Russians raised the price of wheat supplies to Egypt to $265 as a form of pressure. On Egypt, Egypt refused to buy Russian wheat and obtained it from Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine at a price less than $27." Really ? Someone must be really out his mind.

Nobody owes somebody automatically in this world.

There is great cooperation between Egypt and China in ballistic missile programs. The program in the last five-year plan 2017-2022 exceeded $2.5 billion, most of it with China.

Chinese anti-tank missiles in large numbers from the HJ / CM / KD family.

More than 150 drones of the WING LOONG- 1/2 CH-4/5 models directly and other models are manufactured under license in larger numbers of MINI & UAV HELICOPTER models.

The latest model purchased by Egypt is the K8E aircraft, 120 announced and 200 actual, which led to Egypt turning away from Chinese aircraft, in addition to the previous Chinese refusal to license the manufacture of the SD-10 in Egypt

Regarding wheat, this is the source to prove the validity of what I say, as usual.

Cairo - Mubasher: The rise in the price of Russian wheat led to Moscow being absent from the list of countries that Egypt contracts with to buy wheat in international tenders, for the second time in a row, during the current month of June.
حبوب قمح - أرشيفية

12 يونيو 2024 12:27 م

القاهرة - مباشر: أدى ارتفاع سعر القمح الروسي إلى تغيب موسكو عن قائمة الدول التي تتعاقد معها مصر لشراء القمح في مناقصات دولية، للمرة الثانية على التوالي، خلال شهر يونيو الجاري.

00:47 / 00:52

Sources closely connected to the file told “Economy of the East with Bloomberg” that the absence of Russian wheat from Egypt’s purchases for two consecutive times is due to the fact that Russian traders offered a price of $265 per ton in a tender last night, then lowered it to $260 per ton and settled at that price, while other countries’ offers came at lower prices of about $27 per ton, so all Russian wheat offers were rejected.

وقالت مصادر وثيقة الصلة من الملف لـ"اقتصاد الشرق مع بلومبرج" إن غياب القمح الروسي عن مشتريات مصر لمرتين متتاليتين يعود إلى أن التجار الروس قدموا سعراً بلغ 265 دولاراً للطن في مناقصة الليلة الماضية، وخفضوها إلى 260 دولاراً للطن واستقروا عند هذا السعر، فيما جاءت عروض الدول الأخرى بأسعار منخفضة بنحو 27 دولاراً في الطن، لذا تم رفض جميع عروض القمح الروسي.

Russian Traders' Offers

She added that all Russian traders' price offers were "unified" in yesterday's tender and another held on June 4. Major Western grain trading companies, including Cargill Inc. and Viterra, withdrew from Russia last year after government pressure to make way for local companies.

For the second time in a row, Russia is not on the list of countries with which Egypt contracts to buy wheat in an international tender that ended on Tuesday evening, as it bought 400,000 tons from Romania, Ukraine and Bulgaria. In a tender held on June 4, it bought 470,000 tons of wheat from the same countries and rejected all Russian offers due to prices as well.
Wheat Grains - Archive
June 12, 2024 12:27 PM

Cairo - Mubasher: The rise in the price of Russian wheat has led to Moscow's absence from the list of countries with which Egypt contracts to buy wheat in international tenders, for the second time in a row, during the current month of June.

عروض التجار الروس

وأضافت أن كافة عروض أسعار التجار الروس كانت "موحدة" في مناقصة أمس وأخرى أُجريت 4 يونيو الحالي.انسحبت كبريات شركات تجارة الحبوب الغربية، بما في ذلك "كارغيل" (Cargill Inc) و"فيتيرا" (Viterra)، من روسيا العام الماضي بعد ضغوط حكومية لإفساح المجال أمام الشركات المحلية.

للمرة الثانية على التوالي تخلو روسيا من قائمة الدول التي تتعاقد معها مصر على شراء القمح في مناقصة دولية انتهت مساء أمس الثلاثاء، حيث اشترت 400 ألف طن من رومانيا وأوكرانيا وبلغاريا. وفي مناقصة أُجريت 4 يونيو، قامت بشراء 470 ألف طن قمح من نفس الدول ورفضت جميع العروض الروسية بسبب الأسعار أيضاً.
حبوب قمح - أرشيفية
12 يونيو 2024 12:27 م

القاهرة - مباشر: أدى ارتفاع سعر القمح الروسي إلى تغيب موسكو عن قائمة الدول التي تتعاقد معها مصر لشراء القمح في مناقصات دولية، للمرة الثانية على التوالي، خلال شهر يونيو الجاري.
onal Day - Union Flag

00:47 / 00:52

وقالت مصادر وثيقة الصلة من الملف لـ"اقتصاد الشرق مع بلومبرج" إن غياب القمح الروسي عن مشتريات مصر لمرتين متتاليتين يعود إلى أن التجار الروس قدموا سعراً بلغ 265 دولاراً للطن في مناقصة الليلة الماضية، وخفضوها إلى 260 دولاراً للطن واستقروا عند هذا السعر، فيما جاءت عروض الدول الأخرى بأسعار منخفضة بنحو 27 دولاراً في الطن، لذا تم رفض جميع عروض القمح الروسي.

عروض التجار الروس

وأضافت أن كافة عروض أسعار التجار الروس كانت "موحدة" في مناقصة أمس وأخرى أُجريت 4 يونيو الحالي.انسحبت كبريات شركات تجارة الحبوب الغربية، بما في ذلك "كارغيل" (Cargill Inc) و"فيتيرا" (Viterra)، من روسيا العام الماضي بعد ضغوط حكومية لإفساح المجال أمام الشركات المحلية.
للمرة الثانية على التوالي تخلو روسيا من قائمة الدول التي تتعاقد معها مصر على شراء القمح في مناقصة دولية انتهت مساء أمس الثلاثاء، حيث اشترت 400 ألف طن من رومانيا وأوكرانيا وبلغاريا. وفي مناقصة أُجريت 4 يونيو، قامت بشراء 470 ألف طن قمح من نفس الدول ورفضت جميع العروض الروسية بسبب الأسعار أيضاً.

but but but your are using chinese equipment to fart your BS
We are talking about Chinese fighters that did not meet the specifications desired by Egypt, and Egypt had previously obtained aircraft of Russian models that were in service and were commensurate with the level of threats in the seventies and eighties. I do not understand the low level of minds that only want to criticize ignorantly. Since 2009, Egypt has rejected the JF-17 for many years for technical reasons. The same thing happened to Argentina. Egypt rejected the J-10A for technical reasons, and China refused to cooperate in the field of air-to-air missiles. These are well-known dates for everyone. Any fighter used by Egypt has proven its operational success. The Mirage 2000 shot down an F-16 and evaded missiles in the Yugoslav war when it was mistakenly fired. So the problem is in the minds of some who only want to distort and detract from their situation of possessing a miserable air force that is unable to impose its regional control due to not having the strength to do so or grudges that are not a place to discuss.
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This poor guy did not even know that 5th gen can only be designed extremely identical to any other 5th gen design due to geometric constraints---because it is a closed design.

I had to teach that to him a few years ago.

This fool did not know that the F35 docs / design had been stolen / leaked . This goof ball did not even know that the US congress had multiple hearing on stolen F35 designs---.

And he did not know that people had been arrested and jailed over that---.

I had to tell him that many years ago---.

This picture book pansy claims to be a defense speciali.

I think this jew boy should be banned from the forum as he is a SPY---. He is continuosly poking members to leak out information by insulting them---calling them names---.

I think @WebMaster should look into it.

We don't need any israeli probing members to leak out information.
It is clear that the sick mentality is your mentality. You only distort and claim that the other is Jewish because you fail to respond and because you fail to say something convincing or useful. You idiot, you are a symbol of ignorance and backwardness. What information or value do you have for someone to steal from you? Someone. I do not want to expose you. The emergence of Mashrouf himself tried to obtain technology from Israel to develop the JF-17 aircraft from Israel. We as Egyptians have a history with you in Pakistan. Years ago, I explained the story of my father, a military attaché at the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan in the years 1970-1973. Egypt was repairing and replacing steel plates for Egyptian frigates in shipyards in Pakistan. My father discovered the deception at the time that the Pakistanis wanted, instead of replacing the plates, to turn the original plates over on the other side instead of replacing them. He immediately requested an Egyptian technical committee to monitor the replacement process and thwart this corruption. Shut up, we can make you ashamed. As for the idiot, he is the one who thinks that stealing designs and technology under the pretext that they are according to The fifth generation technology must be identical to implement the same required level of concealment and ignores the likes of you that the design can be developed to update the same concept and even the time factor and the supposed development has an impact on improving the designs while some of us are panting to reach the level of designs 15 years before it. Do not claim that you are a scientist and that the one wants to spy on your level of ignorance
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Someone would have to be utterly dumb to believe that J31/35 assembly line would be established in Egypt.
CMC and PLA would never allow it.
Egypt has only 4 options.
1, US.
2. Russia.
3, China.
4, French.
There is no 5. Many countries think they have many options, but the fact is that they only have these 4 options.

When you try to look at other options, you will be surprised to find them.

1. It is filled with US technology and key components. Controlled by the US, it cannot be used to confront US allies. If you want to buy it. Why not just buy the US F-35 directly?

2. Production capacity of aviation industry. It may only produce 3-5 per year. Even unable to meet the production country's own needs. How much do you think you can buy?

3, Once you start a war with the enemy. Do you believe that the producing country will not stop supplying you with components due to pressure from the US?

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