Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

In my opinion instead of asking queries against parties in conflict, approaching it from an unbiased viewpoint while analyzing the historical background is more beneficial

In the current situation in Gaza, even a superpower would be hard put to safeguard its civilians let alone one of the most impoverished and isolated people in the world

As I said this is guerilla warfare, please watch the clip I inserted to understand what is defeating in this context. Furthermore, why would anyone surrender to a genocidal colonial entity which has & is engaged ethnic cleansing. All previous peace gestures to Tel Aviv have been rebuffed and seen only an uptick in suppression by the Zionists
Israel "Doesn't Want" Two-State Solution: Joe Biden

Most probably because the tunnels are military installations that would be akin to hosting civilian populations at nuclear sites and military bases during times of war
Why are they not standing down and releasing hostages for truce??
They released the civilian detainees during a truce now only military personnel are left, it is Israel which wishes to pursue an agenda other than the "hostages" as it states its wants to "eradicate" Hamas despite release of hostages
Please note these are my personal observations and not any official commentary
Ok so hamas hands are tied i can understand that they are a smaller force but why are other neighbouring countries like jordan and egypt not helping muslim brotherhood i am not saying them to take refuges but militarily why are they not taking action against israel what about pakistan, saudi, iran, turkey and all muslim nations why are they not attacking israel how much more they want to wait how much innocent muslim blood they want to spill over. Brother if it continues like this then within 2 months lakhs of innocent lives will be lost and zionist will win so why are other militarily strong muslim nations not acting against israel? Are they afraid of anyone or they want to hide themselves and let thus genocide continue?
It is my last query to you thanks for your time.

Ok so hamas hands are tied i can understand that they are a smaller force but why are other neighbouring countries like jordan and egypt not helping muslim brotherhood i am not saying them to take refuges but militarily why are they not taking action against israel what about pakistan, saudi, iran, turkey and all muslim nations why are they not attacking israel how much more they want to wait how much innocent muslim blood they want to spill over. Brother if it continues like this then within 2 months lakhs of innocent lives will be lost and zionist will win so why are other militarily strong muslim nations not acting against israel? Are they afraid of anyone or they want to hide themselves and let thus genocide continue?
It is my last query to you thanks for your time.
Well can't say much but it looks like the governments of these countries seem to hesitate from taking any military actions in this regard as they believe the costs will be too high for them. In my view, only Iran has any leeway in military options due to its hybrid military network aka the Axis of Resistance. Because most of the rest of the Muslim world had limited their interactions with Palestinian resistance to either civil matters (Qatar, Turkiye) or isolated them (rest of the Gulf) any military step would include full fledged confrontation with Israel which I believe they do not desire at any cost. In my opinion a Ukraine style solution i.e. arming of Palestinian resistance and mass aid for civilians should be considered
NOTE: These are my opinions and do not include any appreciation of countries stances
So, lets continue here, i hope that zionists apologetics and propagandists will not given space to spread their filth and mental gymnastics as they already owns mass media and social platforms.
And energy spent for arguing their lies will be transferred to cover as many as possible activities of resistance and suffering of palestinian people.
Welcome bro.
Fact is I don’t mind them coming on for us to see on occasion what length they will go to -
To spread lies and to be countered and corrected. To expose and factually correct and embarrass them by proving them wrong.
They won’t be able to spread lies or troll or celebrate death on here and put smileys on offensive posts.
We will moderate them like hawks bro
why are other neighbouring countries like jordan and egypt not helping muslim brotherhood i am not saying them to take refuges but militarily why are they not taking action against israel what about pakistan, saudi, iran, turkey and all muslim nations why are they not attacking israel

Leaving Iran out of your list, I suspect the other countries think this conflict was instigated by Iran to create a major rift between Muslim countries and the West.

So, by helping the Palestinians, they think they would be playing into Iran's game and will be left with a fractured relationship with the West, like Iran's, when this conflict ends.

I don't know, this is just my guess (obviously).
So we can all agree Israel has no realistic endgame for this project of theirs.
Their plan was to kill as many people as they could to quench their blood lust, then was to tell the world how the Palestinian state is impossible as an official position. Second phase of plan was to make it impossible for anyone wanting to live in Gaza and drive the Palestinians out. The latter part of the plan hasn't worked out yet but the former is completed.

Their country is under Russian occupation and they want to go participate in a genocide. Makes you wonder what's wrong with these people.
TikTok and Alibaba have shown that Chinese companies can go mainstream globally.
Everyone out there is trying to setup counters to foreign social media Just look at India in our neighborhood with Mitrona and Koo
There was a time when even we Pakistanis had a similar spirit
When Facebook got involved in blasphemous content, locals made Millat Facebook which admittedly wasn't that great but still was a local alternative
Similarly there was a that tried to make up for the YouTube ban
But sadly nowadays we seem pretty lethargic even though I believe this to be a matter of national security
Welcome bro.
Fact is I don’t mind them coming on for us to see on occasion what length they will go to -
To spread lies and to be countered and corrected. To expose and factually correct and embarrass them by proving them wrong.
They won’t be able to spread lies or troll or celebrate death on here and put smileys on offensive posts.
We will moderate them like hawks bro
Appreciate it, you were one of the patient ones dealing with their vile propaganda, glad that you are moderator.
So we can all agree Israel has no realistic endgame for this project of theirs.

Netanyahu has already lost. There is no way that Israel can claim victory. How shall victory be defined, what does it look like and who will verify whether it is indeed a victory? Israel can claim an X number of Hamas members it has killed. Is that victory? The entire world knows that top Hamas leaders are abroad. What will Israel do about the Hamas leadership?

If anything, both Israel and the US have a lost an enormous amount of goodwill. Even among traditional supporters like the Europeans. The protests in many European capitals speak for themselves. Even academics at various top universities are opposing Israeli barbarity. There is a general consensus among the civilised people that Israel has crossed the line a 100 times over. Israel is the aggressor. It not David, but a bully Goliath. When the dust settles, Israel will be cussed and looked upon as a vicious killer.
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Look at that young boy. I can say he is better than all of the Arab and Muslim leaders combined. He created a hole in the separating wall between Gaza and Egypt and provides a bread to the suffering population on the other side of the barrier.

This is the world we live in now. People of flesh and blood are being bombed and their houses destroyed. The civilised world is just watching.

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