Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

A fallacy!

Slicing the salami of self interest... from larger to a smaller and finally personal... A self-centered world view.
Why the poor in Flint suffer leaded water?
Will the mayor or governor expose himself or near and dear to the same levels of toxicity, knowing it's ramifications?

Borders fallacy, ethnic or tribal fallacies work the same top down paradigm... until it hits home.
Abandoned and forsaken in the wake of global power struggle, break up of empires... those carried on the shoulders or trudged along form the rules based order.

Pakistan can bomb its own, considering a certain bedrock community forming core of its establishment. So, no one bats an eyelid for the other...

The proponents of tiered support are also patently wrong. When the region owes it's borders Sykes-Picot and Israel to Balfour declaration. The bombs and platforms it uses are supplied and supported by the U.S a good 8,000 miles out... why the neighboring Arabs expose themselves to the master who pulls Israeli string?
Perhaps same reflects Pakistani self preservation but also reflects why it may never ascend as that perch is exclusive for those who dare!

Gaza and Palestine is a manufactured blind spot... where many conveniences converged.
Flint is in Gaza? Your rant makes no sense in the context of my quoted post.

The fact remains that there is no meaningful protest from the Arab countries about this issue.
Flint is in Gaza? Your rant makes no sense in the context of my quoted post.

The fact remains that there is no meaningful protest from the Arab countries about this issue.

It exposes the espoused position... why Aaarabs don't help them Aaarabs. Why them don't open the borders to help those helpless Palestinians...

Only fact here is self serving egocentricism and aversion to risk...
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It exposes to espoused position... why Aaarabs don't help them Aaarabs. Why them don't open the borders to help those helpless Palestinians...

Only fact here is self serving egocentricism and aversion to risk...
And as I said above whatever they decide is up to them.

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