Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Its so disheartening to read about Palestinians being executed by the Israeli terror forces. Whats worse is the world is not doing enough to stop this genocide. All muslims countries I again repeat should cut ties with the aparthied entity, they should close their airspaces, docks to any Israeli cargo and arms as a minimum.
International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) fundraiser to collect evidence of Israeli war crimes in Gaza

The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), is an independent organisation of dedicated lawyers, academics, and politicians, that seeks to use the rule of law to achieve justice and protect the rights of Palestinians. Nobody is above the rule of law, and we argue for a system of legal accountability applied equally to Palestinians and Israelis.

ICJP recently submitted a notice of intention to prosecute politicians who aid and abet war crimes. We wrote directly to Rishi Sunak MP, Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer MP, Leader of the Opposition, and several other UK politicians warning of the risk of prosecution if their statements amounted to encouraging war crimes in Gaza. Mere hours after ICJP's initial notice on Saturday, Keir Starmer retracted his defence of Israel cutting off power and water, illegal under international law. However, his statement did not condemn the perpetration of war crimes by Israel and did not mention proportionality.

Our ‘Justice for Gaza’ campaign shines a light on the harsh realities on the ground, where the impacts of war continue to devastate innocent civilians daily with over 8,000 people killed.

We are building an international legal case by gathering evidence of potential war crimes committed in Gaza. This difficult and dangerous work requires substantial resources to be carried out meticulously.

We are aiming to raise £50,000 to expand our efforts to forensically document war crimes by Israeli forces during this ongoing crisis.

They have exceeded their initial target of £50,000 - their new target is £75,000. Please donate if you can.
Its so disheartening to read about Palestinians being executed by the Israeli terror forces. Whats worse is the world is not doing enough to stop this genocide. All muslims countries I again repeat should cut ties with the aparthied entity, they should close their airspaces, docks to any Israeli cargo and arms as a minimum.

It's not that hard to do: Cut ties. Most Muslim countries don't have any ties with Israel anyway. In Pakistan, even before this conflict war began, some analysts were saying that even if Saudi Arabia and other countries were to recognize Israel, Pakistan was not necessarily going to follow them and will make its own decision based on the status of Palestinians. And since this war began, some media person are critical of even the Two State Solution, saying that the Founder of Pakistan Mr. Jinnah was opposed to Israel and so Pakistan's policy should be only one state: Palestine.
Well, it is their choice to decide what to do here.

It most definitely is, but they won't get any praise for it.

Its so disheartening to read about Palestinians being executed by the Israeli terror forces. Whats worse is the world is not doing enough to stop this genocide. All muslims countries I again repeat should cut ties with the aparthied entity, they should close their airspaces, docks to any Israeli cargo and arms as a minimum.

The United States is doing something. It is forming an obstacle to a permanent cease-fire.
Most Muslim countries don't have any ties with Israel anyway.

All have some kind of economic or diplomatic relations with Israel (most of them have full diplomatic, economic and security relations with Israel)
Hate hamas or support them, one thing is for sure after nearly 2.5 months they continue to kill the Israeli terror forces, they have allot of resilience for a group boxed in, like akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

This is an important lesson from military perspective, wars have shifted from being traditional battle grounds to a full spectrum asymmetric warfare.

For a guerrilla group like Hamas this is truly incredible. Remember that IDF is receiving unprecedented assistance from the US. Billions worth of missiles and bombs. The fact that Hamas is still able to wreck IDF tanks and dent the Israelis is nothing short of incredible. I have already said this before. The IDF has been exposed to the bone. The invincibility tag has been shattered. Not only is Mossad shit at its job. Also, IDF will be truly mincemeated once it faces a decent opposition. Let alone a professional dedicated army. Israel has received utter humiliation.

All have some kind of economic or diplomatic relations with Israel (most of them have full diplomatic, economic and security relations with Israel)

I know. But I don't think most Muslims countries have strong ties. From some analysts, Trump's Abrahamic Accord brought a few countries to recognize Israel for some $ reasons and those ties are fragile.
Anyway, I think UAE, Turkey, Egypt and Jordan have some 'real' ties--either bribed or just have 'benefits' being on America's side.

86 out of 155 buildings in the Manara kibbutz were completely destroyed as a result of Hezbollah's rocket fire since the beginning of the war

Iran: President Ebrahim Raisi: The first step that must be taken by Islamic countries is to sever relations with the Zionist entity

I don't like Raisi, but he is right. This is the bare minimum that all Muslim/Arab leaders should be doing. Total lack of Arab/Muslim solidarity is a big problem.

The Arabs should not even be mentioned anymore. Non-Arab countries should ABSOLUTELY boycott GCC Arab countries.

Boycott Hajj and Umrah as a starter. There is no point going to Hajj or Umrah in a country like Saudi Arabia. This is what ordinary people can and should do.

Who the hell would now want to visit UAE? Egypt ans Jordan same story. Boycott these countries.
For a guerrilla group this is incredible. Remember that IDF is receiving unprecedented assistance from the US. Billions worth of missiles and bombs. The fact that Hamas is still able to wreck IDF tanks and dent the Israelis is nothing short of incredible. I have already said this before. The IDF has been exposed to the bone. The invincibility tag has been shattered. Not only is Mossad shit at its job. Also, IDF will be truly mincemeated once it faces a decent opposition. Let alone a proper military opposition.

And the blueprint to defeat Israel was already laid out in 2006 by Hezbollah: The northern 3rd of Israel was paralyzed for a long time then--too much cost to Israel's economy. Houthis are doing exactly that, with plenty of help from Gazans and some help from Hezbollah.
It is not that hard to defeat Israel. I have said it many times that Israel's narrow geography, pampered dual citizenships, and extreme aversion to taking casualties make Israel very vulnerable to asymmetrical warfare.

All have some kind of economic or diplomatic relations with Israel (most of them have full diplomatic, economic and security relations with Israel)

It is good. Identify these countries. Name and shame them. These are not sincere towards the Palestinians. Make no mistake. People have a lot of power. Just have a look at Starbucks as an example.
One reason the GCC Arabs are not in a rush to support Palestinians is their economies are dependent upon being on America's side. Their 'assets' like US Bonds, real estate, Stock investments, yachts, chateaus, foreign exchange reserves... everything in the West could be confiscated within days. Look at what's happening to the $300 BBBBillion worth of Russian Assets! Imagine your own assets being used to finance a war against you!! The West acts illegally as a pack of wolves: Group of 7! The same fate awaits China if China gets into a vulnerable spot.
Imagine what kind of trade/commercial concessions can be obtained using such blackmails? Israel is a violent blackmail over the Middle Eastern countries while the financial tools are other forms of the blackmail.

The Biden administration is quietly signaling new support for seizing more than $300 billion in Russian central bank assets stashed in Western nations, and has begun urgent discussions with allies about using the funds to aid Ukraine’s war effort at a moment when financial support is waning, according to senior American and European officials.

But the administration, in coordination with the Group of 7 industrial nations, has begun taking another look at whether it can use its existing authorities or if it should seek congressional action to use the funds. Support for such legislation has been building in Congress, giving the Biden administration optimism that it could be granted the necessary authority.

The talks among finance ministers, central bankers, diplomats and lawyers have intensified in recent weeks, officials said, with the Biden administration pressing Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan to come up with a strategy by Feb. 24, the second anniversary of the invasion.

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