Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Can anybody explain why hamas started the attack on october 7 what was the response they were expecting and what was there planning did they have considered all the possiblities of israel response because this is getting really ugly for general public and more and more innocent lives are being lost. Even if they have miscalculated israel what are they planning now to stop these fatal attacks on gaza what are they going to achieve by keeping jew hostages when by the end of this year whole of gaza will be flattened
Can anybody explain why hamas started the attack on october 7 what was the response they were expecting and what was there planning did they have considered all the possiblities of israel response because this is getting really ugly for general public and more and more innocent lives are being lost. Even if they have miscalculated israel what are they planning now to stop these fatal attacks on gaza what are they going to achieve by keeping jew hostages when by the end of this year whole of gaza will be flattened
Well there are many factors behind Hamas's attack, in my opinion the major three factors are:
1. Increasing Israeli oppression including settler terrorism in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem
2. Accelerated Arab-Israeli normalisation
3.Military preparedness, Iran and Resistance factions including Hamas & Islamic Jihad had reconciled after breakdown over differences on the Syrian Civil War and Yemen conflict which had has led to bettered military capabilities

As for what was Hamas's strategy and endgame, I believe only Yahya Sinwar and Muhammad Deif can give the answer, the rest is speculation or propaganda.

Lastly, the human cost of this war is much too horrifying and heartbreaking but it should be remembered this is guerilla warfare and not a conventional war, the goals are often more economic and political rather than standard military. The desired outcome is likely going to be very different.
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Facors are?
Sorry seems to be a problem, my full answer
Well there are many factors behind Hamas's attack, in my opinion the major three factors are:
1. Increasing Israeli oppression including settler terrorism in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem
2. Accelerated Arab-Israeli normalisation
3.Military preparedness, Iran and Resistance factions including Hamas & Islamic Jihad had reconciled after breakdown over differences on the Syrian Civil War and Yemen conflict which had has led to bettered military capabilities

As for what was Hamas's strategy and endgame, I believe only Yahya Sinwar and Muhammad Deif can give the answer, the rest is speculation or propaganda.

Lastly, the human cost of this war is much too horrifying and heartbreaking but it should be remembered this is guerilla warfare and not a conventional war, the goals are often more economic and political rather than standard military. The desired outcome is likely going to be very different.
Sorry seems to be a problem, my full answer
Brother if hamas follows the real islam then i think they should have thought about safety of their citizens first before any political or any other benefit as according to islamic rules a innocent muslim life is most important but here we can see even after 2 months of continous killings from jews no endgame no planning or no step is being taken by hamas to stop israelis from killing innocent children what is there real motives are we can be assure that israel is evil but hamas is also playing its role in getting muslim lives killed. What do you think isnt hamas is also at fault here??
Brother if hamas follows the real islam then i think they should have thought about safety of their citizens first before any political or any other benefit as according to islamic rules a innocent muslim life is most important but here we can see even after 2 months of continous killings from jews no endgame no planning or no step is being taken by hamas to stop israelis from killing innocent children what is there real motives are we can be assure that israel is evil but hamas is also playing its role in getting muslim lives killed. What do you think isnt hamas is also at fault here??
Well first of all I do not believe myself to be an authority to state whether somebody else follows true Islam or not
Second I think we should look at context in which a certain action happened, Palestinian innocents were being killed in both Gaza and rest of Occupied Palestine before initiation of Operation Al Aqsa flood and I am of the opinion the atrocities we are seeing are actually the conversion of a slow hidden genocide into a more fast visible one
Lastly I do not believe "Jews are killing", these are Zionists which are a political ideological identity
Well first of all I do not believe myself to be an authority to state whether somebody else follows true Islam or not
Second I think we should look at context in which a certain action happened, Palestinian innocents were being killed in both Gaza and rest of Occupied Palestine before initiation of Operation Al Aqsa flood and I am of the opinion the atrocities we are seeing are actually the conversion of a slow hidden genocide into a more fast visible one
Lastly I do not believe "Jews are killing", these are Zionists which are a political ideological identity
You are not responding about my query against hamas i know what happened earlier i know what is happening now but i want to know under current circumstances when no jordan no egypt nobody is allowing muslim refuges from gaza what is hamas doing to protect its innocent lives you told me its a gurella warfare and poltical motives but what about the innocent muslims how will hamas protect them?? If they cant defeat zionist then why are they not surrendering?? Why are they not helping innocents to leave gaza through tunnels??
Why are they not standing down and releasing hostages for truce??
This shows why alternative social media is necessary and the monopoly on social media platforms needs to end. Would X (and Meta) be doing this if Orkut or MySpace would have been still around

China has learned the value of not being held hostage to American social media.

Even some Europeans are lamenting the lack of a European alternative and letting American corporations control the narrative in Europe.

Will be interesting to see if there is bifurcation in the social media space along ideological spheres of influence...

You are not responding about my query against hamas i know what happened earlier i know what is happening now but i want to know under current circumstances when no jordan no egypt nobody is allowing muslim refuges from gaza what is hamas doing to protect its innocent lives you told me its a gurella warfare and poltical motives but what about the innocent muslims how will hamas protect them?? If they cant defeat zionist then why are they not surrendering?? Why are they not helping innocents to leave gaza through tunnels??
Why are they not standing down and releasing hostages for truce??
You are not responding about my query against hamas
In my opinion instead of asking queries against parties in conflict, approaching it from an unbiased viewpoint while analyzing the historical background is more beneficial
what is hamas doing to protect its innocent lives
In the current situation in Gaza, even a superpower would be hard put to safeguard its civilians let alone one of the most impoverished and isolated people in the world
f they cant defeat zionist then why are they not surrendering??
As I said this is guerilla warfare, please watch the clip I inserted to understand what is defeating in this context. Furthermore, why would anyone surrender to a genocidal colonial entity which has & is engaged ethnic cleansing. All previous peace gestures to Tel Aviv have been rebuffed and seen only an uptick in suppression by the Zionists
Israel "Doesn't Want" Two-State Solution: Joe Biden
Why are they not helping innocents to leave gaza through tunnels??
Most probably because the tunnels are military installations that would be akin to hosting civilian populations at nuclear sites and military bases during times of war
Why are they not standing down and releasing hostages for truce??
They released the civilian detainees during a truce now only military personnel are left, it is Israel which wishes to pursue an agenda other than the "hostages" as it states its wants to "eradicate" Hamas despite release of hostages
Please note these are my personal observations and not any official commentary
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China has learned the value of not being held hostage to American social media.

Even some Europeans are lamenting the lack of a European alternative and letting American corporations control the narrative in Europe.

Will be interesting to see if there is bifurcation in the social media space along ideological spheres of influence...
Yes Tiktok has emerged as a spoiler for the Western stranglehold over the world wide web by the Big 3: Meta, Google and X
I think there should be an effort to provide viable substitutes that can challenge the already established monopoly
We in this forum after all should be know better than most of the need for sustainable alternatives

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