Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We may be close to a Zionist defeat in Gaza as the whole world, minus its vassal USA, has decisively turned against the entity.
If the US does not veto the inevitable UN ceasefire resolution for Rafah, then it would be over for the entity.

The conflict (or rather slaughter) is still going on in Gaza. Let's hope the there will be a revolt in IDF and in the Israeli society against the conflict but for that too happen the Israeli casualties should mount a lot, otherwise Netanyahu is determined to finished off Rafah.

As to the UN role, either Ray McGovern or Larry C Johnson saying that the UNGA can vote to kick Israel out of the UN for non compliance with the ICJ orders.
Entity realises it has gone too far and will become soon if not already an international pariah. Poor entity has had to admit it brought all this in on itself.

Looking forward to the same treatment being meted out to the entity as Apartheid S Africa.(y)

"While it’s true that the world’s smug, sanctimonious attitude towards a just war that Israel has every right to fight is ludicrous and a disgusting double standard, our leaders made decisions that paved the way.

International law is political in nature – there is no denying that. But when Israel began its military operation, it didn’t do enough to give off the impression that it was concerned with the Palestinian population at large. Think back to statements by government officials who said that basic needs will be cut off.

It is understandable that these were said in the heat of anger, but they matter, because presentation matters. Statements that lump together every Gazan as a legitimate military target have not stopped since, and only make things worse – as did footage this week of aid trucks being ransacked by Israeli right-wing extremists."

An interesting comment was made to the Jpost Editorial--something well worth pondering and something I have been saying that those Arab nations who are willing to make peace with Israel under current circumstances are forever condemning themselves to Israel's blackmail over trade, commerce, natural resources explorations and much more.

Here is the comment:

"The "strategic" way of thinking has brought us to where we are today. Had Israel drawn the line from day one from the first rocket and rained hell on those who want to destroy Israel, we would not be here today. But Israel had to play the blackmail role for the West. Either the Muslims sell the oil the way we want them to sell it, or we will unleash Israel on Palestine and the "quds" and the "aqsa" But Israelis are now tired of being a toy, the "Strategic" way as the JPost so naively and unintelligently puts it, has failed."
As to the UN role, either Ray McGovern or Larry C Johnson saying that the UNGA can vote to kick Israel out of the UN for non compliance with the ICJ orders.

Can the 5 permanent members veto the expulsion of Insrael ( it will never happen - just curious on the mechanics of it all ).
Can the 5 permanent members veto the expulsion of Insrael ( it will never happen - just curious on the mechanics of it all ).
I think not if voting were conducted under some UN chapter and article.
Can the 5 permanent members veto the expulsion of Insrael ( it will never happen - just curious on the mechanics of it all ).

Just checked as the recommendation for expulsion comes from the Security Council and so no in this case.

Otherwise the entity would now be facing expulsion for its genocide in Gaza.
Can the 5 permanent members veto the expulsion of Insrael ( it will never happen - just curious on the mechanics of it all ).

I don't know.
But the UNGA expelling a Member for non-compliance is an interesting idea and worth looking into. Ray M. and Larry J. are responsible former CIA officials and wouldn't have made the comment without some knowledge.
UNGA should at least vote to kick out Israel!! I bet there can be at least a simple majority, if not a 2/3rd majority; the Israeli clown UN envoy has been publicly insulting the UN.
Bro, the Dadyal or Kotli police force would smoke them. The Israelis have an unlimited supply of finances and the world's most advanced weapons systems from america and the west yet they cannot defeat a small sanctioned militia. Imagine how the inferior israelis would perform without that unlimited supply.

The IDF has been exposed. It is terrible at fighting.

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