Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

When that criminal shows up in the District of Criminals, there has to be the largest protest in America's history waiting for him.

This is our golden opportunity, don't waste it
I wander how many standing ovations he will receive this time. I think the record is 29!
Israeli IDF soldier in London shouting and swearing at Muslim women in UK.

"I am an IDF soldier!" and starts staring down the black woman and then starts backing away when a big tall black guy starts to stare down the brave IDF soldier.
A metaphor for Israel!
Yes it really took off under Bill Clinton and become absolute under Bush Jr.

Obama knew the score with the Zionist stranglehold when he got in and just knew he had to toe the line as otherwise he would not even make it to the end of his first term!
It started with Linden B Johnson and it became official after Israel's attack on the U.S.S Liberty in June 8th 1967 when the U.S replaced France as Israel's main protectorate.
If this is how much damage Hamas has done to IDF's senior personnel, i wonder what type of carnage Hezbollah would inflict on the IDF- Hezbollah would DAMAGE the IDF ground forces so badly, they would probably need to be restructured and reconstituted- seriously!

After this Gaza war on Gaza and the world, the IDF will never be the same. Only 1 or 2 people on this forum who dont live in reality will boast about IDF capabilities again- no one else will , ever.

The gaza war has shown us that Israel has an actual paper tiger military and Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah and Iran do not- end of discussion.
Hezbollah has also been taking a toll on the IDF since Oct 8th 2023!
Hezbollah has also been taking a toll on the IDF since Oct 8th 2023!

A multifront land war for ANY nation is really bad. Attention gets divided, populations get displaced from the conflict zones, more manpower needed, and, perhaps above all, a huge psychological impact across that nation with a feeling of being in a siege. Even the mighty Germans must have felt that when the Soviets started their advance in the east while the Germans knew the Anglos would be coming from the west soon.

Humans, like animals, would like to have solid wall behind them. In case of Israel, the only solid wall is the Med. Sea. Very bad strategic and psychological environment for a population which is pampered and soft for decades.
I keep on saying this but sooner or later hezbollah will have to go full out, Israel’s defenses are getting weaker every day not stronger military that has not been able to rest those have come back many are demoralized not wishing to keep fighting for a war that has no magical ending, their society at war again. Hezbollah has helped out a lot more than any other group but sooner than later Israel will turn their full attention on them and honestly I think that will start making the Israelis as whole see that they aren’t really going to win in the long run
Hezbollah has also been taking a LIGHT toll on the IDF since Oct 8th 2023!
Sure, but since we know Hezbollah is reserving the unleashing of really sexy toys like Fateh-110s on Israel, we know Hezbollah hasnt taken the worst or strongest toll it can on the IDF- let IDF foot cowards deliver on their promised threat of invading LEbanon- that's when Hezbollah can finish off the 50% of the IDF's remaining strength that Gaza militants didnt finish off yet.

Remember the hezbollah of today has a large ground forces that experienced, survived and defeated all the regional Islamic terrorists the west, including Israel, could throw at them- Hezbollah is so ready for the IDF, it only needs the IDF to put its forces in the right place, for the wrong reason, at the right time, and Hezbollah will finish them off. It may take some time, maybe some months, but what Hezbollah will do to IDF will make Gaza look like intro the "real song". Israel already f ukd up by making threats to attack Lebanon and Hezbollah without delivering on it- making military threats that are empty bluffs usually precludes humiliating defeat or disaster. I guess Iran already knows this since Israel didnt do well in the last "test" it gave Israel, US and puppet Arab regimes.

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