Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hamas has frozen discussions about a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip or a possible hostage deal with Israel, according to a Palestinian source on Tuesday, Anadolu Agency reports.
“Hamas told mediators about its decision to freeze all discussions about a Gaza ceasefire or hostage swap with Israel,” the source told Anadolu.
The move came shortly after Hamas deputy Chief, Saleh Al-Arouri, was assassinated in an Israeli drone attack on a Hamas office in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, according to Lebanon’s official National News Agency.
This is not true. But it is true Hamas is pressing Hezbollah privately to respond strongly. Otherwise, this means Hezbollah gave green light for Israel and US to assassinate all Palestinian Hamas officials in Lebanon and it will happen again and again. If there is no strong response by Hezbollah, it's time for Hamas to publicly call out this organization and Iran and move on from them . Their whole resistance mantra turned out to be one big farce.
Where will Hamas fraud terrorists move to? Nobody wants them.

Lebanon should not be giving these terrorists protection in the first place, risking Lebanese population in the process. Hezbollah has been far too kind to these Israeli-supported terrorists who are too cowardly to stay and fight in their claimed homeland and prefer to live under Hezbollah protection in Lebanon instead.
You think the reason young babies dying is complex?
I need to stop interacting with you.

That is your choice. Babies dying like this indicates failures of a society, in fact, multiple societies, in this case. That is indeed complex. Ignoring that fact is simply incorrect.
The GCC states don't care how many Palestinians must die as long as the end result is a defeated or weaken hamas, hezbolla and Iran. Remember the Saudis for a long time have also wanted the US to get involved and deal with Iran militarily, although they restarted diplomatic relations they want nothing but to see Iran weakened or the mullahs removed.
Well said. Their sectarian hatred for Iran trumps any ethnic kinship they have with Palestinians getting slaughtered. Very sad what such hate does to a person.

How Israel helped create Hamas​

To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.

How Israel helped prop up Hamas for decades​

Analysis: What is Hamas, and why has Israel deliberately enabled its existence for years?

Israel created Hamas for precisely this reason: to justify Israel's ethnic cleansing and permanent occupation / apartheid, and to use terrorism by extremists (Hamas) to justify ethnically cleansing all of Gaza.

On October 7th, all their investments into Hamas were repaid, with interest. Sadly, Hamas use tunnels to save themselves and leave civilians to get slaughtered on the surface.

This honourable Sheikh puts it well: "What type of Jihad is this, hiding underground while the oppressed Palestinians are left defenceless without weapons or even food."

Ordinary Palestinians are stuck between Israeli occupation and Israel-backed Hamas extremists, and the civilians always pay the price for the crimes of both. Very sad.
Does anyone know why it’s taken this long and why only South Africa submitted to the ICC?

Surely other nations could also submit ?

The Israelis were big supporters of arpatheid south Africa and the South Africans have not forgotten.

Funny world huh, sometimes racism is beyond the pale, other times people ally with them.
Itmar Ben Givir openly calling for ethnic cleansing.

Hit the translate button it's in Yiddish.

US officials "rejected" the Israeli Minister's public calls for ethnic cleansing. That will show him!

Remember this is the same 'minister' that is a convicted terrorist. Imagine how extreme you have to be in order to be a convicted terrorist in Israel.
Where will Hamas fraud terrorists move to? Nobody wants them.

Lebanon should not be giving these terrorists protection in the first place, risking Lebanese population in the process. Hezbollah has been far too kind to these Israeli-supported terrorists who are too cowardly to stay and fight in their claimed homeland and prefer to live under Hezbollah protection in Lebanon instead.

You still believe these guys will do anything. This is their actual opinion. Before me and without me. When I tell you they're frauds I mean it and worse. They're worse than frauds and even collaborators that fed information to Israel of his whereabouts.

And Nasrallah speech is still going on tomorrow. Means there will be zero response to this grave attack or any attack on Lebanon.

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