Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


You still believe these guys will do anything. This is their actual opinion. Before me and without me. When I tell you they're frauds I mean it and worse. They're worse than frauds and even collaborators that fed information to Israel of his whereabouts.

And Nasrallah speech is still going on tomorrow. Means there will be zero response to this grave attack or any attack on Lebanon.
Well either way my 72 hour mark is past on our previous subject it is what it is right now it’s Palestine trying to survive for the time being.
Well either way my 72 hour mark is past on our previous subject it is what it is right now it’s Palestine trying to survive for the time being.
It's time for Hamas to move on from Iran and Hezbollah. They bring no benefit at all to Palestine. The benefit is primarily for them by exchanging minor funds in exchange for domestic reputation of being anti-Israel champs. We just saw how they react to a full blown genocide in Gaza and not honoring the unity-of-fronts strategic equation. If Hamas moves on from them you'll see how they'll jump in Israels lap and slander Hamas. They're nothing more than a Iranian mafia. Now even their red lines for Lebanon have all been crossed and they won't do anything past firing a couple anti-tank missiles at the border.
Israel is actually trying to exterminate all Palestinians and destroy Palestinian culture and national identity around the world using worldwide Jews. All because they felt the Hamas strike on the IDF southern Gaza division was 'humiliating'. It's clearly not a response to anything nor a case of self-defense.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants American lawyer Alan Dershowitz to represent Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague next week to address allegations Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, according to Axios journalist, Barak Ravid.
South Africa should bring on Norman Finkelstein to deal with Dershowitz. However I believe Norman isnt a lawyer by trade, he would probably still beat him still in any case.

How Israel helped create Hamas​

To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.

How Israel helped prop up Hamas for decades​

Analysis: What is Hamas, and why has Israel deliberately enabled its existence for years?

Israel created Hamas for precisely this reason: to justify Israel's ethnic cleansing and permanent occupation / apartheid, and to use terrorism by extremists (Hamas) to justify ethnically cleansing all of Gaza.

On October 7th, all their investments into Hamas were repaid, with interest. Sadly, Hamas use tunnels to save themselves and leave civilians to get slaughtered on the surface.

This honourable Sheikh puts it well: "What type of Jihad is this, hiding underground while the oppressed Palestinians are left defenceless without weapons or even food."

Ordinary Palestinians are stuck between Israeli occupation and Israel-backed Hamas extremists, and the civilians always pay the price for the crimes of both. Very sad.

Hamas is the largest group amongst the groups fighting for the liberation of Palestine. Hamas has done more damage to Israel than the whole IRGC-led axis groups. Just maligning them with fake Zionist hit pieces won't take that gallant and magnificent history from them.


You still believe these guys will do anything. This is their actual opinion. Before me and without me. When I tell you they're frauds I mean it and worse. They're worse than frauds and even collaborators that fed information to Israel of his whereabouts.

And Nasrallah speech is still going on tomorrow. Means there will be zero response to this grave attack or any attack on Lebanon.
You said Hamas leaders should leave the protection of Hezbollah/Lebanon. Good, since they are so ungrateful and hate their hosts who risk their lives for them. Where will they go?
Hamas is an independent faction working for Pelestine. Hamas makes decisions based on its timing and calculations. Hamas is not a proxy of Iran.

HZ and Yemen and Iran are independent as well. They make their decision about timing. They do their own calculations. HZ and Iran and Yemen are not proxy of anyone. Sorry if you expected a proxy that works with your timing.

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