Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It's time for Hamas to move on from Iran and Hezbollah.
Why were they relying on Shia Persians and Lebanese instead of their own Arab Muslim brothers in Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain... to begin with?

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar: If not for Iran’s support, we would not have our missile capabilities​

“If not for Iran’s support for the resistance … we would not have obtained these capabilities. Our [Arab] nation has deserted us in our difficult moments, while Iran has supported us with weapons, equipment and expertise.”

Without Iran's support, would Hamas have missile capabilities? If not, is Sinwar a liar? Your hatred of Iran goes to such levels that you would call the leader of Hamas a liar when he says something that doesn't suit your sectarian narrative.
Hamas is the largest group amongst the groups fighting for the liberation of Palestine. Hamas has done more damage to Israel than the whole IRGC-led axis groups. Just maligning them with fake Zionist hit pieces won't take that gallant and magnificent history from them.
What damage to Israel? Even Sunni Arab nations hate Hamas and can't stand with Palestinians as Israel drops the equivalent of multiple atomic bombs in Gaza and commits genocide while Hamas terrorists safely hide in their tunnels and let civilians get slaughtered for their stupid actions.
They mourn him, worship Sinwar, yet call them liars by disregarding everything they say about Iran's UNIQUE and CRUCIAL support for Hamas and other resistance factions in Gaza. Their children are being slaughtered by Israel and still they find time to spam anti-Iran posts and insults to make themselves feel better. Sectarianism is a very ugly disease.

Hamas Leader Writes To Khamenei To Thank Him For His 'Extensive' Support​

The leader of Palestinian Hamas has written to the Islamic Republic Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to thank him for “the excellent reception” he offered a delegation visiting Iran and for his "extensive" support.

Khamenei;s official website reported that Ismail Haniyah in a letter to the Supreme Leader has also expressed “his utter joy” for “Iran’s readiness to equip the resistance for whatever it needs to discharge its duty” and has added, “I thank God for your presence”.

Haniya has also expressed his gratitude “for assistance, special and extensive support” of the Islamic Republic and especially Khamenei’s recent statements of support that “has opened new horizons” for Hamas.

Two weeks after the visit, reports in Israel quoting unnamed government sources said Iran has increased its usual annual $100 million aide to Hamas to $360 million.

Falcon has been here with an agenda saying the Same thing for years. He is odd to say the least.

He has been saying the same thing for 5 years. He does not represent Hamas or Palestine.

Hamas is independent. They can fight or make peace. They can befriend KSA or Iran.

Yet they chose to get money and weapons from Iran.

Why were they relying on Shia Persians and Lebanese instead of their own Arab Muslim brothers in Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain... to begin with?
Hamas has good ties with everyone in the region. Having ties does not mean it's expected another country will attack Israel. It's clear from this conflict, nobody, not Iran, Egypt, or Hezbollah or Jordan or Syria will ever even get into a skirmish with Israel and Hamas has to now take that into account and direct its energy towards a two state solution and freeing Gaza from the Israeli occupation. And move on from Iran and Hezbollah which were trying to sell to the general public for all these years that they're preparing for a ultimate showdown with Israel. It turned out to be a bluff and total farce.
Hamas has good ties with everyone in the region. Having ties does not mean it's expected another country will attack Israel. It's clear from this conflict, nobody, not Iran, Egypt, or Hezbollah or Jordan or Syria will ever even get into a skirmish with Israel and Hamas has to now take that into account and direct its energy towards a two state solution and freeing Gaza from the Israeli occupation. And move on from Iran and Hezbollah which were trying to sell to the general public for all these years that they're preparing for a showdown with Israel. It turned out to be a bluff and total farce.

Oct 7 and two state solution are contradictory. You cannot say you support Hamas and Oct 7 but you defend two state solution.

Unless you have an agenda.

Israel aim is to exterminate Hamas with or without two state solution.

Most Hamas members will not accept two state solution
Islamic Jihad will not as well.
Does anyone know why it’s taken this long and why only South Africa submitted to the ICC?

Surely other nations could also submit ?

The only reason the ICC is even accepting the case is probably because the Us didnt object to it.

Its a signal from the US to the extremist right wing leadership in Israel. If thats the case then its a start.
Hamas has good ties with everyone in the region.

Saudi Arabia

  • “[Hamas is] extremist and terrorist.” —Adel al-Jubeir, minister of state for foreign affairs, Watan, February 24, 2018
  • “Hamas has been a terrorist movement for decades, and it has been directing its terrorism against the Palestinians and the Arab countries, even before carrying out terror operations under the pretext of ‘liberating Palestine’ or things like that...Hamas is...a murderous terrorist organization.” —Abdullah bin Bijad (journalist), MBC TV, November 26, 2021, posted by Middle East Media Research Institute
  • Saudi Arabia classifies Hamas as a terrorist movement, and the right of resistance is guaranteed [only] for the Palestine Liberation Organization.” —Sami al-Saleh, ambassador to Algeria,, July 12, 2017

United Arab Emirates

  • “[Gaza] is occupied by Hamas. And the Palestinian people in Gaza are suffering because of Hamas, not the Israelis...What the public doesn’t understand is who is behind so much of the media they read—who is funding this misguided narrative, which only serves to protect Hamas, and ultimately, Iran...Hamas and the Palestinian leadership have hijacked the minds of 2 million Palestinians to sell their political and terrorist agendas.” —Dr. Ali al-Nuaimi, Newsweek, June 7, 2021


  • “[W]hat Hamas has done behind the back of Fatah, the PA, and President Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] has greatly harmed the Palestinian cause.” —Saleh al-Qallab, former minister of information, Elaph, May 12, 2021
  • The Jordanian government views Hamas as having carried out an illegal coup, and therefore, it has refused to receive any of the leaders of the Hamas movement, whether it’s Ismail Haniyeh or Mahmoud al-Zahar, neither collectively nor individually.” —Hamada Farana, former member of parliament, April 22, 2019
  • It is in no way accurate or correct to call Hamas a national liberation movement...Can the claim that Hamas is a national liberation movement and is not affiliated with any of the axes and blocs in the region be believed when it displays such devotion to Iran, rivaled only by the devotion of the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iraqi PMU [Popular Mobilization Units]?...If Hamas is really a national liberation movement, why did it follow the directives, or even the orders, of Qatar, of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and of the Muslim Brotherhood [leaders] in Turkey?” —Saleh al-Qallab, Asharq al-Awsat, December 5, 2018
  • “[Hamas] committed a number of violations that pose a threat to Jordan’s security, stability, and sovereignty.” (Statement justifying Jordan’s expulsion of Hamas leadership from the kingdom.) —Abdelraouf al-Rawabdeh, former prime minister, Al Arabiya, July 22, 2016


  • I request striking the terrorist camps inside Gaza because terrorism always originates from within it. It is the responsibility of the Arab countries to take action to reject the involvement of Hamas in the assassination of Deputy Barakat through training conducted within Gaza aimed at assassinating him.” —Ahmed Moussa (journalist, TV presenter), al-Watan Voice, March 6, 2016
  • “Just like we died in the past in defense of the Palestinian cause, we are ready to die today in defense of the Palestinian cause—but we are not ready to die in defense of Hamas...We are not prepared to sacrifice even a single hair from the eyebrow of an Egyptian soldier or civilian for the sake of Hamas and all the people who wage Jihad, while indulging themselves in all kinds of dishes at the swimming pool.” —Mazher Shahin, al-Tahrir TV host, July 12, 2014, posted by Middle East Media Research Institute


No they are not, on the contrary, it's to gauge if the people of the region have the will to liberate Palestine. They are clearly frauds and morally corrupt people that will never fight for any cause that is just. Like your fraud corrupt regime which murders people and abuses citizens of Iraq through terror in the name of Palestine.

Yahya Sinwar cares about our people first and foremost. Hamas will push towards two state solution after this with right to bear arms. Scumbag Palestinian Authority is trying to prevent a unity government at orders of Israel and the US which includes the Palestinian National Factions as it will result in a real push to gain independence.

Iran scumbag frauds just want to use Palestine to advance their Persian agenda in region and don't want independence for Palestinians. Hamas will move on from Iran and Hezbollah crooks.

Hamas will make independent decisions. I am sure.

However saying Hamas did Oct 7 to prove moderate Arabs or Iran are fraud is odd. I am sure Hamas disagrees.

That is why you seem odd.
This whole region is full of crooks and frauds. Whole Muslim world. I don't want to hear about them mentioning Islam again. They're far from Islam. This crookedness and moral depravation across the region is not Islam and is insulting to Islam and the Prophet Mohammed (SAW).
Oct 7 and two state solution are contradictory. You cannot say you support Hamas and Oct 7 but you defend two state solution.

Unless you have an agenda.

Israel aim is to exterminate Hamas with or without two state solution.

Most Hamas members will not accept two state solution
Islamic Jihad will not as well.
Not really I may not agree on everything that happens on oct 7 I definitely don’t agree with Hamas, like most other groups and nations that hold their needs above their own people, but yeah it’s either a two state solution or one state solution or just endless cycle of violence. Bibi and his cronies are living on borrowed time and a left/center government will take place in Israel they might want a demilitarized Gaza I don’t disagree on that not because for Israel’s security because way to many factions with way to many weapons instead of laptops and universities.
Hamas will make independent decisions. I am sure.

However saying Hamas did Oct 7 to prove moderate Arabs or Iran are fraud is odd. I am sure Hamas disagrees.

That is why you seem odd.
Learn how to read. October 7 was meant to gauge willpower of people of region to liberate Palestine. And if not, to convince Palestinian domestic population that it's necessary for Hamas to accept a two-state solution. While reserving our right to self-defense.

Saudi Arabia

  • “[Hamas is] extremist and terrorist.” —Adel al-Jubeir, minister of state for foreign affairs, Watan, February 24, 2018
  • “Hamas has been a terrorist movement for decades, and it has been directing its terrorism against the Palestinians and the Arab countries, even before carrying out terror operations under the pretext of ‘liberating Palestine’ or things like that...Hamas is...a murderous terrorist organization.” —Abdullah bin Bijad (journalist), MBC TV, November 26, 2021, posted by Middle East Media Research Institute
  • Saudi Arabia classifies Hamas as a terrorist movement, and the right of resistance is guaranteed [only] for the Palestine Liberation Organization.” —Sami al-Saleh, ambassador to Algeria,, July 12, 2017

United Arab Emirates

  • “[Gaza] is occupied by Hamas. And the Palestinian people in Gaza are suffering because of Hamas, not the Israelis...What the public doesn’t understand is who is behind so much of the media they read—who is funding this misguided narrative, which only serves to protect Hamas, and ultimately, Iran...Hamas and the Palestinian leadership have hijacked the minds of 2 million Palestinians to sell their political and terrorist agendas.” —Dr. Ali al-Nuaimi, Newsweek, June 7, 2021


  • “[W]hat Hamas has done behind the back of Fatah, the PA, and President Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] has greatly harmed the Palestinian cause.” —Saleh al-Qallab, former minister of information, Elaph, May 12, 2021
  • The Jordanian government views Hamas as having carried out an illegal coup, and therefore, it has refused to receive any of the leaders of the Hamas movement, whether it’s Ismail Haniyeh or Mahmoud al-Zahar, neither collectively nor individually.” —Hamada Farana, former member of parliament, April 22, 2019
  • It is in no way accurate or correct to call Hamas a national liberation movement...Can the claim that Hamas is a national liberation movement and is not affiliated with any of the axes and blocs in the region be believed when it displays such devotion to Iran, rivaled only by the devotion of the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iraqi PMU [Popular Mobilization Units]?...If Hamas is really a national liberation movement, why did it follow the directives, or even the orders, of Qatar, of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and of the Muslim Brotherhood [leaders] in Turkey?” —Saleh al-Qallab, Asharq al-Awsat, December 5, 2018
  • “[Hamas] committed a number of violations that pose a threat to Jordan’s security, stability, and sovereignty.” (Statement justifying Jordan’s expulsion of Hamas leadership from the kingdom.) —Abdelraouf al-Rawabdeh, former prime minister, Al Arabiya, July 22, 2016


  • I request striking the terrorist camps inside Gaza because terrorism always originates from within it. It is the responsibility of the Arab countries to take action to reject the involvement of Hamas in the assassination of Deputy Barakat through training conducted within Gaza aimed at assassinating him.” —Ahmed Moussa (journalist, TV presenter), al-Watan Voice, March 6, 2016
  • “Just like we died in the past in defense of the Palestinian cause, we are ready to die today in defense of the Palestinian cause—but we are not ready to die in defense of Hamas...We are not prepared to sacrifice even a single hair from the eyebrow of an Egyptian soldier or civilian for the sake of Hamas and all the people who wage Jihad, while indulging themselves in all kinds of dishes at the swimming pool.” —Mazher Shahin, al-Tahrir TV host, July 12, 2014, posted by Middle East Media Research Institute


Old stuff.

Hamas has active ties with Egypt, Jordan, and Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, and more. It's not isolated to two or three nations.

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