Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

To be fair, most of America don't really care people dying over there. Their priority probably is

Getting Taylor Swift Ticket -> Trump legal woes -> Cost of living -> gas price -> Everything else (including the gazan situation)

So I would say you have a point here.
Even if most Americans dont care that Palestinians are dying(which i can agree with), they are stilll fully responsible for the actions their govt takes to support Israel's genocide- responsibility is real and independent from feelings and carelessness and selfish nihilism and hedonism- American citizens will eventually pay the price for the actions and irresponsibility of their govt.
Hamas is inseparable from Palestinian people.

Was Indonesian people responsible when Soekarno launched invasion attempt to Malaysia and Singapore ? No

We kicked Soekarno when he becomes irrrational

Was Indonesian people responsible when Soeharto invaded East Timor ? No

We kicked Soeharto when he becomes irrational
Again, you are losing me on this one....
I was clear, can not help further with clarification
As @indo said, the world is supporting Palestinian, not Hamas......

It didn't mean anything tho, I mean even if UN somehow admit Palestine as a member (Let's say US did not veto) do you think Israel will stop? I mean UN Condemnation or International Pressure have not done anything to Myanmar, Congo, Ukraine, and other countries. Unless you can somehow put international peacekeeper in Gaza, I don't see the war is going to stop just because the world sympathised with Gazan clause, the world Already did sympathised with the gazan clause with the ICJ and ICC stuff like since 6 months ago, does that stop the war?
That is all after war outcome, China already calls for international conference to implement palestinian state, it would happen decades ago but jews control USA so it is hard, israel itself is irrelevant.

On the other hand, even if the war stop tomorrow. It isn't going to be like it was before, without food, water, medicine, hospital and other infrastructure, it's going to be hard time all around in Gaza, compare to some flak the Israeli is going to cop and then things would most likely getting back to normal for them.
Not really, 800k of settlers fled the country with no intention for coming back so it is not normal for them too.
Well, let me put it in this way. Trump was just found guilty today, 9/10 news from the US are trump being guilty. I see maybe 1 or 2 news story were talking about Palestine. 6 out of 10 news from the UK/Europe are talking about Trump. UK is focusing in on their own election, while EU talk about the upcoming EU Election and Ukrainian war......

This is the headline on Baidu today

View attachment 44459

And this is Yahoo Hong Kong news

View attachment 44460
It wasn't that big of a deal as you may think.........
I am aware that Palestine is not the ONLY news, anyway MSM is not maim factor for public informing anymore.

It's not just about people or weapon, it's about C&C structure, warfighting capability, logistical capability, the Hamas was wiped, even manpower alone it's going to take a while to replenish the rank. And you are thinking they can go back up and running lobbing rocket within weeks?
If you believe only iof sources and estimations who are proven liers it might be so, i will remain sceptical to those claims.
World cares and it will have consequences eventually. Images from Gaza will not be forgotten and who was main sponsor of those.
Great point.

Its lovely to see we are in the era where "Well us Americans don't think that Israel is doing anything wrong.. blah blah blah.." is not accepted or tolerated by the world community. Since US has shown it is corrupt and incompetent world leader, the world won't let it lead when it shows it can't!
Was Indonesian people responsible when Soekarno launched invasion attempt to Malaysia and Singapore ? No

We kicked Soekarno when he becomes not rational

Was Indonesian people responsible when Soeharto invaded East Timor ? No

We kicked Soeharto when he becomes irrational
I do not know specifics of your history and would avoid correlation with palestinian cause.
Hamas dont get any sympathy, it is Palestinian people who get sympathy. Hamas is part of the parties that is blamed to cause this genocide along with Israel : Hamas give the reason/pretex for Israel hardline gov to wage war and do the genocide

We are all Hamas now. Otherwise you are a Munafiq.
I don't get it.
don't or can't?
Are you saying Hamas won the war
yes, because Israel lost it
by letting the Israel to commit genocide on themselves???
No, by fighting cohesively and calculatedly and smart, but Israel genocides Gazans during this war of liberation that is being succesfully fought- Hamas can win and ISrael can genocide and both can happen at the same time in the war.
Now I am confused......
No, you're trolling.
We are all Hamas now. Otherwise you are a Munafiq.

Does Hamas abide with Quran verses and Hadith that forbid Muslim to target civilians during War time ?
Does Hamas abide with Quran verses and Hadith that forbid Muslim to target civilians during War time ?
There is no civilian in Israel to begin with.

Each and everyone of those settlers are potential terrorists that need to be jailed and kept in chain.

Those who go to look for a job in Israel risk their lives.
The problem with it is that they all revolve Iran.
that's not a problem.
But Iran probably would need Russia backing to have them attack Israel be it high or low intensity conflict.
No Iran doesn't! You dont even understand Iran, because if you did, you would know that Iran has made succesful regional plans against US and Israel that don't rely on Russian approval or support- because afterall, Russia sees ME regional issues and players a bit different from Iran- Iran is not doign things in ME because of Russian approval (at least not mainly or motivationally)
The issue here is, Israel is currently staying neutral in Ukraine, and if Russia F with Israel by letting Iran attack Israel themselves or using their proxies, that may change,
a whole bunch of BS- Iran and its proxies have attacked and are attacking Israel already without Russia stopping it so this is rubbish because you are connecting 2 things that are not connected- Iran + its proxies actions in ME and ISrael's support for Ukraine. Israel is more likely deterred from helping Ukraine because it is afraid of how Russia will increase support for Syrian govt against Israel- Russia can make Syrian airspace unavailable to the IAF, and Israel knows it and fears that possibility.
unless you think those H - Group can eliminate Israel once and for all,
not likely, but it could break down Israel's military capabilities considerably at the end of this war, which will stop ISrael' from attacking neighbors illegally and unreasonably.
if Israel remain, it have the capability to make Russia progress in Ukraine a living hell (Don't forget Ukraine have a very large Jewish population, include the president himself, Zelenskyy)
what rubbish- Israel cant even make Lebanon or Yemen's lives miserable despite all the damage they've done to Israel so tell me how Israel can assist Ukraine that is 100s of miles away in a way that actually hurts Russia? you think these wars are video games and they are not- this logic has no practicality in it.
That is the reason why 9 months down, and we are talking about IDF attacking the last strong hold in Gaza,
no- 9 months down and Israel is about to admit defeat agianst rag tag militias in Gaza- Israel has attacked all of Gaza and thats not what matters- what matters is what has Israel achieved other than getting its leaders indicted in ICC and the world against it- not much really!
and none of the H-Group have done anything meaningful.
define meaningful first.

Also, HEzbollah has destroyed alot of IDF infrastruture in northern Israel and displaced over 100K Israelis from nothern Israel and made them IDPs- you consider that not meaningful? once again, you make general comments that sound logical but dont have any sense in them sometimes.
If there were things to be done, they would have done so already.
illogical comment when the war is still going on- you dont knwo the miiltary plans and strategies both sides are using and have planned to make this statement and be correct.
We are talking about a total wipeout in Gaza here.
thanks for confirming Israel is genociding Gaza, thats exactly why we are on this thread and the world is watching- Israel will not genocide Gaza and go scot free-it will pay the price for its war crimes.
I was clear, can not help further with clarification

Again, as I said, you lost me on this one.

That is all after war outcome, China already calls for international conference to implement palestinian state, it would happen decades ago but jews control USA so it is hard, israel itself is irrelevant.

You do know even if Palestinian state exist, there can still be war, right? That's my point.

Not really, 800k of settlers fled the country with no intention for coming back so it is not normal for them too.

That did not answer my all.....

I am aware that Palestine is not the ONLY news, anyway MSM is not maim factor for public informing anymore.

But you are talking about international attention is pointless, as it shift from things to things........

If you believe only iof sources and estimations who are proven liers it might be so, i will remain sceptical to those claims.

I am not talking about IDF source, I am talking about the public destruction of Gaza and people (whether Gazan or Hamas) in it.......
There is no civilian in Israel to begin with.

Each and everyone of those settlers are potential terrorists that need to be jailed and kept in chain.

Those who go to look for a job in Israel risk their lives.

Nope, involving civilians as target like Hamas indiscriminate rocket launch to Israel cities and terrorist act inside Israeli city targeting civilians are the ones that makes Israel is also targetting Palestinians civilians

Hamas has been doing their stupid action for decades and understand what will be the consequence of such action but keep doing that due to their ego/emotion/abide with their leadership

We should abide and follow Allah, not emotion or other human
that's not a problem.

No Iran doesn't! You dont even understand Iran, because if you did, you would know that Iran has made succesful regional plans against US and Israel that don't rely on Russian approval or support- because afterall, Russia sees ME regional issues and players a bit different from Iran- Iran is not doign things in ME because of Russian approval (at least not mainly or motivationally)

a whole bunch of BS- Iran and its proxies have attacked and are attacking Israel already without Russia stopping it so this is rubbish because you are connecting 2 things that are not connected- Iran + its proxies actions in ME and ISrael's support for Ukraine. Israel is more likely deterred from helping Ukraine because it is afraid of how Russia will increase support for Syrian govt against Israel- Russia can make Syrian airspace unavailable to the IAF, and Israel knows it and fears that possibility.

not likely, but it could break down Israel's military capabilities considerably at the end of this war, which will stop ISrael' from attacking neighbors illegally and unreasonably.

what rubbish- Israel cant even make Lebanon or Yemen's lives miserable despite all the damage they've done to Israel so tell me how Israel can assist Ukraine that is 100s of miles away in a way that actually hurts Russia? you think these wars are video games and they are not- this logic has no practicality in it.

no- 9 months down and Israel is about to admit defeat agianst rag tag militias in Gaza- Israel has attacked all of Gaza and thats not what matters- what matters is what has Israel achieved other than getting its leaders indicted in ICC and the world against it- not much really!

define meaningful first.

Also, HEzbollah has destroyed alot of IDF infrastruture in northern Israel and displaced over 100K Israelis from nothern Israel and made them IDPs- you consider that not meaningful? once again, you make general comments that sound logical but dont have any sense in them sometimes.

illogical comment when the war is still going on- you dont knwo the miiltary plans and strategies both sides are using and have planned to make this statement and be correct.

thanks for confirming Israel is genociding Gaza, thats exactly why we are on this thread and the world is watching- Israel will not genocide Gaza and go scot free-it will pay the price for its war crimes.
I was gonna take you seriously and answer your question, then I remember who you were and look at your post......
I was gonna take you seriously and answer your question, then I remember who you were and look at your post......
thank you, thats a compliment that someone like you can't effectively oppose my logical and reasonable points.

Seeing you post on this thread made me know trouble has arrived, but we are here for it! I predict you will stop posting on this thread soon, once Israel and US admit defeat, just like the others like F-22, Foinikas and Solomon guys.

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