Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

There you go.

They have nothing to give Ukraine that the US/Europe are not already supplying or preparing to supply.

Russia probably has the R-77M(dual motor) in IOC and the SU-35 with its larger weapon load, higher altitude and top-speed will dominate in BVR duels. Putin does not even need to risk his precious SU-57s to deal with these F-16s. Ukraine will probably not get AIM-120D which would be comparable in performance.

Ukraine is being obliterated! Even the NY Times is starting to bring up a collapse of Ukraine up to the Dnieper River. Ukraine is not a topic here but, as you rightly pointed out, Israel can't do much to supply Ukraine. Iron Dome?? Have we not seen how many of Hezbollah rockets and drones in last few days along penetrating the Israeli defences and doing damage in northern Israel? Israel keeps asking and getting for Washington's $$$ and weaponary for a reason: Israel is running low on weaponry due to the ongoing and prolonged multifront conflicts since October 7. Israel can't do jack for Ukraine!!
US will lose its sole superpower status as China becomes a peer in the 2030s.

When you are the sole superpower you can get away with anything and impose your will but not when you have a true peer like China in the economic, military and technological domains.

I am not sure China becoming #1 will make a difference, as China has shown no interest in exterting itself anywhere for any reason - they are interested in just making money - nothing else.
Ukraine is being obliterated! Even the NY Times is starting to bring up a collapse of Ukraine up to the Dnieper River. Ukraine is not a topic here but, as you rightly pointed out, Israel can't do much to supply Ukraine. Iron Dome?? Have we not seen how many of Hezbollah rockets and drones in last few days along penetrating the Israeli defences and doing damage in northern Israel? Israel keeps asking and getting for Washington's $$$ and weaponary for a reason: Israel is running low on weaponry due to the ongoing and prolonged multifront conflicts since October 7. Israel can't do jack for Ukraine!!
Iron dome missiles are produced and paid by usa, israel can supply shit.
You are not confused,must playing stupid games, you know very well what i meant.
Honestly, I don't......

You said Hamas won the war, and then say this is Israel Genocide project........

So, unless you are claiming it's Hamas goal to have Israel genocide its own people, that's nothing to win. And if Israeli can just go murder Gazan in a genocidal kind of way, then how exactly Hamas won the war??
Honestly, I don't......

You said Hamas won the war, and then say this is Israel Genocide project........

So, unless you are claiming it's Hamas goal to have Israel genocide its own people, that's nothing to win. And if Israeli can just go murder Gazan in a genocidal kind of way, then how exactly Hamas won the war??
Should we go around in circle what conventional military is versus unconventional resistant movement?
Hamas is alive and operational, they won automatically.
Or are you that stupid that Hamas could prevent genocidal attempt by usa backed military force, you know how deranged you look when you legitimize genocide as part of military goals, probably not.
Should we go around in circle what conventional military is versus unconventional resistant movement?
Hamas is alive and operational, they won automatically.
Or are you that stupid that Hamas could prevent genocidal attempt by usa backed military force, you know how deranged you look when you legitimize genocide as part of military goals, probably not.
First of all, I NEVER legitimize genocide as part of military goal, I said that's what they will do, unless you are claiming I am an upper echelon in the IDF or are IDF policy maker, I don't have anything to do with the IDF, that's an observation and prediction and I was trying to follow your logic.

Second of all, Hamas being alive is not automatically win, they were alive before, and if they are alive afterward, then what changes? The issue here is not what IDF can do to Hamas, I don't think anyone have issue with that, the issue here is what IDF DID to Gazan population as opposed to what Gazan get out of this situation.

I mean, if Hamas was in power before and IDF was not in Gaza before, it changes nothing if IDF left, and Hamas come back in power. I mean if Hamas can get the UN to agree to UN Membership, I considered that a victory, if Hamas can roll over the IDF, I considered that a victory, if Hamas just stay put and brace to assault. How does it a military victory in both tactical and strategical term? Tactically, they took a very heavy beating and need years, if not decade to rejuvenate, strategically, again, unless UN gave them membership, there are nothing changes, the petition continues, and the status quo continue........

I mean "You can't kill me" does not equate to "I won" it just mean the fighting continue.......
First of all, I NEVER legitimize genocide as part of military goal, I said that's what they will do, unless you are claiming I am an upper echelon in the IDF or are IDF policy maker, I don't have anything to do with the IDF, that's an observation and prediction.
Ok, confirmation that Hamas has bussines with clinically insane people and all possible support should be provided to them.

Second of all, Hamas being alive is not automatically win, they were alive before, and if they are alive afterward, then what changes? The issue here is not what IDF can do to Hamas, I don't think anyone have issue with that, the issue here is what IDF DID to Gazan population as opposed to what Gazan get out of this situation.
As i said, it is not in Hamas hands how depraved and diabolical their enemy is, in way it goes in their favor as they gained lot of sympathy in whole world for their cause.

I mean, if Hamas was in power before and IDF was not in Gaza before, it changes nothing if IDF left, and Hamas come back in power. I mean if Hamas can get the UN to agree to UN Membership, I considered that a victory, if Hamas can roll over the IDF, I considered that a victory, if Hamas just stay put and brace to assault. How does it a military victory in both tactical and strategical term?
In that sense they are winning, Palestine is in focus of world public but they have world hegemon as opponent and that is difficult battle.
Tactically, they took a very heavy beating and need years, if not decade to rejuvenate, strategically, again, unless UN gave them membership, there are nothing changes, the petition continues, and the status quo continue........
I doubt so, arsenal they used is homemade industry and their underground facilities are intact. If you consider that their arsenal is made over years under huge blockade and restrictions it can be replenished in matter of weeks if that restrictions are eased by blink of eye by Egypt but yes if iof continue to wage war it would be difficult but they can not wage that long war.
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Ok, confirmation that Hamas has bussines with clinically insane people and all possible support should be provided to them.

As i said, it is not in Hamas hands how depraved and diabolical their enemy is, in way it goes in their favor as they gained lot of sympathy in whole world for their cause.

In that sense they are winning, Palestine is in focus of world public but they have world hegemon as opponent and that is difficult battle.

I doubt so, arsenal they used is homemade industry and their underground facilities are intact. If you consider that their arsenal is made over years under huge blockade and restrictions it can be replenished in matter of weeks if that restrictions are eased by blink of eye by Egypt but yes if iof continue to wage war it would be difficult but they can not wage that long war.

Hamas dont get any sympathy, it is Palestinian people who get sympathy. Hamas is part of the parties that is blamed to cause this genocide along with Israel : Hamas give the reason/pretex for Israel hardline gov to wage war and do the genocide
Ok, confirmation that Hamas has bussines with clinically insane people and all possible support should be provided to them.

Again, you are losing me on this one....

As @indo said, the world is supporting Palestinian, not Hamas......
As i said, it is not in Hamas hands how depraved and diabolical their enemy is, in way it goes in their favor as they gained lot of sympathy in whole world for their cause.

It didn't mean anything tho, I mean even if UN somehow admit Palestine as a member (Let's say US did not veto) do you think Israel will stop? I mean UN Condemnation or International Pressure have not done anything to Myanmar, Congo, Ukraine, and other countries. Unless you can somehow put international peacekeeper in Gaza, I don't see the war is going to stop just because the world sympathised with Gazan clause, the world Already did sympathised with the gazan clause with the ICJ and ICC stuff like since 6 months ago, does that stop the war?

On the other hand, even if the war stop tomorrow. It isn't going to be like it was before, without food, water, medicine, hospital and other infrastructure, it's going to be hard time all around in Gaza, compare to some flak the Israeli is going to cop and then things would most likely getting back to normal for them.

In that sense they are winning, Palestine is in focus of world public but they have world hegemon as opponent and that is difficult battle.

Well, let me put it in this way. Trump was just found guilty today, 9/10 news from the US are trump being guilty. I see maybe 1 or 2 news story were talking about Palestine. 6 out of 10 news from the UK/Europe are talking about Trump. UK is focusing in on their own election, while EU talk about the upcoming EU Election and Ukrainian war......

This is the headline on Baidu today


And this is Yahoo Hong Kong news

It wasn't that big of a deal as you may think.........
I doubt so, arsenal they used is homemade industry and their underground facilities are intact. If you consider that their arsenal is made over years under huge blockade and restrictions it can be replenish in matter of weeks if that restrictions are eased by blink of eye by Egypt but yes if iof continue to wage war it would be difficult but they can not wage that long war.
It's not just about people or weapon, it's about C&C structure, warfighting capability, logistical capability, the Hamas was wiped, even manpower alone it's going to take a while to replenish the rank. And you are thinking they can go back up and running lobbing rocket within weeks?
I am not sure China becoming #1 will make a difference, as China has shown no interest in exterting itself anywhere for any reason - they are interested in just making money - nothing else.

They don't need to do anything.

Just having an alternative pole in terms of economy, technology and military equipment will change everything. A lot of US and western power comes from the fact they control world economy and technology, well at least used to totally control but this is slipping now.

World power is indeed a zero-sum game.

Ps - What makes you think they will not "flex" their muscles when they feel they are strong enough to challenge the US and its allies? Making money and not being actively involved in world affairs would indeed be mutually exclusive.
Hamas dont get any sympathy, it is Palestinian people who get sympathy. Hamas is part of the parties that is blamed to cause this genocide along with Israel : Hamas give the reason/pretex for Israel hardline gov to wage war and do the genocide
Hamas is inseparable from Palestinian people.

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