Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Zionist father whose child killing son was killed in Gaza is crying, stating: "We came from Morocco. Should we return to Morocco? Will my wife return to Syria? Where should we go?"

This usurper doesn't realize he is in a land that he illegally grabbed, and the pain Palestinians feel everyday is 100 times worser than the mere loss of his child killing son. What was he expecting when his son and 100s of 1000s of IOF invaded Gaza? The Palestinian mujahideen have no choice but to resist this genocide that has been unleashed on the Palestinian people.
Thats so strange. Why is pro Palestine marches banned in Pakistan?
No idea bro - apparently they had the dandaaay out and ready to slap them so they hastily departed the scene
Elections must be approaching when Europoodles start barking loudly.

UK 'willing to take direct action' against Houthi rebels to stop Red Sea shipping attacks, says Shapps​

The Houthis claim they target ships either linked to Israel or heading to Israeli ports - and that their actions are aimed at ending the Gaza war.
By Wil Longbottom, assistant editor
Monday 1 January 2024 07:11, UK

Houthi fighters on a ship in the Red Sea in November

Image:Houthi fighters on a ship in the Red Sea in November
Why you can trust Sky News
Britain is reportedly considering airstrikes on Houthi rebels after the US Navy sank three boats that had been targeting a container ship in the Red Sea.
Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said the government would not hesitate to take "direct action" to prevent further attacks on shipping.

It comes after the US military said four boats from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen fired upon the Maersk Hangzhou and got within metres of the vessel.
Several of the crews of the armed boats were killed, US Central Command said.
Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Mr Shapps said the UK is "willing to take direct action" and "won't hesitate to take further action to deter threats to freedom of navigation in the Red Sea".

This includes potential airstrikes, according to the Telegraph.
Shapps said: "The Houthis should be under no misunderstanding: We are committed to holding malign actors accountable for unlawful seizures and attacks."
The ship was targeted in the Red Sea

Image:Ships have been targeted in the Red Sea
In December, Royal Navy destroyer HMS Diamond joined international efforts to deter attacks on cargo shipping in the Red Sea.
Iran-backed Houthis have claimed the attacks are on ships either linked to Israel or heading to Israeli ports, and say they are aimed at ending the air and ground offensive on the Gaza Strip following the 7 October attacks by Hamas.

On Sunday, UK Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said he had spoken to Iran's foreign minister.
Houthi rebels

Play Video - How Houthi rebel attacks are affecting the world

How Houthi attacks are affecting the world
In a post on X, he wrote: "I spoke to @Amirabdolahian today about Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, which threaten innocent lives and the global economy.
"I made clear that Iran shares responsibility for preventing these attacks given their long-standing support to the Houthis."
Read more
Why are the Houthis attacking ships in the Red Sea?

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels released a video on Monday said to show their forces seizing an Israeli-linked cargo ship in the Red Sea.

Play Video - Who are the Houthis?

Who are the Houthis?
A UK government spokesperson said: "The situation in the Red Sea is incredibly serious, and the Houthi attacks are unacceptable and destabilising.
"As you would expect, while planning is under way for a range of scenarios, no decisions have yet been made and we continue to pursue all diplomatic routes.
"We call for the Iranian-backed Houthi to cease these illegal attacks and we are working with allies and partners to protect freedom of navigation."

Should we also ask the spokesman to clarify why the UK-backed Zionist regime is allowed to bomb indiscriminately and killing nearly 30 000 civillians in Gaza?
The Zionist father whose child killing son was killed in Gaza is crying, stating: "We came from Morocco. Should we return to Morocco? Will my wife return to Syria? Where should we go?"

This usurper doesn't realize he is in a land that he illegally grabbed, and the pain Palestinians feel everyday is 100 times worser than the mere loss of his child killing son. What was he expecting when his son and 100s of 1000s of IOF invaded Gaza? The Palestinian mujahideen have no choice but to resist this genocide that has been unleashed on the Palestinian people.

Thats the zionist mindset.
Lets go and create a new land, wherever it may be, it will be OUR land and we will ethnically cleanse local population, and then cry out anti-semitism and terrorism when local make resistance.

My sadness is that over 30,000 (mainly children and youth) that have simply had nothing to do with this war have lost their lives. No where in my life and existence has their been such a loss of life. The silence of the world is deafening.
It takes South Africa to shout from the roof tops whilst Arab and Muslim nations sit at the sidelines. I have friends in Islamabad that were out protesting with a Palestinian flag and were told to disperse. At least in the UK we have been able to voice our feelings.
Sadness indeed.

I think that S Africa doing it is technically a smart move as they still have that moral authority and political support that other countries lack due to their history of oppression similar to what the Palestinians are currently suffering from.

Remember that the Zionists were fully supporting the racist Apartheid government back in the 1970s and 1980s while even most western countries had turned against them. Black and other colored S Africans have not forgotten this.

If say a country like Indonesia had brought the case, then it would have been easier for the Zionists and their backers in the west to dismiss this as a Muslim country supporting their fellow co-religionists.

I am not exusing any Muslim countries here for their lack of action as regards the genocide of Gazans but the world geopolitical situation makes it harder for Muslim countries to now call out Zionist crimes than others.
The major soldiers withdrawal of Israel from Gaza without achieving the war objectives is a clear indication of isreal losing the war.
They faced a difficult urban warfare scenario for which they were not prepared. They had high casualties and in response all they did was killing civilians. Hamas is as strong as they were before the war. Infact now they are mentally more strong after this withdrawal by Israel.
On top of that the pressure was mounting on Israel both from outside and within. The US and the whole world was withdrawing support because of the highest no of civilian deaths. And within isreal they were facing labour shortage and economic crisis. A country like isreal with a small population and area can't afford a long war of attrition.
Living on a occupied land wasn't easy and won't be easy for Israel.

Israel does not have an "endless" supply of ammunition or military vehicles.Their entire population is less than half of that of London and they have nowhere near the might of Russia's industrial military complex where they can recoup destroyed equipment anywhere near the same scale. Israel cannot afford for this conflict to go on even another month. They are now fighting against a well prepared mujahideen guerrilla armies and it is hurting them badly,
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Qudus News Network quoted the sister's message from her Instagram post. It is the sister speaking. The source is here.

Now, if you want to hold onto the old NY Times's manufactured bogus rape story, that is entirely up to you. But it is her sister in her Instagram's post, refuting the bogus rape allegations.

I asked for as source and you post the same link ?

Is this how it is going to be played on this new forum ?

No where have I found out that Gal Abdush even had a sister. Maybe you can prove otherwise ?

I ask for a trust worthy source - Show us where the sisters actually says something like that ?

What is the sister name ?

What where here exact words ?

Some source . . .

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Wording is crucial if you translate it from diplomatic language should implies direct support and assistance for this genocidal project.
This hypocritical performance can not fool anybody, this is rhetoric zionist entity has right to defend itself even doing genocide but just do not brag openly about it and do it in silence, we will send you all necessary means and material support for you while doing it. That is the true meaning of this statement.
True. You absolutely cannot trust a word coming from this US Administration about this conflict. It is a 'veritable arm' of the Zionists. Part of that is because Biden personally is a Zionist. I recently learned that Biden is so extreme pro Israel that whatever President Obama tried to do to restrict Israel, the VP Biden tried to stop Biden.
Northern Gaza has turned into the graveyard for the occupying Zionist terrorists.

Yes they may have only suffered 200 dead but the more important number is the more than 2000 permanently crippled, either physically or mentally or both. For all intents and purposes their lives are practically over in any normal sense.
Hamas regularly publishes videos of taking out these terrorists and that must also up the physological trauma that these child killers and sadists are suffering.
I saw somewhere that total of 10,000 Israelis injured so far. While they may include from everywhere since October 7 and most may not be 'serious injuries', the number is still very high for a casualty-averse soft country like Israel.
Israel does not have an "endless" supply of ammunition or military vehicles.

True. Even America, unless it mobilizes along WW II lines, is facing depleting resources after supplying so much to Ukraine and Israel.

How Israel helped create Hamas​

To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.

How Israel helped prop up Hamas for decades​

Analysis: What is Hamas, and why has Israel deliberately enabled its existence for years?

Israel created Hamas for precisely this reason: to justify Israel's ethnic cleansing and permanent occupation / apartheid, and to use terrorism by extremists (Hamas) to justify ethnically cleansing all of Gaza.

On October 7th, all their investments into Hamas were repaid, with interest. Sadly, Hamas use tunnels to save themselves and leave civilians to get slaughtered on the surface.

This honourable Sheikh puts it well: "What type of Jihad is this, hiding underground while the oppressed Palestinians are left defenceless without weapons or even food."

Ordinary Palestinians are stuck between Israeli occupation and Israel-backed Hamas extremists, and the civilians always pay the price for the crimes of both. Very sad.

What kind of a sheikh is this , Remember the battle of ditches .... Where is it written that its not allowed fighting from the under the ground ....... He is not a mufti or sheikh he is an agent and a liar.....
I asked for as source and you post the same link ?

Is this how it is going to be played on this new forum ?

No where have I found out that Gal Abdush even had a sister. Mybe you can prove otherwise ?

I ask for a trust worthy source - Show us where the sisters actually says something like that ?

What is the sister name ?

What where here exact words ?

Some source . . .


IDF have been doing this for decades, yes what Hamas did was a resistance attack but in response to what? When you answer that we can start getting to the bottom of it.

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