Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel is doing everything to start a regional war to cover up for it loss in Gaza

Military advisors from all major western nations are in Israel to help beat the orphans who make weapons in their basement but Allah is with them so they will never be defeated and this will always be my prayer for Palestinians

Now Israel is trying to trigger regional war so Iran MUST NOT take the bait otherwise it will play into Israeli advantage

Israel is becoming a burden on the shoulder of the US

They need to die slowly not immediately

Thats so strange. Why is pro Palestine marches banned in Pakistan?
When the generals overthrew the PTI government, they were able to freely send a 'delegation' to israel once they installed their puppet PDM setup. The latter sent out their associated proxies (American Pakistanis'), to represent 'Pakistan.' This was the first step unofficially, but behind the scenes GHQ and Israel are pretty much Kin brothers.

When Imran was in power he was being forced to recongnize israel by GHQ, but he flat out said No, even when Nikki haley was barking at him on top of her lungs to do so. Furthermore the mass of the Arab dictators want to accept Israel too (as evident by their silence and not being proactive to stop the gaza genocide), but many want Pakistan to be amongst the first to do so, which will help absorb the domestic fallout in their respestive countries.

Israel is doing everything to start a regional war to cover up for it loss in Gaza
Military advisors from all major western nations are in Israel to help beat the orphans who make weapons in their basement but Allah is with them so they will never be defeated and this will always be my prayer for Palestinians
Now Israel is trying to trigger regional war so Iran MUST NOT take the bait otherwise it will play into Israeli advantage

Good post.
If anyone saw Prof. Jefferey Sachs on the Judging Freedom channel YouTube yesterday, Sachs said 'absolutely' not in the interest--or even capability--of America to be involved in a regional war. Only Israelis--particularly Netanyahu--wants that.
Just bleed them from both Gaza and Lebanon and Yemen and elsewhere--it is working despite the very tragic loss of lives in Gaza. I hate to say this: Gaza is already destroyed but in return Israel to be destroyed through a low key war on the Israeli economy, psychology, and human losses. Play the long game!!
As this guy saying in the video, it is not Israel but Hezbollah controlling the war--to become fullblown or low key. As @Aziqbal said above: Don't fall for the bait. Bleed them dry!! You know Americans don't want a regional war so don't let Israel drag them in. Bleed Israel dry. Death by a thousand cuts!!!

As this guy saying in the video, it is not Israel but Hezbollah controlling the war--to become fullblown or low key. As @Aziqbal said above: Don't fall for the bait. Bleed them dry!! You know Americans don't want a regional war so don't let Israel drag them in. Bleed Israel dry. Death by a thousand cuts!!!

Hizbollah has everything to win from not entering the war with full force. It will alow Hizbollah to continue to be a serious threat to Israel northern half.

We all know Israel would be bankrupt and dead by now, if it werent for western assistance with the US as the prime provider.

Essentially it all boils down to Western assistance vs. Palestinian resistance + Hizbollah stregth. Israel alone is really not a threat on its own.
Some stirrings, potentially:

'Enough Is Enough': Sanders Says Congress Should Reject Aid For Israel's War In Gaza​

"The taxpayers of the United States must no longer be complicit in destroying the lives of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza," the Vermont senator said.

By Marita Vlachou
Jan 3, 2024, 08:50 AM EST


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday repeated his criticism of the Israeli government’s military approach in Gaza, calling on his fellow lawmakers to reject the Biden administration’s request for billions in military aid for Israel.

The Biden administration has asked Congress to approve an additional support package for U.S. allies, including Israel, which Sanders described as “unconditional military aid” for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to continue with their brutal war.

“Enough is enough,” Sanders said in a statement. “Congress must reject that funding. The taxpayers of the United States must no longer be complicit in destroying the lives of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza.”

The war has so far killed over 22,300 people in Gaza, according to local officials, and displaced 85% of the territory’s population.

Sanders said the issue at hand “is not complicated,” noting that while Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Southern Israel in which about 1,200 people were killed and nearly 240 were taken hostage initiated the current conflict, Israel’s war has led to “catastrophic” results on the ground for Palestinians.

“While we recognize that Hamas’ barbaric terrorist attack began this war, we must also recognize that Israel’s military response has been grossly disproportionate, immoral, and in violation of international law,” Sanders said.

He added that is important for Americans to keep in mind that Israel is fighting mostly “with U.S. bombs, artillery shells, and other forms of weaponry.”

Last month, Sanders wrote a letter to President Joe Biden, saying it would be inappropriate to provide funding for Israel beyond what’s needed for “defensive systems that will protect Israeli civilians against incoming missile and rockets attacks.” He also urged Biden to support U.N. efforts to stop the suffering on the ground.

The U.N. Security Council passed a resolution to provide more aid for Gazans on Dec. 22 amid U.S. resistance that led to the weakening of the proposal. The U.S. abstained from the vote.

The U.S. had previously vetoed a resolution calling for a humanitarian cease-fire in the besieged territory.

Sanders has also introduced a resolution to investigate Israel’s indiscriminate bombing in Gaza.

Meanwhile, as the fighting continues, Israel is thought to be behind a blast in Beirut that killed Saleh Arouri, a top Hamas political leader Tuesday, prompting fears that the conflict could spread across the region. Israel has not commented on the strike.
Irrelevant guy.
Hizbollah has everything to win from not entering the war with full force. It will alow Hizbollah to continue to be a serious threat to Israel northern half.
We all know Israel would be bankrupt and dead by now, if it werent for western assistance with the US as the prime provider.
Essentially it all boils down to Western assistance vs. Palestinian resistance + Hizbollah stregth. Israel alone is really not a threat on its own.

A lot of people cursing Hezbollah here and sadly that had even turned sectarian. Even an odd argument was made that Hezbollah was basically allowing Iran to build nukes by Hezbollah not getting fully involved while keeping pressure on Israel. I absolutely disagreed with that line of thinking but didn't want to get involved--tempers / emotions are high.

I don't know of the regional players have this strategy already implemented or not but I think if rookies like us on this forum can foresee how Israel can be beaten--through a prolonged war of attrition--then the regional countries must have thought the same strategy: Bleed Israel slowly but keep the threshold low enough so Americans, who really don't want to get involved, don't get involved. Tragically, Gaza has become a sacrificial lamb in that strategy but so will Israel--but Israel will be a slow roast!!
Tragically, Gaza has become a sacrificial lamb in that strategy but so will Israel--but Israel will be a slow roast!!

Using Gaza as a "sacrificial lamb" is not really acceptable, even if that is somehow justified by "slow roast"ing Israel. Quite appalling, in fact.
Do You have a source for this claim ?

It is not my intention to argue with other posters here , but to post my own sources.

However , I have noticed that your reports can't always be trusted.

Not going to argue, but post my own sources . Let the readers here decide the truth for themselves.

Who was Gal Abdush ?

She was attending the party on the 7 of october massacre and was murdered along with her husband and her half naked body can be seen in Hamas horror movie - where she was seen with a black dress ,

This is how she was seen in the movie :


And this is what he real family has to say :

'They defiled her soul': Mother of Hamas rape, murder victim says world must know the horror

Eti Bracha, the mother of Gal Abdush who was raped and then murdered by Hamas terrorists in front of her husband before he too was shot, says she believes recounting the heinous crimes is important, hoping the world would not stay silent

you can read the rest here :

And this is the reoprt from the new York times about the rape :

Lets ask some logical questions,

1) hamas wanted max damage at the fesitival in minimum possible time ?
2) do we believe that Hamas had time to burn bodies using flammable material ?
3) if so did they use the use flamethrower in other gaza conflicts?
4) who else has such weapons to burn people beyond recognition, whoelse was operating in Festival theater?

Think before you come up with rhetorical statements.
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Israelis are really not reporting much not only their battlefield losses but also the catastrophic costs to their economy. No wonder they are desperate to make this a regional war to bring in America because they know a slow, war of attrition is potential existential threat.
It is a ripple effect on Israelis: War casualties, tourism industry gone, 200,000 internally displaced people who are a burden to the economy, foreign investments greatly reduced and 'investors confidence' gone for a long time, almost no Aliya--in fact, exodus, and fear of another October 7 in many places of Israel.

The company also says that most of its harvest workers are usually residents of the Palestinian territories and foreign workers. The pool of workers available to the company has declined sharply: some have been drafted into the IDF reserves, foreign workers (mainly from Thailand) have left the country, and Palestinians are not allowed to enter.

As a consequence, at the time of publication of the financials, only half the usual number of people was employed in harvesting, and half of these were unskilled (volunteers and casual workers), which has meant that the harvest is much less efficient. The output of a volunteer is about a tenth of that of a skilled worker. In addition, wages for paid harvest workers have risen by some 40% because of the labor shortage, besides the costing of transporting them from different parts of the country. Delays in harvesting can cause the cancellation of orders and low quality produce sold at lower prices in the local market than in the export market.
As this guy saying in the video, it is not Israel but Hezbollah controlling the war--to become fullblown or low key. As @Aziqbal said above: Don't fall for the bait. Bleed them dry!! You know Americans don't want a regional war so don't let Israel drag them in. Bleed Israel dry. Death by a thousand cuts!!!

They need to target any Israeli gas plans, how far is th Israeli gas platform they are building

If that can be hit and destroyed even for a short time it would be great

We also need to target and reinvigorate the BDS movement and put heavy pressure on any company working with Israel
When the generals overthrew the PTI government, they were able to freely send a 'delegation' to israel once they installed their puppet PDM setup. The latter sent out their associated proxies (American Pakistanis'), to represent 'Pakistan.' This was the first step unofficially, but behind the scenes GHQ and Israel are pretty much Kin brothers.

When Imran was in power he was being forced to recongnize israel by GHQ, but he flat out said No, even when Nikki haley was barking at him on top of her lungs to do so. Furthermore the mass of the Arab dictators want to accept Israel too (as evident by their silence and not being proactive to stop the gaza genocide), but many want Pakistan to be amongst the first to do so, which will help absorb the domestic fallout in their respestive countries.


Who are the Pakistani contingent, and where are they now, have they made any statements since the start of the conflict?
Israel is doing everything to start a regional war to cover up for it loss in Gaza

Military advisors from all major western nations are in Israel to help beat the orphans who make weapons in their basement but Allah is with them so they will never be defeated and this will always be my prayer for Palestinians

Now Israel is trying to trigger regional war so Iran MUST NOT take the bait otherwise it will play into Israeli advantage

Israel is becoming a burden on the shoulder of the US

They need to die slowly not immediately

where is american freedom and Human rights support!
I don't know of the regional players have this strategy already implemented or not but I think if rookies like us on this forum can foresee how Israel can be beaten--through a prolonged war of attrition--then the regional countries must have thought the same strategy: Bleed Israel slowly but keep the threshold low enough so Americans, who really don't want to get involved, don't get involved. Tragically, Gaza has become a sacrificial lamb in that strategy but so will Israel--but Israel will be a slow roast!!
Most evidence suggests that other regional actors/allies of Hamas (including Hezbollah and Iran) were not aware of Hamas' plans to launch their attack on Israel. Hamas officials have said they told nobody, not even their closest allies. That makes sense to prevent leaks and maintain the element of surprise, but it also means that everyone (including potential allies) was taken by surprise and not prepared.

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