Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Resistance strikes against Israel from Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen - all in the last 12 hours.
I posted a video of John Ulmer a few posts above. According to him, Hezbollah has barely used a 'fraction' of its arsenal against Israel so far. But let's also think of why a US Senator like Lindsay Graham had to bring up nukes to settle this conflict in Israel's favor: Graham said that because he KNOWS Israel can't win a conventional war against Hezbollah and maybe not even against the Gazans.

Oh dear iron dome all of a sudden isn’t so iron.
A blogger calls it 'Iron Foam'. Hahahah!!
pretend can not cope with all of those fires last time it took many many countries to stop those uncontrolled fires I
In a YNET Article I posted just above, Israelis are having a hard time managing so many fires at once. Northern Israel is thickly wooded. I have seen what parts of California have suffered in last few years due to wild fires. But in case of Israel, it is not some Nature's fires--Israeli rescue and firefighting units also have to watch out for fire coming from Lebanon!!
#Urgent | US State Department spokesman to Al Jazeera: President Biden confirmed that the agreement is in the interest of Israel and its security
We made clear to Israel that continuing the conflict for more months is not in its interest
We hope that the #Rafah crossing and all crossings will be reopened to bring aid into the #Gaza Strip


John Ulmer from the Electronic Intifada has the incomparable knowledge about the conflict in Gaza, seeminly down to every block of the populated areas and down to every minor weapon used by the Gazans.
Here he is boldly saying that Israel is already 'defeated' and that currently the Gazans are fighting as 'National Liberation Army' but would go into guerilla force mode if have to, so Israel will have no break or peace from Gaza unless there is political solution. He is also saying American soldiers are laughing at the IDF soldiers for the lack of professionalism. He is also saying that Israel has become a 'liability' for the Americans who have larger worries.

Good stuff. God bless them, man. Hamas, Qassam Brigades, PIJ the population joining how can you defeat such resilience.

And how about lasting 8 months? Something really that hasn't been discussed. We were all saying exactly what that chick was saying, will Hamas be prepared? How long will they last and all that and let's be honest, they've surpassed all expectations and way beyond. @j_hungary , you should watch this video for the perspective you seem to be missing, bro. This is what resistance is all about.

And speaking of the cowardly demon military and their despicable behavior; I tell you what, the minute I EVER hear ANYONE compliment those demonic buffoons with all their hocus pocus high tech BS and phantom prowess that never existed, I will jump UGLY on that. We've seen NOTHING but a demoralized bunch of diaper-wearing, goon Wanna-Be demons that are the most pathetically inexperienced and undisciplined cowards crying behind their failing technology. You should hear real soldiers like some of my buddies here that have served with the US Army & Marine Corps laugh at these clowns and point out some of the most ridiculous things they're doing. Especially the disciplinary aspects.

And speaking of real soldiers, we always say "imagine if Hamas had all the weapons and gear and sophisticated" weapons hell I bet you if you gave those Tracksuit Mujahideen all the gear those demons have and tried training them on conventional military tactics, they'll probably diss that stuff and only use what they could the way they fight.
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Palestine joins South Africa in ICJ court against Israel..


Palestine has just become a member of the United Nations, and only now does it have the right to plead, support, or do anything in the Court of Justice. Before that, its utmost ambition was the International Criminal Court.

very high temperatures in north Israel today

and Iron Dome is failing miserably after Hezbollah systematically took out their surveillance radars and sites over many months

Israelis want escalation, we are entering very dangerous moments
It’s not even the surveillance radars it’s the fact they have spent their stock of interceptors and can’t produce what they have stockpiled for a couple of years the north literally burning to the ground proves it Israel always had the belief all of these mini wars could be won in 2 to 3 month going on a year the warriors in Gaza are still holding on not backing down and Hezbollah is growing bolder everyday they seem to be pushing the Israelis to react so they have the excuse to unleash on them what they have been holding back
It doesn't matter how advanced your military is, Mujahideen will always find your weaknesses and force you into fights on their terms. Unfortunate unlike Afghan mujahideen given full Pakistani backing. Muslim Arab brothers will regret how they did not taken this golden opportunity offered to them to support Gaza mujahideen to end the brutal occupation of Muslim lands a clear victory was surely there to be had, it makes me cry with anger it wasn’t to be.
I posted a video of John Ulmer a few posts above. According to him, Hezbollah has barely used a 'fraction' of its arsenal against Israel so far. But let's also think of why a US Senator like Lindsay Graham had to bring up nukes to settle this conflict in Israel's favor: Graham said that because he KNOWS Israel can't win a conventional war against Hezbollah and maybe not even against the Gazans.

A blogger calls it 'Iron Foam'. Hahahah!!

In a YNET Article I posted just above, Israelis are having a hard time managing so many fires at once. Northern Israel is thickly wooded. I have seen what parts of California have suffered in last few years due to wild fires. But in case of Israel, it is not some Nature's fires--Israeli rescue and firefighting units also have to watch out for fire coming from Lebanon!!
The resistance is gowing bro......Iran's holding back to prevent all out war. Sooner or later, Iran will allow volunteers to get in da thick of it.......its inevitable.

Forget the rest of the muslim countries. 200 million shia say 8 million yahudi larrain gay?

Achha........ :p

Isra-heel key shammat aagaee hae and they know it.
Muslims couldn't even dedicate 2% of their power. Just imagine. The Prophets and his companions fought in their 50's and 60's. And sacrificed themselves. And only number around 300 or less. And lacked resources. Only having weeks of resources at a time.
There are no words to describe the behaviour of those called Muslims in power. But it will take time to organise and defeat the Israeli Nazis.
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