Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

And speaking of the cowardly demon military and their despicable behavior; I tell you what, the minute I EVER hear ANYONE compliment those demonic buffoons with all their hocus pocus high tech BS and phantom prowess that never existed, I will jump UGLY on that. We've seen NOTHING but a demoralized bunch of diaper-wearing, goon Wanna-Be demons that are the most pathetically inexperienced and undisciplined cowards crying behind their failing technology. You should hear real soldiers like some of my buddies here that have served with the US Army & Marine Corps laugh at these clowns and point out some of the most ridiculous things they're doing. Especially the disciplinary aspects.
I LOVE the way you describe the Israeli war mongers!! Real passionate.
But, yes, numerous videos of hiphop dances around tanks surrounded by destructions in Gaza or the Gay dancing Israeli soldiers or the IDF men wearing women undies in Gaza must have jolted all but the most deluded Zionists and their supporters that 1967 was too long ago and the modern IDF is a joke and the world has noticed how the Israelis have been propped up by the Americans fighting against an imprisoned militia in Gaza.
This humiliation of Israel is already much worse than what happened in 2006 against Hezbollah.
It’s not even the surveillance radars it’s the fact they have spent their stock of interceptors and can’t produce what they have stockpiled for a couple of years the north literally burning to the ground proves it Israel always had the belief all of these mini wars could be won in 2 to 3 month going on a year the warriors in Gaza are still holding on not backing down and Hezbollah is growing bolder everyday they seem to be pushing the Israelis to react so they have the excuse to unleash on them what they have been holding back

The Resistance has played its hand with extreme deft. Not escalating to the point of involving the Americans--who didn't want to and still don't want to--while hurting the Israeli morale, economy, world standing and indeed inflicting casualties and causing big internal displacements. Hezbollah was especially brilliant in depleting Israeli expensive Iron Dome etc with much cheaper rockets and drones. The Israelis may have been enjoying the fireworks in the sky seeing Iron Dome working but the fools didn't know that very soon the fireworks will be inside Israeli territory, as happening in last 1-2 days in northern Israel.
Preparing 32 schools in central and southern Israel to receive the displaced
From the northern settlements.

Kiryat Shmona, the fire situation is very dangerous
It spreads widely.

After the fire brigades failed to put out the fires
Mass exodus of the population of the north

A satirical video of Netanyahu and his wife Sarah
After he abandoned the north.

Hamas training is good. It's severely limited by the blockade, geography of Gaza, and lack of resources and funding. Hamas rockets are of low quality because they have to work with available resources. Even their mortars and explosive material of rockets is low quality and cannot come close to matching industrial grade weaponry Hezbollah posses. Israel also carpet bombed Gaza in a unprecedented scale. Which on top of massacring civilians and committing a genocide, it heavily disrupts Hamas's ability to confront the ground invasion.

Hamas has more experience fighting Israel, especially in modern day. But it has severe limitations.

What this is allowing Hezbollah to do is get a idea of Israel's defenses in the north and practice deploying certain weapons system in real time. They get to test launch mechanisms, accuracy and effectiveness of certain weapons systems on a week-to-week basis. Unlike in all-out war, they wouldn't be able to make so many adjustments in short period of time. They also gain experience for their reserves. The Ridwan forces are likely going to be okay in executing what they trained for as they have a lot of training and shared intelligence between Hamas and them to train for Israeli weakness. But the reserves get to gain experience here and also Hezbollah can fine tune some of their processes.

They are acting on a very limited scale of course. And for a full force deployment, they likely already played out the scenarios. The issue is we don't know what Israel would do in a full-scale attack on Lebanon. If Israel carpet bombs southern Lebanon or tries destroying everything and everyone, in a genocidal manner, like what they did in Gaza, then I'm not sure Hezbollah is prepared for such a scenario. They did mention contingency plans in the past if Israel resorted to wiping out entire villages like they've threatened. So maybe they do.

Considering they have air defense capabilities and much better offensive capabilities to make precision strikes, they likely are able to counter that to some extent.

Hamas in Gaza has nothing to counter a genocidal rampage that's being enabled by the US, UK, and many others. Especially when being isolated and having no backing of any sort. Hamas surviving is actually incredible in the face of the genocidal rampage and psychological warfare waged on Gaza and Hamas during the past 8 months. Enduring all of that can really destroy your morale. What Hamas has is popular support, especially in Gaza, and the greater regional public. And sheer faith to believe their resilience will pay off. The tunnel systems all under Gaza play a role too.

If you look at the campaign against ISIS, they folded very fast. Despite controlling a much larger landmass. And facing much less firepower. The sheer terror genocidal campaign on Gaza was meant to make Hamas fold out of pure terror and trauma. People really need to grasp what kind of campaign was waged on Gaza. It's unclear if others can handle what they endured.

They're not in a total war or anything near it. And Israel is intentionally avoiding inflicting many casualties. In a full blown war many Lebanese people would be killed. Gaza is being attacked with their full firepower, that is being resupplied repeatedly. Extremely disproportionate use of force for the purpose of committing a genocide and ruining Gaza entirely.

Firepower they're deploying in Lebanon and vice-versa, is nowhere near. We haven't seen what a serious, let alone semi-serious confrontation would like between Hezbollah and Israel.

They deescalate then escalate, it hasn't been entirely linear. They are not gonna go down a path of linear escalation as that will lead to a full blown war. It's a measured escalation with some twists. If Hezbollah goes down path of linear escalation, it will interrupt Israel's campaign in Gaza. But what will it mean after that, we don't know. Would it be a two-week long battle that results in a ceasefire in Gaza or Lebanon? Or would Israel resume its campaign in Gaza? Or would it escalate heavily until it triggers a regional war? Then what would a regional war look like and mean? Nobody wants it right now. Though they are all prepared to start it, but endgame is unclear. Controlling the conflict would be difficult for any side.
Calculated and well processed genocide performed by a US and UK proxy.

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