Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

hence the $20 billion new package fast tracked to the child killers
Because its been distracted and drained due to lack of discipline in preserving and focusing its military armada on its priorities, the empire and its vassals will be fully exhausted when the time to fight its prime and worst enemies comes.

But i guess by NATO's logic, it goes something like "if a country cannot defeat the Taliban or Houthis, it is definitely ready to take on the prime global powers like China and Russia".

Why secret negotiations if the military can actually reset all equations and force adversaries to concede? Weird things are happening at this weird time.
Action against NAZIs being stepped up:-

These sick bastards need to go back to Europe. Europe thought they got rid of their cancer by sending them to Palestine yet they still control their governments.

Hopefully, the Arabs learned a hard and valuable lesson that the next time the wandering sperms of Ibrahim's left nut need rescuing, it's best to just drown the ship and shoot them in the water.

The Story of Amalek, which Netanyahu loves to repeat so often, can be applied in this case as well.
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