Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hamas humiliated these terrorists on October 7. And we could have went for the final blow if Hezbollah moved with Hamas as well. Instead, Hezbollah frauds offered well wishes and prayers to Hamas and stood out completely. Which emboldened Israeli's, raised their morale, and allowed the US to come fight a war for them. And now they appear as deadly, lethal, and scary people to the unsuspecting. Because the idiot Axis-of-frauds didn't follow through on the strategy.

Hey been awhile, well whatever we think about Hezbollah it’s definitely more capable than Hamas with hell of a lot more resources.
Absolutely. They're much more capable as they have access to much more resources and land.
Hamas took the playbook of invading and capturing towns from hezbollah remember hezbollah has been saying for over a decade if another conflict would erupt they would capture small towns in the Galilee.
No it didn't. Hezbollah always had its eyes on occupied She'eba farms. This is not new. The areas Hamas entered aren't considered occupied Palestinian territory. Hamas has much more combat experience with Israel than Hezbollah does. It's a Hamas design. Hezbollah, Iran, and its other axis-of-frauds aren't capable of drawing up such plans and executing them in the real world.
In my opinion this cross border invasion was only supposed to have ever occurred if iran was attacked, Iran would have activated their proxies or groups they have funded like
That's why it's your opinion and not reality. Iran was never going to be attacked. If US wanted to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power it would have attacked long time ago.
Hamas and jihad from Gaza to Lebanon to Syria to Iraq and Yemen to start a coordinated attack. What happened Hamas got tired of waiting around while Gaza was being choked off the biggest mistake Hamas made was they should have fully concentrated on military bases and outposts on the Gaza border and stayed away from border towns the outcome would have been and embarrassment on epic scale and wouldn’t have been this genocide we see today.
These frauds won't even fire rockets at northern cities in Israel and you want us to believe they were planning a grand-master plan to invade Israel? You're duped by propaganda. Syria is war torn and devastated and can't and won't do anything. Syria and Iran invited Russia to maintain their interests. Iraqi factions exist just to coerce Iraqi gov't into agreements with Iran. They have no anti-Israel use whatsoever. Hezbollah is happy with peaceful border with Israel.

Gaza's situation was unbearable for a long time and the people of Gaza wanted Hamas to do something about it. Hamas went for a final stand. It's risky but at same time necessary.

Israel responded with a genocide and exclusive ruining of civilians to try to force a humanitarian situation so dire it forces Hamas to surrender or forces Palestinians out of Gaza. It is not able to achieve either thing and is insisting to continue to apply genocidal 'pressure' by now targeting central Gaza and see where it goes. Israel has no strategy besides inflicting a deadly, brutal, and cruel genocide, in hopes the world forces Palestinians out. Axis-of-frauds are doing great job of buying Israel time to try to continue the genocidal pressure. Instead of upping the ante and having Israel have to shift its focus on Lebanon.
Genocidal 'pressure' strategy employed by Israel is going into full gear by now targeting Central Gaza. Gaza can be saved but we have scared axis-of-frauds and other people that are terrified of slight discomfort or anxiety and give Israel what it wants by calling on Hamas to surrender.

. Instead of upping the ante and having Israel have to shift its focus on Lebanon.
Hezbollah would only up it if a Nasrallah or someone higher up in the organization. I totally agree about the fake axis that serves the benefits of only one entity, it doesn’t mean I can’t respect the country to a certain degree it just in the end they are looking out for number one. My brother in law seems to be losing a cousin or friend every few days I’m sorry like you said maybe in the long haul it might be worth it but short haul definitely not. it’s our own personal opinions but I definitely think the outcome of them going after army bases and outposts would have been better overall 20000 so far dead and whatever the idf says vast majority civilians not combatants.
also I think I wasn’t clear I don’t think any of those groups or countries could invade Israel and take control even combined totally agree Syria is now a puppet regime of iran that’s to weak to stand but I think combined they could inflict damage surely more than Hamas could have alone. It’s like saying iran is going to liberate Palestine it’s not going to happen I honestly wish big brother Muslim leaders would finally come to the fight but they’re not unless there’s something for themselves ie Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Iran in the end these leaders prioritize themselves not even their own people.
"Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar on Tuesday reiterated that under existing laws, the government has the authority to ban and terminate individuals or entities -" link

I'm not convinced it's safe for Pakistani members if I contribute here.
None of your business. You worry about your neck, the Muslims are going to chop it , matter of time.

Elite Israeli forces give up 'death trap' Gaza quarter after heavy losses: Report​

Friday, 22 December 2023 9:25 PM [ Last Update: Friday, 22 December 2023 9:25 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

File photo shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) meeting with forces of the Israeli military's Golani Brigade.
Elite Israeli forces waging the occupying regime's ongoing genocidal war against the Gaza Strip have reportedly given up control of a neighborhood in the Gaza City after suffering heavy losses there.
The 13th Battalion of Israel's Golani Brigade "transferred control" of the city's Shujaiya neighborhood, to another force, the London-based al-Araby al-Jadeed news outlet reported on Friday, citing Israel's Channel 13.
Israeli outlets recently published footage showing the troops enlisted with the infantry brigade "celebrating" after quitting the battlefield, the report added.
The flashpoint neighborhood has earned a reputation for being a "death trap" for the regime's forces.
It houses the strategic Tell al-Muntar hill, which, overlooking the entire Gaza City, has lent special strategic significance to the area and is considered to be the "gate to Gaza."
The Israeli forces' departure from Shujaiya came after fighters with the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Gaza-based Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas, inflicted heavy losses on the brigade.
The resistance operation reportedly claimed the lives of at least 10 members of the Golani Brigade, and seriously wounded four others, including "mid-level" officers.
Israeli colonel, commanders among 10 forces killed in Gaza war over past day
Israeli colonel, commanders among 10 forces killed in Gaza war over past day
The Israeli military says ten of its troopers were killed on Tuesday during the aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip.
The developments came amid an unrelenting war that the Israeli regime has been waging against the Gaza Strip since October 7.
The regime started the war following an operation by the coastal sliver's resistance groups that led to the captivity of hundreds.
At least 20,057 people, including some 8,000 children and 6,200 women, have been killed in the war so far.
Gaza's resistance groups have vowed not to give up defending the territory in the face of the Israeli onslaught, saying they were ready for a "long war" against the occupying regime.

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It is up to the regional countries to decide what to do. Those of us sitting in remote, safe, confortable locations can only imagine scenarios. But this guy is spot on--a regional war is the only way to bring Israel to its senses or its knees. Otherwise, even after losing 20,000-30,000 Gazans, the situation will be the same and probably even worse for the region because Israel will systematically work to remove all threats--from Gaza, from West Bank, from Lebanon, from Syria.
Those Arab countries around Israel think that they are buying 'peace' by being quiet should absolutely know that they would forever be vassals of remote power if they don't gain their freedom of action--and being vassals is not only humiliating on a national level but also carries trade/commercial compromises.

But they already are remote vassals of remote power, they already have been corrupted, divided and almost time to be ruled.
More Israeli soldiers getting kidnapped: The Israelis are more stupid than they look
One hears a lot of boisterous claims by both sides. Not really believable, though. If either side could just "march in" it would have happened a long time ago.

Actually, it was a NY Times 'Israel Firster' columnists who said that several weeks ago as he went to Israel maybe within a few 2-4 weeks of the start of this conflict. Scott Ritter had been saying the same but I put more weight in the NY Times guy. Scott can be a loose canon.
I tend to believe that, now that most of the bordering regions of Israel evacuated, Hezbollah can indeed take up a chunk of the land upnorth. If Israelis can't even provide infantry support to their vaunted Merkava in Gaza then I doubt they would face Hezbollah gallantly.

The strength of Israelis as that of the Americans and the NATO is reduced to aerial bombing to 'soften' the targets and hope for the best. I hear that Israelis are paying as much as $7000/person/month to be mercenary in the Gaza war!!!!
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Given Israel has evacuated c. 100,000 Israelis from the border communities (within 4-10km from the border), it's plausible that an invading Hezbollah infantry force could quickly seize some border towns/bases.
The bigger problem for a primarily defensive guerrilla force like Hezbollah would be holding onto that territory in the face of a massive IDF counterattack - it's very unlikely that Hezbollah could pull that off.
Regardless, the only Israeli-controlled territory where Hezbollah may even consider such a move would be the occupied Lebanese Sheeba Farms, which is a very small parcel of land.

It is hard to draw parallels between the Afghan National Army (ANA) of pre August 2021 and the IDF at this point, even if it is tempting to draw the parallels. But I believe there can be some parallels. Before August 2021, the ANA seemed so mighty. People thought, with all the NATO weaponry and training, the ANA would last at least 6 months after the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. But the ANA folded within a few weeks of the evacuation of the Bagram airbase. What an spectacular failure of not just the NATO but of the thousands of pundits and experts who based their predictions on the Soviet remnants in Afghanistan--Mr. Najibullah lasted far longer.
My point being: The IDF has already proven to be a cowardly force and it took barely a few hours after the October 7 attack for the IDF to ask for the American help. How is that different from the ANA? What if the Americans decide to look after America's own interests? How long will Israel survive then??

Hezbollah taking up the Upper Galilee region of Israel has been seriously discussed by several NON-Palestinian persons. Why is that not possible? They are empty now and Israel has to focus on Gaza first.
no mater how much Pakistanies cry for gaza or palestenians they cannot do anything and neither can any ammount of there so called pakistani origin journalists in international media .... in desi language you tried best to be ambassadors of afhans after US left but niether afghans cared about you nor USA ..... AND PAKISTAN DID NOT GET ANY MONEY IN OR AFTER US WITHDRAWL IN AFGHANISTAN .... SAME THEY WILL NOT GET ANY MONEY EITHER FROM ARABS OR TURKIYE OR US/ISRAEL FOR MEDIATION IN GAZA ........ NA TO KAARWAAN HI MILLA NA WASAL E SANAM ..... NA IDHAR KE RAHE NAUDHAR KE TUM ;) :p

Actually, it was a NY Times 'Israel Firster' columnists who said that several weeks ago as he went to Israel maybe within a few 2-4 weeks of the start of this conflict. Scott Ritter had been saying the same but I put more weight in the NY Times guy. Scott can be a loose canon.
I tend to believe that, now that most of the bordering regions of Israel evacuated, Hezbollah can indeed take up a chunk of the land upnorth. If Israelis can't even provide infantry support to their vaunted Merkava in Gaza then I doubt they would face Hezbollah gallantly.

The strength of Israelis as that of the Americans and the NATO is reduced to aerial bombing to 'soften' the targets and hope for the best. I hear that Israelis are paying as much as $7000/person/month to be mercenary in the Gaza war!!!!
My statement remains correct.
no mater how much Pakistanies cry for gaza or palestenians they cannot do anything and neither can any ammount of there so called pakistani origin journalists in international media .... in desi language you tried best to be ambassadors of afhans after US left but niether afghans cared about you nor USA ..... AND PAKISTAN DID NOT GET ANY MONEY IN OR AFTER US WITHDRAWL IN AFGHANISTAN .... SAME THEY WILL NOT GET ANY MONEY EITHER FROM ARABS OR TURKIYE OR US/ISRAEL FOR MEDIATION IN GAZA ........ NA TO KAARWAAN HI MILLA NA WASAL E SANAM ..... NA IDHAR KE RAHE NAUDHAR KE TUM ;) :p
They can do allot more than you think now bugger off troll

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