Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Send the p$gs to hell
Hezbollah has now fired over 1,000 Kornet ATGM and it’s the weapon of choice against Zionists
Send them to hell and pile them high

Amazing video. And, unlike in Gaza, the video maker / shooter didn't immediately run away in fear of a reprisal attack. Tells you the level of confidence in Hezbollah. I keep hearing that Hezbollah, if it really wants to, can march in and take up upper Galilee region of Israel. The Israelis communities up north are unwilling to go back until guarantees are given that Hezbollah won't be able to repeat the Gazans' October 7 attack.
I keep hearing that Hezbollah, if it really wants to, can march in and take up upper Galilee region of Israel.

One hears a lot of boisterous claims by both sides. Not really believable, though. If either side could just "march in" it would have happened a long time ago.
Amazing video. And, unlike in Gaza, the video maker / shooter didn't immediately run away in fear of a reprisal attack. Tells you the level of confidence in Hezbollah. I keep hearing that Hezbollah, if it really wants to, can march in and take up upper Galilee region of Israel. The Israelis communities up north are unwilling to go back until guarantees are given that Hezbollah won't be able to repeat the Gazans' October 7 attack.
Hezbollah is a defensive force. At most they might capture some small town in order to bait the Israelis into invading Lebanon.
One hears a lot of boisterous claims by both sides. Not really believable, though. If either side could just "march in" it would have happened a long time ago.
Given Israel has evacuated c. 100,000 Israelis from the border communities (within 4-10km from the border), it's plausible that an invading Hezbollah infantry force could quickly seize some border towns/bases.

The bigger problem for a primarily defensive guerrilla force like Hezbollah would be holding onto that territory in the face of a massive IDF counterattack - it's very unlikely that Hezbollah could pull that off.

Regardless, the only Israeli-controlled territory where Hezbollah may even consider such a move would be the occupied Lebanese Sheeba Farms, which is a very small parcel of land.

Hezbollah is a defensive force. At most they might capture some small town in order to bait the Israelis into invading Lebanon.
Indeed. They can leverage home territory as a force multiplier to offset Israel's qualitative superiority.
I keep hearing that Hezbollah, if it really wants to, can march in and take up upper Galilee region of Israel.

I read somewhere that the US has conveyed the message to Hezbollah that, if they get involved in a big way, the US will help Israel flatten Lebanon into Gaza.
First post on this new forum, now to the topic at hand, ending the atrocities.

These leaders have power, but seem afraid to use it. Suspend all travel from or to their country, bar their citizens from coming to your country, stop recognizing their country. All viable options that if enough countries did and isolated Israel as it was after 1967, it would slow down their business in the region. Directly tie any form of normalization to the actual establishment and operational (free to do all things of a state, without Israeli (or western) oversight or coercion) viability of a Palestinian state.

It could be understandable for border nations like Egypt and Jordan to maintain relations to maintain some kind of leverage, if for non-bordering states, isolation has to be what is considered to bring about the pressure to a real long term solution for the region.
One hears a lot of boisterous claims by both sides. Not really believable, though. If either side could just "march in" it would have happened a long time ago.
Hezbollah puts it on the table as a deterrent. Meaning if they suspect a imminent large scale attack on Lebanon or a strike on Iran's nuclear program.

Hamas's situation was different. It was a explosion due to the dire humantarian situation in Gaza which kept getting worse despite efforts by Hamas to make many concessions and give up governance in order the siege/blockade of Gaza to be lifted.

Hezbollah = deterrent card
Hamas = status - quo changing card / final stand
Hezbollah is a defensive force. At most they might capture some small town in order to bait the Israelis into invading Lebanon.
Where do you get impression Hezbollah is a defensive force? Best defense can equal offense. You can say any army is a defensive force but they all make offensive moves to alter status quo or make gains. No different with Hezbollah. The reason they're not getting involved with Gaza is because they don't see a reason for a battle with Israel and they don't like Hamas because Hamas cracked down on a attempted effort by Iran to make a Shia armed organization in Gaza.
Send them to hell and pile them high
Pile them high with 11 bodies? Hezbollah has 250,000 rockets and missiles which they haven't used. This is a existential war for Palestine. Make up your mind, Hezbollah, will you stand with Hamas and Palestine or do token strikes to save face, that will make no difference in the grand scheme of things? The goal of this existential war is not to have some Palestinians exist with no right to self determination and living under occupation. Hezbollah turned out to be a fraud group which never had Palestine high on the agenda. Iran is a even bigger fraud nation which could care less about Gaza and never invested anywhere near enough to properly equip Hamas.

People of region aren't going to force when they attain their freedom one day.
Hezbollah puts it on the table as a deterrent. Meaning if they suspect a imminent large scale attack on Lebanon or a strike on Iran's nuclear program.

Hamas's situation was different. It was a explosion due to the dire humantarian situation in Gaza which kept getting worse despite efforts by Hamas to make many concessions and give up governance in order the siege/blockade of Gaza to be lifted.

Hezbollah = deterrent card
Hamas = status - quo changing card / final stand

Whatever the claims by all sides, the status quo seems to persist, despite occasional boil overs, like the one currently, for some reason.

White House: Iran ‘deeply involved’ in planning Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping​

Iran has been “deeply involved” in the planning of attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels against commercial vessels in the Red Sea, providing weapons, funding, training and “tactical intelligence” to enable the strikes along a critical sea corridor, US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson says in a statement.

Citing newly declassified American intelligence, Watson says “Iranian support throughout the Gaza crisis has enabled the Houthis to launch attacks against Israel and maritime targets, though Iran has often deferred operational decision-making authority to the Houthis.”

Without ongoing Iranian support, “the Houthis would struggle to effectively track and strike commercial vessels,” Watson says.

“We have no reason to believe that Iran is trying to dissuade the Houthis from this reckless behavior,” Watson says.

Iran currently has 2 military vessels in the Red Sea

IRIS Alborz
MV Behshad
Same US intelligence which stated there was a Hamas command center under the Shifa hospital. White House is buttering up Iran to try to get them to use leverage over Houthi's (such as cutting off funding for salaries) if they don't stop attacks on ships in the Red Sea. Looks like Iran has been applying some kind of pressure ever since the formation of the US-led naval coalition.

It's also like the US intelligence linking Iran to Hamas's tactical strike on October 7. Despite it being 100% in house by Hamas, all of it. The planning and execution. Not even other Palestinian factions knew about it. Hamas has more combat experience with Israel than Hezbollah and Iran do. Actually, Iran has zero combat experience with Israel, even.
Pile them high with 11 bodies? Hezbollah has 250,000 rockets and missiles which they haven't used. This is a existential war for Palestine. Make up your mind, Hezbollah, will you stand with Hamas and Palestine or do token strikes to save face, that will make no difference in the grand scheme of things? The goal of this existential war is not to have some Palestinians exist with no right to self determination and living under occupation. Hezbollah turned out to be a fraud group which never had Palestine high on the agenda. Iran is a even bigger fraud nation which could care less about Gaza and never invested anywhere near enough to properly equip Hamas.

People of region aren't going to force when they attain their freedom one day.
Hey been awhile, well whatever we think about Hezbollah it’s definitely more capable than Hamas with hell of a lot more resources. Hamas took the playbook of invading and capturing towns from hezbollah remember hezbollah has been saying for over a decade if another conflict would erupt they would capture small towns in the Galilee. In my opinion this cross border invasion was only supposed to have ever occurred if iran was attacked, Iran would have activated their proxies or groups they have funded like Hamas and jihad from Gaza to Lebanon to Syria to Iraq and Yemen to start a coordinated attack. What happened Hamas got tired of waiting around while Gaza was being choked off the biggest mistake Hamas made was they should have fully concentrated on military bases and outposts on the Gaza border and stayed away from border towns the outcome would have been and embarrassment on epic scale and wouldn’t have been this genocide we see today. 20 plus thousand dead in less than 3 month almost hundred thousand wounded entire cities and towns reduced by the equivalent of two nuclear worth of explosives.
Also staying out of the other forum all together.

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