Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

with the more then 140 k soldiers and 30 countries support still losing against mujahideen heroes with tracksuits.
Yup, and pls dont forget the "over 350K reserve soldiers" also- i guess most of them either didnt show up near Gaza or AWOL'd shortly after being deployed. Quality and determination of soldiers is everything, volume of non-committed soldiers doesnt mean crap. Taliban and Houthis proves this concept and truth extremely well.
Yup, and pls dont forget the "over 350K reserve soldiers" also- i guess most of them either didnt show up near Gaza or AWOL'd shortly after being deployed. Quality and determination of soldiers is everything, volume of non-committed soldiers doesnt mean crap. Taliban and Houthis proves this concept and truth extremely well.

And this is where Scott Ritter--who can be occasionally a loose talker-- is handy: He worked with the Israelis for a while and claims to know the Israeli forces. According to him, except for 50,00-60,000 regular Israeli forces, the rest are Reservists--kind of like the 'National Guards' in America. Civilians with occasional helmets on. They are ill-trained to fight against a determined foe like the Gazans and that too in an urban warfare situation.

PS. Scott has gone totally 'Native'. He doesn't mince words now defending the Palestinians!! In a video yesterday, he just was vocally, unabashedly defending Hamas--something which can ruin him!!
Personally I think Mearsheimer's thesis makes more sense. The Israel lobby exerts a massive amount of influence over American politics by funding the campaigns of friendly politicians and funding the opponents of those who criticise Israel. This has gradually led to pro-Israel politicians dominating congress, despite the fact that supporting Israel has never been a major campaign issue or a vote winner. Supporting Israel may have been beneficial at times for America's interests but more often than not it has actually damaged them, especially their relationships with oil rich Arab countries in the past. Think about it, what does America get out of unconditionally supporting what Israel is doing right now?
There is literally nothing positive for America doing this, it's damaging America's image in the Arab world and around the world, especially at a time when it's trying to gather more support in the fight against Russia, and it completely undermines it's claim to be standing up for human rights and the oppressed all over the world.
Personally I think Mearsheimer's thesis makes more sense. The Israel lobby exerts a massive amount of influence over American politics by funding the campaigns of friendly politicians and funding the opponents of those who criticise Israel. This has gradually led to pro-Israel politicians dominating congress, despite the fact that supporting Israel has never been a major campaign issue or a vote winner. Supporting Israel may have been beneficial at times for America's interests but more often than not it has actually damaged them, especially their relationships with oil rich Arab countries in the past. Think about it, what does America get out of unconditionally supporting what Israel is doing right now?
There is literally nothing positive for America doing this, it's damaging America's image in the Arab world and around the world, especially at a time when it's trying to gather more support in the fight against Russia, and it completely undermines it's claim to be standing up for human rights and the oppressed all over the world.

You are absolutely correct. Israeli influence over US politics is immense. You have an army of Zionist Christians representing the Zionist cause. The Zionists have absolutely hijacked and infiltrated the US in its entirety.
The American State Department under Blinken Zionist Jo boy and his puppet Biden have rejected a ceasefire language to be included in the resolution, meaning they want Israel to decide when to allow and deny the aid trucks, while the genocide continues. The Zionists, wherever they're, are truly evil.

Let's face it. The Zionists are setting the terms and conditions. The US is simply following orders. The only role US has to play is deliver weapons and defend Israel diplomatically.
Personally I think Mearsheimer's thesis makes more sense. The Israel lobby exerts a massive amount of influence over American politics by funding the campaigns of friendly politicians and funding the opponents of those who criticise Israel. This has gradually led to pro-Israel politicians dominating congress, despite the fact that supporting Israel has never been a major campaign issue or a vote winner. Supporting Israel may have been beneficial at times for America's interests but more often than not it has actually damaged them, especially their relationships with oil rich Arab countries in the past. Think about it, what does America get out of unconditionally supporting what Israel is doing right now?
There is literally nothing positive for America doing this, it's damaging America's image in the Arab world and around the world, especially at a time when it's trying to gather more support in the fight against Russia, and it completely undermines it's claim to be standing up for human rights and the oppressed all over the world.

Mearsheimer, along with S. Walt, wrote 'The Israel Lobby' in mid 2000s. He was criticized for that a lot. The two professors could have faced the fate of Norman Finklestein but, at that time, it would be too much focus on Israel and so ADL/AIPAC let it go.
But the mid 2000's was a long time ago and since then the Israel Lobby has really really consolidated its power in America. From a recent blogger, if the Lobby ever allows a non-Jew to powerful positions, it is after much vetting or for 'appearance's sake'.
They really, really are bringing down America but I am glad this conflict has not only mostly destroyed the 'Anti-semitism' blackmail but also making American Christians to finally look around and see who's who.
The IsraHELLI child killers made the loudest noises and cries when they taste the pain of their own medicine. Listen to the cries from these 2 child killers. 👇 👇

Hah! That's too much suffering for them--they even have 'counseling' available to civilians in Tel Aviv and other cities to cope with the 'emotional trauma' of hearing the rockets from Gaza and the sirens, as they run into shelters, which seem to exist in hotels and schools and markets...
BREAKING: Iraqi Resistance claims drone attack against Israeli energy target in the Mediterranean

This is a developing story. I will add more details once available.

The multifront war is coming up unless some brakes being put into place stop that.

If, after the declaration of a long ceasefire, Hamas comes out of its tunnels, brandishes its weapons and declares 'victory', then Israel is finished. Why so? Because the 'deterrence', which was already greatly damaged by Hezbollah in 2006, will be gone now--and now everyone would know how to fight and humiliate Israel.
Washington Post debunks Israeli lies about Hamas "command centre" under Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza
This scandal is so disgusting, so outrageous, that those who facilitated must not be allowed to get away with it.

Israel claimed al-Shifa Hospital was "the main headquarters for Hamas’ terrorist activity".

This claim was used to justify attacking the hospital and slaughtering doctors, nurses and patients.

Several Western journalists, commentators and media outlets facilitated this lie. In doing so they helped justify Israel's assaults on multiple healthcare facilities, and its killing and kidnapping of medical staff.

Well as this Washington Post investigation shows, it was all based on a lie.

A lie which was used to justify a monstrous war crime.

President Biden is also complicit in this, as he told the public/reporters that he had seen evidence that Hamas did have a command centre under the hospital, and he personally believed that this was the case (implicitly justifying Israel's barbaric attack against the hospital, which left the corpses of infants literally rotting).

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