Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This is valuable target and hope it is true, vital infrastructure is main weakness of occupier, by my opinion iraq is ideal for such kind of operations as they have strong non state actors and are practically out of the reach for retaliation.

They claim to have fired a drone a few days ago. Israelis claimed to have intercepted a drone a few days ago. No damage done. Hezbollah is much closer and has cruise missiles and drones if they actually wanted to hit it. They don't want to.

They claim to have fired a drone a few days ago. Israelis claimed to have intercepted a drone a few days ago. No damage done. Hezbollah is much closer and has cruise missiles and drones if they actually wanted to hit it. They don't want to.
It is closer but different conditions for enemy retaliations, syria and iraq are better locations for targeting that kind of facilities,

White House: Iran ‘deeply involved’ in planning Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping​

Iran has been “deeply involved” in the planning of attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels against commercial vessels in the Red Sea, providing weapons, funding, training and “tactical intelligence” to enable the strikes along a critical sea corridor, US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson says in a statement.

Citing newly declassified American intelligence, Watson says “Iranian support throughout the Gaza crisis has enabled the Houthis to launch attacks against Israel and maritime targets, though Iran has often deferred operational decision-making authority to the Houthis.”

Without ongoing Iranian support, “the Houthis would struggle to effectively track and strike commercial vessels,” Watson says.

“We have no reason to believe that Iran is trying to dissuade the Houthis from this reckless behavior,” Watson says.

Iran currently has 2 military vessels in the Red Sea

IRIS Alborz
MV Behshad
In another news in genocide

🚨🇮🇱🇷🇺 Israel has REJECTED a Russian request to establish a field hospital in Gaza to assist in treating the wounded.

Israel instead aimed to persuade Russia to assist in the displacement of Gaza residents to Egypt.

Putin REFUSED the proposal.
Of course , the genocidal freaks won't agree to such idea of helping Palestinians under slaughterhouse because IDF terrorists are trying to cleanse 🇵🇸 ethnically and butchering children everywhere they're while flattening Gaza. Nice attempt by Putin
Very sensible, pragmatic post and well worth pondering!

The biggest problem is: Israelis truly are determined to have a largely, if not exclusively, Jewish-majority state at least between the Jordan River and the Med. Sea (including the West Bank and Gaza). Some apparently educated Israeli blogger I read yesterday even saying things like 'Grab Lebanon up to the Litani River to help Israel's water table' ... 'Israel is about the size of Taiwan and so can have 25 million Jews to make a viable military and industrial' base'.

These thoughts must be in significant part of the Israeli society--Netanyahu is not alone--he has been the longest serving Israeli PM for a reason!

To sum up: Israel, in its current form, is truly a colonial, racist, expansionist enterprise looking for a Lebensraum with only possible tolerance of the Untermensch. Once we truly understand that then all of Israel's and/or its backers' actions going back to late 19th century, including inciting at least World War II, would start to make sense. And such an ideology can only be beaten back through violence.
You are completely spot on IMO. Their stance is to grab more land to make this greater Israel possible. Giving up west bank will be a big weakness for them. That leaves only one option for those oppressed resistance in all ways possible.

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