Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

A young American woman discovers the truth: “France, Britain, and America created a new state: Israel, and finance it entirely, so that it can maintain some power and influence in the Middle East... So it never matters who rules Israel. It is their extension of controlling the region!”

“One million people may face famine and death by July.” A report by the United Nations FAO raises a cry of panic about the situation in Gaza, as Israel continues to close the crossings and tighten the siege on the stricken sector, in light of an ongoing barbaric war.

Criminal minds!

If anyone here had studied about the the world mafia(s) and organized crime comprehensively in Criminology.. he'd had known that in every one of them there are Zionists leaders.. so in this way they control even the black money and the crime is the main strength of the Mossad too in gathering information and organizing assassinations abroad.. almost anywhere..
How many people can MOSSAD kill before they too get assasinated ?
How many people can MOSSAD kill before they too get assasinated ?
They are protected abroad by other Western intelligence agencies and the under world.. so it is very difficult to target them.. I know only a few instances where Mossad agents were killed.. one in Spain executed by an Algerian branch of the the Palestinian FPLP.. where the chief of the Mossad in Spain was assassinated in Madrid.... One in England where a Zionist billionaire and Mossad agent was shot in the face at his home by the famous Carlos working for the FPLP too.. but this one survived.. and the assassinations of two famous female agents.. Sylvia Rafael a Mossad commander killed in Syprus by a Palestinian commando and a Dutch deadly female agent killed in Amsterdam in her boat/home by Palestinian commandos too..
Biden's calculations is Muslim votes vs AIPAC $$. As of now and maybe near early Nov. 2024, the AIPAC $$ wins. He also knows that many anti-Israel or Muslims wouldn't vote for Trump, so he is not afraid to back Israel materially while, occasionally, doing lip service to Palestinians.

AIPAC? We ain't seen nothing yet, brother.


She took brother Yassin’s 105 inches like a team player. Well, good luck to her, no ones going to be touching her.

Ahahahaaaa. Well played, sir, well played. 👏
In fact, I do not know where democracy is in Israel. Is it killing as many Arabs and Muslims as possible? Or stealing the largest amount of land and property in Jerusalem, the interior, and the West Bank? Or is it the policy of demolishing Arab homes? Or is it democratization?

As a political system, it is a "democracy', but every political system in the world has ideological backgrounds, and in the case of the entity it is a historical religious and racist background, in addition to the fact that this entity is an occupation that uses all possible force tools for control and expansion.

For example: The essence of Zionism for them is settlement in the Promised Land

That's what I thought, just wanted to be sure.
I have a very good friend who's Cherokee also and has been quite sympathetic to the Palestinian cause since before I even knew him, and we've been friends for over 35 years. I take it the same sentiment is shared by those in your neck of the woods, too? It would only be natural since it's practically the same struggle, only a century or so apart.

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