Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Welcome Officer Shani Ayalaשני איילהCommander of the 13th Company in the West Bank Bull Unit
is one of the biggest criminals and was responsible for sniping dozens of children in Palestine during the Jerusalem Intifada in 2015.

This is the tip of the iceberg... the last picture of her displacing the Palestinians in Khan Al-Ahmar in Jerusalem

I hope everyone participates in Shani Ayala’s wedding. We told her not to go to Gaza, but she refused and swallowed a Yassin 105 shell, but that does not prevent us from participating in her wedding.

It it takes 4 crews out from the fight it is already good.. It depends where the tank is hit.. sometimes there are dead crews..
Do we know of any confirmed deaths(genuine question)? I can't seem to figure out the level of damage on the crew by that video, but it doesn't seem to be super serious considering the guy jumped down from the Tank and could engage in a conversation.

If they're just lightly injured and can return to duty then it's pretty disappointing, not because the Yasin is a bad weapon - on the contrary, it's tremendous achievement considering the circumstances. I just can't stop thinking what could've been possible if the Gazan resistance had something similar to the Javelin, Almas that Hezbollah have or even the Kornet. We've seen 100's of Yasin videos where the resistance are bravely bulls eyeing IDF tanks. Just imagine the casualties they'd give the IDF if they had something more penetrative and with a greater punch.
Do we know of any confirmed deaths(genuine question)? I can't seem to figure out the level of damage on the crew by that video, but it doesn't seem to be super serious considering the guy jumped down from the Tank and could engage in a conversation.

If they're just lightly injured and can return to duty then it's pretty disappointing, not because the Yasin is a bad weapon - on the contrary, it's tremendous achievement considering the circumstances. I just can't stop thinking what could've been possible if the Gazan resistance had something similar to the Javelin, Almas that Hezbollah have or even the Kornet. We've seen 100's of Yasin videos where the resistance are bravely bulls eyeing IDF tanks. Just imagine the casualties they'd give the IDF if they had something more penetrative and with a greater punch.
I agree to that obviously.. .. but it is not only the crew.. most important is taking the tank out of service.. at least for a while.. there are many videos showing Merkava tanks burning!
Netanyahu: The United Nations joins Hamas.
The Israeli army is the most ethical in the world .

Don't trust word from a govt which is bought and paid for by the Zionists. Whatever the Americans might say about this conflict is driven by the need to keep the 'appearances' of 'freedom and democracy', and for the 'Historical' records, and to evade any culpability in case of the UN Courts.
It is as simple as that!!

Oh I wasn't posting it because I believed it, lol. I was showing the hypocrisy and the double standards of this self-proclaimed zionist.

I have no idea how he thinks this will help him garner the Muslim vote after the way he's been complicit in genocide, let alone get elected and even live through half the term seeing how old he's suddenly become. Did you see him in Normandie? He couldn't even bend over to sit on the chair behind him. And that dits of a wife of his wouldn't even help him from the embarrassment. It was pathetic.
Just received a confirmation my Quran is in the mail.

A victim of good old fashioned white ex piggy beating me yesterday. Bonded out this morning.

My index finger accidentally touched his chest while he was punching me in the face.

Filled out an affidavit to have the ex piggy charged. Not holding my breath.

This is the kind of white supremacy that gets all of us, even a white older gentleman like me.

Ex piggy is respected at the local church. I am now more serious in taking up Islam.

Asked an elder if I could join in on tomorrow's protest for Palestine. He told me not to, telling me someone will likely shoot me.

America the free, hu-rah! s/

BTW, I've had my share of fun experiences with piggies myself lol. And I live in a small, wicked uppity white town north of Boston and for a while I never had any problems with them until the last few years. Then when they found out my origin oh boy how things changed hahaha. Talk about having a bug up one's ass. To make matters worse, I happen to know the law quite well and whenever I run into them for whatever reason, I treat them exactly the way they deserve to be treated without crossing the line and boy does that piss them off hahaha.

So what do you mean by an "elder"? Is that someone who's part of Cherokee nation or the Church or something else?
BTW, I've had my share of fun experiences with piggies myself lol. And I live in a small, wicked uppity white town north of Boston and for a while I never had any problems with them until the last few years. Then when they found out my origin oh boy how things changed hahaha. Talk about having a bug up one's ass. To make matters worse, I happen to know the law quite well and whenever I run into them for whatever reason, I treat them exactly the way they deserve to be treated without crossing the line and boy does that piss them off hahaha.

So what do you mean by an "elder"? Is that someone who's part of Cherokee nation or the Church or something else?
Israeli media: Israel officially informs the United States of its rejection of the US President’s proposal to reach a deal with Hamas

Israeli media: Israel demands changing several clauses in the proposal, most notably the clause calling for a permanent cessation of hostilities.

* But Biden said it was Natanyahu's proposal!?

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